R's Traffic Rant


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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R's Traffic Rant @Hole on BmR
So last night I'm about 1/2 mile from the house and pull up to stop light as the first in line (cage). Another car pulls up to my right and we wait. All is normal until Mr BmR in his K1300 lane splits us at the light.

Lights Green, I take off at normal pace BmR dude's on it a bit (its wet out) and just through the light/intersection is reverse bank RH corner and the road narrows to 1 lane. The car to my right has fallen back, BmR is ahead of me and realizes he's a bit hot for the corner and brakes while up right but not enough so he's going wide and braking in the corner. I give him room and the road straightens thus all is well for him. I flash the HB's 4X for his act of stupidness and he promptly ANCHORS the BRAKES so we go from 45mph to 15 or less!!! Yes, I gave him the HB's again! OK, now we're - headed down this straight stretch and he speeds up to 50 or so and I pace him as this is the normal speed for this section. Now for what ever reason he Grinds to Halt no less than 3 more times only to speed up again and come to a near stop. The last of which I was on his @ss for being such a DORK when he Grabbed that handful of brake! REPEAT - The Last round was full horn, HB's and a Finger that he couldn't see!
If ever there was time to reach out and B$$ch slap a fellow rider this was it!! He Earned it!

Conclusion; Some people are just idiots and I'd guess a few more acts like that and he'll be under the buss and ruining someone's life. Bottom line - don't be like that idiot ever! Some of the 4X4 drivers in these parts are pretty aggressive - should these two idiots cross the outcome is not going to be pretty.. .. ..

/End of today's rant
flashing high beams can usually be interpreted as an act of aggressive driving. if you were expecting a different result what would that be? a humble wave of apology? I think not
Brake checking a cager while on a bike? Future Darwin award winner right there. What a douche-nozzle. :spank:
Sounds like you should have backed off and gave him some good distance instead of getting aggressive. What would you have done if you were on your bike and a cager started flashing his highbeams and honking at you? Brakecheck, methinks.
R's Traffic Rant @Hole on BmR
So last night I'm about 1/2 mile from the house and pull up to stop light as the first in line (cage). Another car pulls up to my right and we wait. All is normal until Mr BmR in his K1300 lane splits us at the light.

Lights Green, I take off at normal pace BmR dude's on it a bit (its wet out) and just through the light/intersection is reverse bank RH corner and the road narrows to 1 lane. The car to my right has fallen back, BmR is ahead of me and realizes he's a bit hot for the corner and brakes while up right but not enough so he's going wide and braking in the corner. I give him room and the road straightens thus all is well for him. I flash the HB's 4X for his act of stupidness and he promptly ANCHORS the BRAKES so we go from 45mph to 15 or less!!! Yes, I gave him the HB's again! OK, now we're - headed down this straight stretch and he speeds up to 50 or so and I pace him as this is the normal speed for this section. Now for what ever reason he Grinds to Halt no less than 3 more times only to speed up again and come to a near stop. The last of which I was on his @ss for being such a DORK when he Grabbed that handful of brake! REPEAT - The Last round was full horn, HB's and a Finger that he couldn't see!
If ever there was time to reach out and B$$ch slap a fellow rider this was it!! He Earned it!

Conclusion; Some people are just idiots and I'd guess a few more acts like that and he'll be under the buss and ruining someone's life. Bottom line - don't be like that idiot ever! Some of the 4X4 drivers in these parts are pretty aggressive - should these two idiots cross the outcome is not going to be pretty.. .. ..

/End of today's rant

Should throw this in the Biker Rage Story thread. Although you may not have been raging the other guy probably was, that was why he was being a dick
I never understood brake checking unless you want to start a fight or something. I think the highway code says you are supposed to operate your vehicle in a safe and reasonable manner. I don't think brake checking with a 30 mph difference qualifies as safe and reasonable. The idiot is putting both of you at risk because a cage could run you both down since bikes stop faster and being hit from behind is the highest ratio of fatalities for motorcycles.
Did I misinterpret the original post or was the OP driving his cage during this incident?
Yep, he was an azzhole. Maybe relax a bit tho mate.

I have about as much respect for this rider as he respects his own life... not much.

If you're going to split a light (legally or not), you should damn well be prepared to get well out in front of traffic and not impede anyone you just passed. In other words, don't do it in the wet, at night, with immediate bad banked turns ahead. Still, sh-- happens and he did what he had to do to save it. You probably shouldn't have flashed him to begin with, but you CERTAINLY should not have played grabass with him following the first brake check.

The reason why I say this is because, now that I'm a little longer in the tooth, I've come to the conclusion that road rage in any form never solves the problem that started the situation. Flipping off, flashing beams, honking, etc... you think you're teaching them a lesson. The reality is, that person will learn nothing from the incident, and all you get is stress, a ticket, an accident, or worse...

The irony (and takeaway) here is the time he saved by splitting you at the light was lost by being a moron.
Have you ever been on your bike, following cars at night in the rain? The spray that car tires kick up will make it almost impossible to see through your face shield.

I don't blame the biker for wanting to get in front so he could see before encountering curves but being a douche about it didn't help anything.
For reference: I wasn't on his @as till the final round of brake check as I don't ride up on cars or bikes. I gave him loads of room knowing before he knew that the corner was gonna more than he bargained for!! I never raced him just the flash for the unwarranted lane split and riding beyond his means in the dark. His need to BC was now holding up traffic behind me/putting me at risk of being rear-ended (Forgot that above). Hint - no where to turn off here, just a straight road. Perhaps I painted the wrong picture but all aggression fell on him. Well, except those who feel lights flahing is aggression. IMO when you do something STUPID you are aware and OWN what's coming to you! So take as you will.. .. ..
Had he not been such a douche this never would made a post.
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I have about as much respect for this rider as he respects his own life... not much.

If you're going to split a light (legally or not), you should damn well be prepared to get well out in front of traffic and not impede anyone you just passed. In other words, don't do it in the wet, at night, with immediate bad banked turns ahead. Still, sh-- happens and he did what he had to do to save it. You probably shouldn't have flashed him to begin with, but you CERTAINLY should not have played grabass with him following the first brake check.

The reason why I say this is because, now that I'm a little longer in the tooth, I've come to the conclusion that road rage in any form never solves the problem that started the situation. Flipping off, flashing beams, honking, etc... you think you're teaching them a lesson. The reality is, that person will learn nothing from the incident, and all you get is stress, a ticket, an accident, or worse...

The irony (and takeaway) here is the time he saved by splitting you at the light was lost by being a moron.

Ya, no grab @ss, its now a divided road with no turn outs. If he stops, we all stop. Someone comes to a crawl you slow and adjust your speed to theirs maintaining distance.

FWIW: my style as cage or rider is that I don't DO an ACTION that makes someone else have to react. Like pulling out in front of someone, changing lanes into a space I don't fit into - etc. Yes, if it must be, I have no issues doing it but as general rule I blend well matching speeds as needed.

Its interested to see the opinions of others.
Its interested to see the opinions of others.

This has been a test. :BLAA:

It's hard not to rage at stupid stuff on the road and when I do, I feel bad that I didn't chill as there'd be no escalation and I'd be less stressed on the road and after the ride.
This has been a test. :BLAA:

It's hard not to rage at stupid stuff on the road and when I do, I feel bad that I didn't chill as there'd be no escalation and I'd be less stressed on the road and after the ride.

Lane Splitting not legal here and there was no traffic cept us waiting at the light and the D/@ss!

Ya, not the "rage" kind, nor does sitting in traffic boil me blood. Logging some 25,000 miles every year and accident free for 300,000+ miles there is no point in getting angry at stupid people. That would only serve to shorten my life, not theirs! ;) but I can vent here!:thumbup:
I've seen some horrendously stupid acts on bikes when I was in my car and when I was on my bike.
In both cases, I back off so damn far that we're not in the same zip code. I don't care what the limit is.. I give them loads and loads of room to get the hell away from me. I never flash my HBs at squids or honk at them.

My reasoning: they're often clueless and I'm not there to test their skills. No matter how wonderful the world would be without them on the road, it is not my place to make them crash / get hurt / kill themselves or hurt others.

I'm not saying this is how everyone should behave, just sharing what I do in those situations.
In both cases, I back off so damn far that we're not in the same zip code.

ERCI you have that luxury in your neck of the woods to back off and change zip codes, I mean RI you can drive through the whole state in 30 minutes.

I'm just teasing BTW.

I'm in AZ where our cities Mesa, Scottsdale, and Phoenix are like the top 3 largest cities by square mile land mass in the country. Maricopa County where I live at 9,200 square miles is bigger than the state of NJ at 8,700 square miles.

Luckily down here it is rare to get stuck on a two lane road. Our primary surface streets are 7 lanes across (3 each direction and a suicide lane)
ERCI you have that luxury in your neck of the woods to back off and change zip codes, I mean RI you can drive through the whole state in 30 minutes.

I'm just teasing BTW.

I'm in AZ where our cities Mesa, Scottsdale, and Phoenix are like the top 3 largest cities by square mile land mass in the country. Maricopa County where I live at 9,200 square miles is bigger than the state of NJ at 8,700 square miles.

Luckily down here it is rare to get stuck on a two lane road. Our primary surface streets are 7 lanes across (3 each direction and a suicide lane)

I must be missing something, but I really don't get how acreage affects one's ability to let idiots get ahead.
I must be missing something, but I really don't get how acreage affects one's ability to let idiots get ahead.

It doesn't. I was just teasing about how you said you could back off into another zip code to get away from idiots. I was just saying our zip codes are too big. Nevermind.
It doesn't. I was just teasing about how you said you could back off into another zip code to get away from idiots. I was just saying our zip codes are too big. Nevermind.

Oh my bad.. I seem to have left my sense of humor in another zip code. Luckily it's a short walk :D