Roommate Rant


FZ Rider
Elite Member
Mar 6, 2007
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St.Joe/Kalamazoo Michigan
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So, I've been really busy lately with school, I just landed a new internship, haven't been sleeping well, haven't had much time to ride the FZ, and have a handful of a girlfriend. Maybe that's why I am getting irritated soo easily.

BUT here's the rant

Lately I've pretty much all but given up pop/soda and have been drinking mostly water and tea. Well, I also have been drinking these:

Original Brand AriZona Beverage Co.


Man they're good. 99 cents, Not too many calories, not too much sugar really (more than I should have probably still but way better than a pop), low sodium, etc.

Well my girlfriend picked me up one yesterday as a treat and I was really grateful, but I didn't end up drinking it and put it in the fridge. Our other room mate, my best friend Matt, knew that this was MINE. Well, I get up at 4:30 this morning and go in to work like every other Monday Wednesday and Friday the past few weeks since I started my new job and I just got home around 3:00pm. The WHOLE drive home I was thinking about my delicious half lemonade half iced tea and how it would be so nice to enjoy it when I got home.

Well, I come home, open the fridge and it's gone. Matt must have drank it because Whitney was gone all day, and she bought it for me so she wouldn't haev. So, I go upstairs to his room, where he is at in front of his computer where he has been playing the Sims and World of Warcraft ALL DAY and I see the can in front of him on his computer desk. I asked him about it and he said, "uhh I was thirsty so I drank it".

Now, maybe this normally wouldn't make me soo upset, but he has classes on the same days I do, and he had allllllll day long to go and get his own Arnold Palmer, or to replace mine. He has all this time and doesn't get a job or do anything constructive, just plays WOW all day while I'm gone working making money so I can live and pay bills instead of having mommy and daddy pay for everything like his parents do and he sits at home and drinks my Arnold Palmer.

Man it pissed me off.

Sorry for the rant but I feel a little bit better now.
I feel your pain, man. While I was at college my roommate opened my 99 cent 3 liter of Sun Drop. He left me 50 cents on the top of the fridge for the amount he drank...which didn't near equal half the bottle...but by the time I had gotten back Sunday night, it was FLAT. :spank: Yep, he de-virginized my 3 liter and it went flat.

I feel your pain...

Maybe you should log on his WoW character and spend some of his gold :sinister:
Hey buddy, I also feel your pain. Roommates have been nothing but trouble for me. The last one I had didn't pay his bills and didn't tell me he hadn't paid them until i got a nasty letter from our leasing ofice threatening to evict us. I had to clean out my savings account to get us square with them. Took him about 6 months to pay off the $1300 he owed me and that was mostly because he would just forget about it. Came about this || close to beating on his car with a baseball bat because I was going broke as a result of his financial negligance...

I also understand where you're coming from, financially. I've had to take over my bills the past 3 years or so (and likely the next 1.5) of my college carrer. It drives me bonkers that there are people (like one of my roommates) who sit around and play 'effing WOW all day. Waste of perfectly good time and energy to me.

Best of luck with your roommate. This, too, shall pass.
My house mate is a total **** tard.
He has a 07 gsxr which he bought just so he can think hes cool, he cant ride it for ****. and tells everyone that hes gonna get it clear coated every year.

Then he has a track bike r6 thats seen the track once in about 10 months.
and some old hunk of crap kwakka that hes "fixing up".
and a honda blackbird that he rides to work and thinks he is faster than me on it.

Then he has the hide to bitch about me to my girlfriend.

And whilst ive been modding my bike, everytime i get new bits he tells me how it could be better. Oh and my bike sounds like a sewing machine.
My house mate is a total **** tard.
He has a 07 gsxr which he bought just so he can think hes cool, he cant ride it for ****. and tells everyone that hes gonna get it clear coated every year.

Then he has a track bike r6 thats seen the track once in about 10 months.
and some old hunk of crap kwakka that hes "fixing up".
and a honda blackbird that he rides to work and thinks he is faster than me on it.

Then he has the hide to bitch about me to my girlfriend.

And whilst ive been modding my bike, everytime i get new bits he tells me how it could be better. Oh and my bike sounds like a sewing machine.

I'm not one to offer relationship advice but. I have or should I say had a friend like that. He is jealous of you, your bike, your mods, oh and he wants your girlfriend. Get him out of your life and you will be a happier person.
I'd do something nasty to a really great looking plate of food or a really refreshing drink and leave it for him to take... teach him a lesson. ;)
My house mate is a total **** tard.
He has a 07 gsxr which he bought just so he can think hes cool, he cant ride it for ****. and tells everyone that hes gonna get it clear coated every year.

Then he has a track bike r6 thats seen the track once in about 10 months.
and some old hunk of crap kwakka that hes "fixing up".
and a honda blackbird that he rides to work and thinks he is faster than me on it.

Then he has the hide to bitch about me to my girlfriend.

And whilst ive been modding my bike, everytime i get new bits he tells me how it could be better. Oh and my bike sounds like a sewing machine.

But, you have a nice trump card you can play when he says something along those lines? Something like..."well, God smiled on me from the waste down..." ;)
I'm not one to offer relationship advice but. I have or should I say had a friend like that. He is jealous of you, your bike, your mods, oh and he wants your girlfriend. Get him out of your life and you will be a happier person.

Its a share house so i have not rights to evict him, but hes starting to get the idea i dont like him.
I could go on for hours with more stuff he does but il save it for another day.

yeah it sounds like jelousy. his GF looks like the type you would try stuff back in at birth
Simple answer


You get a tin of altoids. You go work out. You write NEW Testi-mints on a small white card and fit it so that it goes perfectly in the bottom of the mints. Rub each and every mint on your sweaty man sack. Replace said mints and leave them sitting on the counter. Dont touch them at all. Dont offer them. Dont say a word, act like they dont exist. When they are almost gone your roommate will never touch another thing you own. He will also think you are sick sob but thats ok.
Simple answer


You get a tin of altoids. You go work out. You write NEW Testi-mints on a small white card and fit it so that it goes perfectly in the bottom of the mints. Rub each and every mint on your sweaty man sack. Replace said mints and leave them sitting on the counter. Dont touch them at all. Dont offer them. Dont say a word, act like they dont exist. When they are almost gone your roommate will never touch another thing you own. He will also think you are sick sob but thats ok.

OMG Steve! :sinister:

Hey man you don't really know a person, until you live with them. That person could be your best friend, your wife, WHOEVER. You don't really know who they are until you spend the majority of your time with them.

If I were you I would drink/eat anything that kid's parents buy for him. Payback's a bitch. But then-again i've gotten in fights with my roomates for that exact reason - eating all my food while i'm at work.

I feel your pain, and there's nobody there to make them NOT eat your food, you could try what I like to do:

Either eat the food that they buy, only buy food/drinks when your ready to eat it, lock your food up, or take their microwave and hide it in the trunk of your car so next time they try to heat up the burrito's you bought and made - there's no microwave.

All effective strategies, but most will end up with bad juju between the two of you. I feel your pain man. Been there, done that.

Get rid of her....get rid of him....problem solved.


If your parents got on your nerves once, or your wife, would you just dump them or get rid of them out of your life? No, because they are important people to you.

My friend and girlfriend are important to me, I just got irritated at my friend, and I posted a rant about it on here and feel better.

I don't see how you had anything good to say in your post at all. I think you have a bad attitude with your comment and would hope you would reconsider posting anything at all next time unless you have a personal story or anything constructive to say. Yea, when it comes down to it, life's a bitch, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about how we feel about it.
I was thinking along the line of Wrightme.......... small hole under the rim, use a syringe to suck out some tea and put (___fill in the blank____) it it, plug the hole (maybe with the 99cent sticker?), leave it in the fridge, and enjoy your revenge.

I have had roomates like this (eat everything they could if they got drunk) I eventually bought a mini-fridge for $50 and put a lock on it in my room. Made it all much easier. But I will say they ate and drank some evil stuff before I got that fridge........

P.S. one of my favorite "fill in the blanks" is dave's insanity sauce. it is lethal!(and funny as hell to watch them bounce around, drinking water to no avail!) Check it out.
Dave's Store
Come on dude I love those things too but I never would do something like that over one of them. I had a roomate that lived with me and my wife for a while and never had any complaints. The only arguments we ever got in are just what I think happened here. You were already pissed about something else. You know what you should do, buy him one and go home this afternoon and give it to him for thinking such things because of a drink. And maybe even tell him what you were thinking.
Kill him.

OK...maybe that's going a little far. Maybe you should salt a drink and leave it for

Ppl are loosing their jobs, ppl are dying in tsunamis and massive earth quakes, ppl get arrested for crimes they committed 30 years ago... trust me bro, getting upset over a can of soda is not worth it... put things into perspective, give your roommate a hug and tell him you're glad he is your friend.
Everyone needs to rant every now and again just to get things off their chest... Now you can move forward and maybe even just let your buddy know that it would be nice if he could replace things as soon as possible. In this case I just think you were looking forward to something special that your GF brought you. I hope you feel better now.

Have a great day!
