Rider down...fz6joker

Wow just saw this thread where have I been all day... Prayers go out for a speedy recovery to you Daniel... hope for a speedy recovery...
you re a great friend. thanks for setting this up for daniel. my thoughts are with him and family and wish him a speedy recovery. donation made
My heart goes out to Daniel/fz6joker, and to his family and friends. Donation on the way!

To Daniel - hang in there buddy. I am very thankful to hear that you are stabilized and doing OK, all things considered.

A friend of my brother's wrecked his bike on the freeway commuting a few years back, and had a lot of the same injuries including the shattered pelvis. It took him some time, including tons of physical therapy and hard work, but he is actually pretty much back to normal - no walker, crutches, etc. Hang in there and stay strong. Believe in yourself and in the healing process - you can do it!

Motorcycle wrecks suck - ask me and my new titanium plate on my collarbone, and the scar from which some of you have seen in person.

It will get better - we're pulling for you Daniel!
Hang in there, Daniel! :thumbup: You got a lot of people praying and thinking about you! I'm glad to be able to help a fellow rider out.
Thanks again everyone! I wanted to update you with one great piece of info I heard earlier tonight.

Daniel is now out of the ICU and in a normal room! And get this...his room number at UK Hospital is...129. As in US 129 (The Dragon). This brought a huge smile to my face when PJ posted it earlier on our local forum. :D

I'm heading over to see him tomorrow after work, and I'll be sure to read him your comments, as this will really get his spirits up. Again, you guys are amazing and I feel blessed to be a part of such a great forum. It's just one of the reasons so many people may move on to another bike, but they stay a member of this forum.

Thank you all!
Hey Dan, you dont know me, I dont know you, but I am glad to help in a small way
get on your feet again soon
best wishes
Thanks for getting out the information to the community.

Daniel, I wish you the best in your recovery. Keep a positive attitude and be thankful for surviving such a horrible crash.
Wow! I know I haven't been on here in a while, but you guys rock!! Daniel's a great guy, I've only ridden with him at the Gap, but after I went down on the Cherahola, I only had a cot to sleep on. He let me crash in his room free of charge.
Wow! I know I haven't been on here in a while, but you guys rock!! Daniel's a great guy, I've only ridden with him at the Gap, but after I went down on the Cherahola, I only had a cot to sleep on. He let me crash in his room free of charge.

Clay, it's good to see you on here again. Clay is a member of the local board I was talking about in the first post and one of the best guys you could ever want to know. Hopefully I'll be getting to see him soon at the Gap next month!

This has been a bad year of riding locally for us. Clay and another rider on the same trip to the Gap in May, went down. Luckily, Clay wasn't hurt too badly but our other buddy Adrian was at the UT medical center for almost 3 weeks. Now this happens to Daniel. We've also had a few other get offs, but luckily nothing too bad.

Clay, I'll say hi to Daniel for you when I stop by to see him tomorrow. :thumbup:
Its aweful to hear of a fellow rider having such a bad accident, hope you mend soon Daniel.

Thanks to Corey for posting it here.
Clay, it's good to see you on here again. Clay is a member of the local board I was talking about in the first post and one of the best guys you could ever want to know. Hopefully I'll be getting to see him soon at the Gap next month!

This has been a bad year of riding locally for us. Clay and another rider on the same trip to the Gap in May, went down. Luckily, Clay wasn't hurt too badly but our other buddy Adrian was at the UT medical center for almost 3 weeks. Now this happens to Daniel. We've also had a few other get offs, but luckily nothing too bad.

Clay, I'll say hi to Daniel for you when I stop by to see him tomorrow. :thumbup:

Yep, bad gap trip for prillars, and too many bad wrecks this year. Thanks for telling Danieal hi, Cory. I just wish I was closer, so I could go by and visit.
Yep, bad gap trip for prillars, and too many bad wrecks this year. Thanks for telling Danieal hi, Cory. I just wish I was closer, so I could go by and visit.

No worries, Clay. I'm going to let Daniel know about this thread so he can stop in and see the wonderful response. I should have an update on him for you guys either tonight or tomorrow. :thumbup:
Ok, guys, I wanted to give everyone another update on Daniel. I haven't been able to stop by and see him in person yet (hopefully tomorrow), but he's doing ok considering the circumstances.

He had surgery today to do some repairs on the shattered pelvis. If they'd got that done soon enough, they were going to do some more to his arm, but they ended up not being able to get to it. The pelvis surgery went well and he's sore and tired, but doing well.

I can't begin to tell you guys how much your well-wishes and donations have done for Daniel and his family. PJ and Paige have delivered money to them once or twice already, and they're OVERWHELMED by everyone's generosity! I don't think they saw it coming and it's really made everything they've had to deal with a lot easier on them.

Paige has posted the names and states/countries where the donations have come from. This is just a partial list, so if you don't see your name, don't worry, it'll be updated soon. It just blows me away to see how far away some of these donations have come from (Australia??? Malta??? Canada??? AMAZING!)


Please continue to keep Daniel in your thoughts, as he's got a long road ahead of him still with many surgeries to go. But know that your kindness isn't going unnoticed and he and his family appreciate you all very much!