Review: Schuberth S1 Helmet - On Sale Now


Elite Member
Jun 25, 2007
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6 Blocks from Fenway
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I wanted to pick up a second helmet and a guy at work seemed pretty pleased with his Schuberth S1. The problem is that it retails in the shops for over $600. By chance I found it online for under $400 at Sierra trading post, but just today I saw it for ~$350 shipped here: Schuberth S1 Street Helmets @

It is highly rated for crash protection and it includes some neat features, the sweetest being the double lens. It comes with a clear primary lens and a secondary gray lens that hides up in the body of the helmet. You can then bring it down with a tab on the outside when necessary. I thought this would be great for commuting since I leave work around 7pm and by the time I get home it is getting dark. No more carrying 2 lenses! The lenses are also anti-fog coated on the inside (though less scratch resistant) and it is supposed to be one of the quietest helmets around.

Review: You need to take a leap of faith when you first put it on as the opening is very tight. It felt tight for the first couple of rides (as one would expect for a new helmet) but now I’m finding it very comfortable. And it is QUIET. I will not need to wear plugs with this helmet on. The double lens thing works as advertised, and I’m even using the adjustment when riding in and out of shadowy areas and in tunnels. The only downside, and I would say significant, is that it has taken me a while to figure out how not to fog the lens. The coating gets overwhelmed when it is humid/raining because of the tight fit. I’ve made some adjustments to the venting and the lens has a click point leaving a 1cm gap that helps to get air across the lens. The manual says it is designed for this and the air shouldn’t hit the eyes up to 85mph. This morning it worked perfectly. There is also a breath guard accessory that I need to find somewhere. I’m pretty sure I just need to dial in the right setup and it will be fine (edit - much better now). My coworker has no fogging issues. All in all – GREAT helmet.

For sizing some sites say order a size larger but I stuck with a large, which is the same size as my other helmet, a Shoei RF1000. Perfect fit.
nice looking lid, i tonight covered half of my visor with electrical tap, and after putting new vents in have destroyed the noise integrety, and have just sanitised and cleaned the inside, i wish i had bought what you have seen.
Tom, just a bit of very careful when cleaning the inside of the clear visor, ONLY use a damp cloth... I have a Schuberth C2, not available in the US, and cleaned the visor with a spray cleaner, some of it got on the inside of the visor and the anti mist coating is now peeling off in chunks. £38 ( $75) for a replacement!

Great build quality otherwiise!