Returned To Apologize


Junior Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Oakland, CA
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Had a bad day and was just heading out to make myself feel better via a romp on the FZ.
Was not going that fast city street approach to on ramp but setting sun was directly in my eyes when suddenly saw a ped crossing in from of me not particularly paying attention. I swerved slightly to avoid but then he yelled at me to slow down. I stopped and started a verbal barrage that caused him to just stand there - mouth open. Car approaching from behind I took off onto ramp saying to myself what an assh_le yelling at me, when, "I could not see him that well because of the sun".
Then I felt really Stupid and Guilty. So bad in fact that when I got to my favorite twisty I just putted along; good thing because that corner I rounded which would have been a romp speed of 70 mph but just 35, was at the back 1/2 (not visable) flooded with mud from a broken water pipe - Not a problem but!!!! This guy saved me!
I returned to the city street side of the ramp knocked on a few doors (with helmet off) found the guy and said I was truely sorry for taking out my bad day on him - he was absoultly right - and he probably saved my life!
His mouth open again, extended out his hand, we had a gentlemans shake and this mental check will hopefully last for how old(mature)(experienced) I'm supposed to be.
Damn motorcyclist .... always think they are the victom...
a good part of the time we are our own worst enemy!
Good job man. I dont know if anyone else believes this or not and it doesnt matter. Sometimes when we are delayed, or a little kid stops to ask us a question, or some old guy wont shut up about his glory days riding, that is our higher power, keeping us from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sometime there is that feeling I shouldnt go down this road, or I shouldnt ride today. Its impossible to ask the ones that have died riding, but I wonder how many had that little nagging feeling or doubt about that day?

Again good job man, you did the right thing.
Good job man. I dont know if anyone else believes this or not and it doesnt matter. Sometimes when we are delayed, or a little kid stops to ask us a question, or some old guy wont shut up about his glory days riding, that is our higher power, keeping us from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sometime there is that feeling I shouldnt go down this road, or I shouldnt ride today. Its impossible to ask the ones that have died riding, but I wonder how many had that little nagging feeling or doubt about that day?

Again good job man, you did the right thing.

I believe you Steve. I've had those feelings and always listen to them. I have an uncanny knack for somehow knowing there's a LEO ahead and always seem to slow down or get held up by someone slow so I rarely complain because in the end, the slow person likely saved me from some kind of trouble.
Nice job ChromeX, it is nice to be able to show 'non-riders' we are not all a**holes (pardon the language) and that we are respectful of others.
Having a bad day? Solution: Change hair spray! No, seriously, great post. It takes a man-or class chick---to not got swallowed up in pride. Frick, the entire last month has been kinda humbling for me. I can take it!
With regard to "being saved" by an inconvenience etc. etc., it is my opinion that the human mind can find ways to contect dots and convince itself of anything. Food for thought. No offense :D