Polishing Exhaust Headers

Use a long strip of rag or towel and shoe shine 'em. Wrap around once, back and forth. It gets in the nooks and crannys. A glob of never-dull and Simichrome. Works for me. Maybe next purchase will be Mother's. I'll still use the long rag strips.
"Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish" and a bunch of elbow grease with a micro fiber cloth...

NO STEELWOOL or light sandpaper... A buffing wheel is fine too.

I got some Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish from Walmart for $5. :cheer:

Now where do I get some elbow grease?:rolleyes::don'tknow::innocent::eyebrow::
Just did mine again yesterday (waiting on a delivery).

Halfing a microfiber cloth makes it a bit easier getting into the nooks and crannies when wrapped around the exhaust pipe a full "go around" (as posted above) and back out..

Finally got that little center section (between pipe #two and #three) clean with this method. :thumbup:

I'm on my way back to walmart to get the microfiber cloth.:Flash: Now if I can just find time, and that dang elbow grease.:spank:
I did a coolant flush, and change today.:rockon: Tomorrow I'll change the oil, then I'll get started on the headers.:cheer:
Just picked up some Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish and microfiber cloths. Tomorrow is header polishing day! Will post before and after pics.
Did mine for the first time today after 60k miles. Forgot to take before pics, they weren't as bad as some I've seen, still pretty ugly though.

Tried yesterday with just the mothers mag polish and didn't get very far. Then tried mothers and 000 steel wool. Got farther, but it was taking way too much work and it still wasn't getting the stains out, just making them shiny.

Today I planned my attack. Went through 800-1000-1500-2000 grit wet sandpaper. Then hit it with the Mothers. Came out looking pretty good without a terrible amount of physical labour. The 800 grit took them from brown to silver in a couple swipes. Could have been better but I'm not much for patience and I figured what's the point if they're just going to get dirty the second I ride in the rain. I think if I don't get too lazy and keep it up, they'll get better each time. Took me about an hour to get them from cruddy to shiny


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