Petrol prices falling

at last

running 2 cars, 2 road bikes, 2 crossers , a track bike and scooter has been hard this year
You serious???? Its only just gone up here in Ireland. It was low alright but then our wonderful government decided that since the american economy was f-ing up ours that they would introduce some more taxes to offset the deficit in ours!!!
Since prices went up last then levelled out a bit, a barrel of oil has about halved in value now, so how come petrol prices have only just recently dropped by a few pence?
because profits are superb!! and with the economy the way it is in all the countries at the moment..profit is good...

Still...we pay alot more then america..
because profits are superb!! and with the economy the way it is in all the countries at the moment..profit is good...

Still...we pay alot more then america..

Same up here in Canada. We just made a trip to the States and their price was $2.66 a gallon in Detroit. Here its $1.09 a litre. I believe that there is 3.78 litres in a gallon which means we are paying $4.12 a US gallon
Same up here in Canada. We just made a trip to the States and their price was $2.66 a gallon in Detroit. Here its $1.09 a litre. I believe that there is 3.78 litres in a gallon which means we are paying $4.12 a US gallon

Thats nothing!! :( I'm paying 6.87 dollars per US gallon when in the north of ireland and 6.11 dollars per US gallon in the Republic of Ireland.
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Since prices went up last then levelled out a bit, a barrel of oil has about halved in value now, so how come petrol prices have only just recently dropped by a few pence?

Because the prices for a barrel of oil now are for delivery in a month or two, not today. That's the argument used, and I believe that it is correct. I do hear that OPEC have now cut production so that they can raise the price again, belss their little cotton socks.

Can't wait until oil is no longer needed to run engines and those nice OPEC countries have no way to make money off whatever we use instead.
I filled up at $2.39 this morning. I did a quick web search and there are stations in town at $2.19. One place is at $2.09. One month ago local prices were $3.53.

I heard that oil is below $64 a barrel last night in Tokyo trading. Even is OPEC drops production I don't think it will effect the price that much as people and business world wide are really cutting back.

I read an article about toy factories in China that are having to lay off workers. One worker was mad at the "US" because he lost his job. Oh well...

The silver lining is that commodity prices are coming back in line; copper, silver, etc. because China's consumption is way down.

I think that we will see gas at $1.75 in another 6 to 8 weeks or so.

Here's a cool map of US gas price distrobution: Austin Gas Prices
If only it was $3 a gallon here I'd be out filling up every can I could find :jawdrop:
Ouch! Holy crap! how do you folks afford to drive?!?!

You just have to I guess. I dont go on fun rides with my bike, I just use it to get from A to B because I cant afford to be driving on trips that are of no benefit..its a sad reality.

The problem is that the price of oil is coming down but there is going to be a meeting sometime soon with the organisation responsible for fuel where there will be a balanced fuel price plan put in place...(try saying that while drunk!! :rolleyes: ) And believe me...the price will not change all that much. They will want to keep the price at a high enough level to sustain the profits they are making now and also to prolong the years that we have remaining in the oil stocks of the world.

Anyways, The irish government are thieves...they're robbing from the poor and giving to the rich and its blatently in your face. The rich dont pay taxes and of course none of the politicians do either and these are the guys that are implimenting these extra charges on fuel, drink (god help us irish!! Kidding!!!) and they have taken away the automatic handing out of medical cards to old people so now the old people cant afford medication/hospital bills..

O...rant off!! :)
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You just have to I guess. I dont go on fun rides with my bike, I just use it to get from A to B because I cant afford to be driving on trips that are of no benefit..its a sad reality.

The problem is that the price of oil is coming down but there is going to be a meeting sometime soon with the organisation responsible for fuel where there will be a balanced fuel price plan put in place...(try saying that while drunk!! :rolleyes: )
It would seem that the balance fuel price plan is to going to reduce production to bump the price up again?

OPEC have already said that from 1st November they will cut production by 1.5 million barrels a day, expected to be cut by 1.8 million by the end of the year. Happy Christmas - fuel price rises for all.
You just have to I guess. I dont go on fun rides with my bike, I just use it to get from A to B because I cant afford to be driving on trips that are of no benefit..its a sad reality.

The problem is that the price of oil is coming down but there is going to be a meeting sometime soon with the organisation responsible for fuel where there will be a balanced fuel price plan put in place...(try saying that while drunk!! :rolleyes: ) And believe me...the price will not change all that much. They will want to keep the price at a high enough level to sustain the profits they are making now and also to prolong the years that we have remaining in the oil stocks of the world.

Anyways, The irish government are thieves...they're robbing from the poor and giving to the rich and its blatently in your face. The rich dont pay taxes and of course none of the politicians do either and these are the guys that are implimenting these extra charges on fuel, drink (god help us irish!! Kidding!!!) and they have taken away the automatic handing out of medical cards to old people so now the old people cant afford medication/hospital bills..

O...rant off!! :)
When did medical cards go? WTF RANT ON MATE.
When did medical cards go? WTF RANT ON MATE.

Its for the Republic of Ireland. The government here decided that the best way to save 100 million euro per year was to means test all the elderly based on their pension income or any other income they may have. Initially they set the allowed amount of income quite low meaning the majority of elderly people were no longer eligible to have this card. After major uproar the government decided to increase the cut off to 70,000 euro per year per couple. This has been protested as well and over 35,000 people got together and marched on the government buildings this week. At the same time an equal number of university students marched on the same government building in relation to the reintroduction of college fees (its free here to go to university and get an education for your first degree, and other studies will cost you the normal fee)

The medical card fiasco is only here in the republic, the UK haven't been so stupid to mess with the very people that brought the country to where it is today through their paying taxes!
The medical card fiasco is only here in the republic, the UK haven't been so stupid to mess with the very people that brought the country to where it is today through their paying taxes!

No through a mixture of blind indifference and apathy we in the UK pay more taxes than ever before.

We just pay VAT on necessities, such as gas, electricity, water and on just about everything. Around 72% of the price we pay for fuel goes to the government in taxation, they even charge VAT on top of that. I'd guess when the price of fuel goes down the government will want to increase the taxation so that they don't see a drop in their revenues and we keep paying the same price because "we're used to the price now so won't mind...."

That isn't just the present government btw, it was previous ones as well.
Oh I'm happy the price has dropped, I've been shelling out £110 a week on fuel, so anything off that is good :D

I just wonder how long it will be before the government realise they're not getting the same tax revenue and add 2p to the price of a litre. I dare say they'll also be losing tax from electricity and gas this winter when people can't afford to pay their bills and so switch more lights off and use less gas. Way to go green... or blue as they freeze.