Ouch...giving riders a bad name!


Go hard or go home!
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Jul 29, 2009
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Barrie, Ontario
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This is the definition of stupidity... Amazing he's still alive.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEoqtc-x-a0&feature=player_detailpage]YouTube - Yamaha R6 incidente a 257Km/h[/ame]

And he's only wearing jeans!!!
I admit I ride like that sometimes. It's not too bad except the crashing, or too stupid UNLESS he was running from the police. You don't get arrested just for crashing, so I assume he was running.

Also, where the hell is the ambulance? First thing the police should have done was call for one.
I admit I ride like that sometimes. It's not too bad except the crashing, or too stupid UNLESS he was running from the police. You don't get arrested just for crashing, so I assume he was running.

Also, where the hell is the ambulance? First thing the police should have done was call for one.

+1 on the ambulance! I too ride fast once in a great while on the freeways, but not that fast. And if there's lots of traffic? Forget it!

Clearly the dude was running. *sigh* Another wasted R6.
I admit I ride like that sometimes. It's not too bad except the crashing, or too stupid UNLESS he was running from the police. You don't get arrested just for crashing, so I assume he was running.

Also, where the hell is the ambulance? First thing the police should have done was call for one.

Well based on the fact that we watched his joyride from a helicopter camera following him, I think it's safe to assume he was running from the police. And based on that fact, as well as the terrain, we can say there's a good chance this happened in California. Probably SoCal, where running from the police has reached a certain level of social acceptability. I do think the rest of the country is catching up though, much thanks to World's Scariest Polices Chases, Volumes 1 thru 47.

The reason you don't run from the cops is not because the odds of escaping are against you, it's because of what they're going to do when they catch you. Forget about calling the ambulance. He's lucky they didn't beat him like Rodney King.

As for his riding, I didn't think he pushed his luck too much until the end. He wasn't going too much faster than traffic (maybe 100-115MPH) and all he was doing was lane splitting. He didn't display any real skill. Then at the end he caused his own demise. He wasn't looking far enough ahead. Glad he got what he deserved. I hope that was his last foray into motorcycling.
Ouch, Wonder if he knew he was being watched on the copter, I see these guys all the time in worse traffic and tighter lanes in st louis, I always keep an eye out for them in the ditch. It honestly looks cool aside from the dangers of those around you and yourself, but yeah....not going to happened. I hope the R6 will pull through!:D
As for his riding, I didn't think he pushed his luck too much until the end. He wasn't going too much faster than traffic (maybe 100-115MPH) and all he was doing was lane splitting.

It says he was doing 257 kph or 160 mph. I personally never feel sorry for the squids that crash. I do feel sorry for the people who's property or lives they endanger.
I admit I ride like that sometimes. It's not too bad except the crashing, or too stupid UNLESS he was running from the police. You don't get arrested just for crashing, so I assume he was running.

Also, where the hell is the ambulance? First thing the police should have done was call for one.

You must be the worst cop in the world. You ride like that? Do everyone a favour and hand in your badge. That guy put everyone around him at risk riding like that. Or do you only ride like that in your city because you have stated in the past you "can get away with it". Terrible cop
You must be the worst cop in the world. You ride like that? Do everyone a favour and hand in your badge. That guy put everyone around him at risk riding like that. Or do you only ride like that in your city because you have stated in the past you "can get away with it". Terrible cop

Yeah I ride like that, and I have videos to prove it. And what of it? (And yes, only in Chicago because I can get away with it).

P.S. What I do on my motorcycle doesn't make me a good or bad cop, just a squid. :Flip:

P.S.S. And if I do get in an accident, those cops better call me an ambulance first thing.
A mark of skill for a rider is the gear they wear, as well as how they handle their machine. This guy was flying down an uncontrolled freeway. Not sure about U.S. drivers in general, but here in Canada it is not uncommon for drivers on a highway to change lanes without signaling, or shoulder checking. And, at that speed on a motorcycle they would probably change lanes in front of you thinking you're not traveling that fast.

To top it off, the guy is wearing minimal gear. He's lucky that he 'only' endoed over the car and didn't skid down the freeway. His accident could have been much, much worse. And I agree with some of the others; the fact that he was filmed from the air suggests he was running from the police.

I have no issues with riding fast, but I believe the appropriate place for it is on a track, where all the variables are controlled and the only person who could get injured is the riders.

Just my $0.02, YMMV.
If ever there were a reason to wear the proper riding boots/shoes, it's because you look like a real dip**** standing around in your socks next to the pile of parts and puddle of antifreeze that used to be a motorcycle.
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Yeah I ride like that, and I have videos to prove it. And what of it? (And yes, only in Chicago because I can get away with it).

P.S. What I do on my motorcycle doesn't make me a good or bad cop, just a squid. :Flip:

P.S.S. And if I do get in an accident, those cops better call me an ambulance first thing.

Dumba$$e$ like you create nothing but problems for the rest of us.
Riding like "that" depends on what you're talking about, lane splitting at a buck forty? Everyone has done that once, right? Cars go so damn slow! It Doesn't make me a bad guy or a terrible boss. Just an a-hole for one moment in time, like that guy who cuts you off in traffic. I must thank all of the sympathetic cops that watch me blow by them daily doing double the speed limit, they know how impossible it is to do 25 on an FZ6!

Now, running from the PoPo, that's a judgement call he clearly failed. I can see how it might be tempting, but it's a very low percentage play with far worse consequences. He would have been up for the Darwin award had the likely had happened and he died.

One lucky SOB!
257km/h? I've got my doubts. Can't believe everything you read:thumbup:.

As for the rest...ned to slow down at least a little when approaching more than one car...otherwise they will tag team you.