On/Off, harsh EFI

for those of us who haven't fixed our bike's lurching in 1st gear, do you guys sometimes take tight corners in 2nd gear? i usually rev match all the way down to 1st and roll back on during the corner, but the lurch when rolling back on is uncomfortable.

has anyone else tried this?

The way the fz6 is geared there's really never any reason to take a corner in 1st gear. At the track or out on twisty roads you should almost always be going fast enough for 2nd. If your not riding aggressively there's really no reason to be in 1st either as you don't need to be in the powerband.
FWIW; in these parts there are corners that are so sharp you can't take them at WOT (13.5k in 1st) so clearly, there is a need for 1st gear in some situations...

I have some twists/switchbacks that get on the chicken at 13k but 2nd gear is too far out in the powerband. This is power issue not a throttle chop issue...
I'm on 16/48 combo which helps this set of curves...
Must be a difference in corners for us then, basically every time my knee touches the ground on track or street I'm in 2nd gear or 3rd and first gear would likely be too short. Ill have to get some videos of my tach this summer to see what's going on. Then again, I'm never brave enough to go wot at full lean so I guess that might be a difference in our skill levels if you go wot in 1st at full lean.

The few turns that I probably could use first I still don't, it always seems to upset the bike too much to downshift into first for me. Doesn't matter how perfectly I blip the throttle and slip out the clutch, but going into 1st and being over 10,000 rpm always seems to make the bike do things I don't want it doing.
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i got the g2 throttle tamer (pretty cheap on amazon) a while back and noticed no difference in the lurching when rolling on or off. that said, my bike is overdue for a valve check.
Clarification; not at the track but great pavement! What offers is the ability reduce throttle and sustain >12k until corner exit from a 270° turn. Thus on exit its WOT and into 2nd where it may still be leaned over a fair amount!
Its A BLAST!!! And yes, shifting at > 10k while leaned over... Its a rush!
If it made more torquies this would be unwise but there is great traction!
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I'm think maybe I just have ever so slightly higher corner entrance speed than you in that case. On the track I never feel like I'm going slow enough for 1st and on the street I have a healthy fear of being arrested, so I don't usually pin it leaving a corner. I'm already going 2-3x the speed limit on corner exit, not need to go even faster.