Older riders with the FZ6(first post)

I'm 54 and my 2008 FZ6 is my one and only bike to date. My intent was to use it to learn to ride and then upgrade to a HD cruiser of some type. Just having too much fun with it to let it go. :thumbup:
Fast approaching 59 (June). Been riding for a few years, 20+. The FZ6 works well for me with the upright position and fairings. But I just putt around for fun and usually ride into work at least once a week when the weather warms up.

I had a 20 year hiatus from motorcycling when I moved to Chicago from So Cal. Didn't realize how much I missed riding! I took those 20 years out of my riding years calculation.
53 (In human yearz) herez. Ya dun made a good choice w/ the FZ6; this little gem can do anythang. :rockon:


60 y.o. this coming July. Have had the FZ6 for the last 4+ years after having tried to "act my age" with a Yamaha Vstar 1100 which sat in the garage for most of the 5 years which I had it. The Fz6 does almost everything I need from canyon work to multi day touring. :rockon:
Wow, yer old! :Flip:
43 here, bought the FZ6 shortly after my 39th birthday (as I finally felt I was mature enough to not do stupid things on a bike). It was my first bike and I've felt no need to replace it. It does everything I need it to do - though for me, its mostly a weekend toy with some canyon rides and a 60 mile round trip to the rock climbing gym on Sundays. That said, my Windows Background is still an MV Agusta F3. :)
I am 51 looking closely at 52 and my FZ6 is my first bike. Having said that I recently "upgraded" to an FJR1300 not because it was slow, but because after 2 years of upgrading the seat, screen, pegs and adding luggage to turn it into the ultimate sports tourer it still wasn't as good a sports tourer that an FJR is. Now if I could just sell my 2009 FZ6 She Who Must Be Obeyed might let me spend more time riding :)
After reading this thread I feel young at 35, but my back tells me otherwise!

Heck after reading this thread I feel younger again - and I'm 'in' the 40+ crowd! Blah

I dunno what that says for us FZ6 riders; as we age like fine wines - we also know and like fine bikes? :rolleyes:
About a third of forum members are over 40, going by this poll:


One third of me is over 40, unfortunately most of that is below the belt.
(Bad ankles - you perverts!)

My driver's license says I'm 55. My wife thinks I'm 12, and regressing. My kids just think I'm embarrassing. And I'm pretty good at that!

Like the OP, I did a bit of on-line research when considering my first bike, in a while. The FZ6 stood out and I am very happy with it. In good weather I turn my 6 mile commute into a 20 mile trip. I've been out several full afternoons and for a pair of 250 mile half-day trips. Sometime soon I want to go on a 2-day trip, maybe south to the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Chris :thumbup:
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I'm 64 and have ridden on and off since I was 17.

I'm about a level 2 on the bike knowledge to beard ratio but shooting for level 4...Blah
I'm 64 and have ridden on and off since I was 17.

I'm about a level 2 on the bike knowledge to beard ratio but shooting for level 4...Blah

But you're still young enough to be a hoon. Blah

And you and Jerry are my old man role models....:rockon::D
But you're still young enough to be a hoon. Blah

And you and Jerry are my old man role models....:rockon::D

The nice thing is when you reach a certain age the forum awards you with a Yeti hat just like Jerry's!

The nice thing is when you reach a certain age the forum awards you with a Yeti hat just like Jerry's!


That's awesome Cliff. :Flip:
So who's older, Jerry or the Yeti?
Oh,and btw, you're both some of the best riders I've ever had the honor to ride with.
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My very first post so HELLO EVERYONE!!

I've been riding all kinds of motorcycles, off and on for nearly 30 years.
Anyway.. How many (40 plus) year old FZ6 riders do we have here?

I'm a fellow Pennsylvanian in his mid 40's who really enjoys his FZ6. This summer will also mark my 30th year of legal street riding.

The FZ6 is a fun bike, capable of many things. My only complaint is the wind noise (I've tried three different windscreens), but I live with it. I understand that the 2007+ models are better with regards to the wind noise, due to the new fairing design.
That's awesome Cliff. :Flip:
So who's older, Jerry or the Yeti?
Oh,and btw, you're both some of the best riders I've ever had the honor to ride with.

The feelings are mutual John! I had a blast the last time we rode except for mishap.
The Yeti is older but Jerry and I are catching up!

Sent from Moto's Motorola
Obviously I am in denial of my 40+ years since I ride a gixxer. But I like riding with the Yeti crowd since I don't like to race with those immature ss riders! (Who are way faster than me anyway.)

Nothing beats the Yetihoon Nation! Yay! :rockon:
FZ6 FTW :thumbup:
That's awesome Cliff. :Flip:
So who's older, Jerry or the Yeti?
Oh,and btw, you're both some of the best riders I've ever had the honor to ride with.
Thanks, your not so bad yourself:thumbup:

Some days I think I'm older than the Yeti and other days I'm just 68Blah

Level 3 is about where I'm at with the beard thing:rolleyes:
