Oil "leak" scare...


Super Member
Jul 8, 2007
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Richmond, BC, Canada
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I prepped my FZ6 for its annual trailer ride from Vancouver to Osoyoos in southern BC last week, where we vacation in our RV for a couple of weeks.
I went for a quick ride after unloading the bike, and when I got back from the 50km's or so ride, was horrified to find oil covering the left side of the engine from the valve cover on down, and dripping off the bottom of the engine. :eek:
After dealing with traumatic flashbacks of my Triumph and BSA days, I got to work to figure out what was going on.......Japanese engines don't leak oil, right? :confused:
Right....they don't leak oil.....but overzealous cleaning and lubricating the K&N filter will cause excess filter lubricant to drip down the left side of the engine from the airbox. :eek:
The tipoff was the reddish colour of the oil, almost like car transmission fluid.
Moral of story, use the K&N cleaner and oil sparingly; don't give the filter an oil bath. :thumbup:
Just look at this way though: You gave your valves a really good lube!
(Maybe the plugs and O2 sensor....not so good) Nothing like a good blowing out to clean up the inside of an engine though! (I'm just glad that was your problem and nothing more serious!)