Oil change-crush washer


Junior Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Mertztown, PA
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I'm getting ready to do my first oil change but I have one question. Which way does the crush washer face towards the engine? Smooth side or raised side?

If it's the oil drain bolt crush washer you're talking about, then I don't know... I have never change one on any of my bikes for the last 24 years...;)
You should be able to tell by looking at the one you're taking off. I believe (not positive) the smooth side rests against the plug head (making the raised side's seam visible when you're holding the plug in your hand).

I too have never changed mine but certainly would if there was an easy cheap way to get them (I try to avoid mc shops for the most part).
look at the washer closely you will see one side is flat and the other is round. the round side will get crushed when you tighten it. i figure it's a good practice to have the round side crush towards the drain nut instead of the oil pan. make sense?
Most auto parts places sell crush washers, so they're easy and cheap enough to replace.

Doesn't really matter (IMHO) which way it goes just so long as the diameter of the washer is not larger than the surface area of the bolt that's trying/going to crush it. If it were larger than the surface area of the bolt it might not get "crushed."
I figured it out when I took the bolt off. IF you look closely you will see the smooth side goes against the engine. If you didn't know the bike had a washer on there you would never be able to tell. I had to take a closer look and pick at the washer with my finger nail to pry it loose.
Thanks for all the replies. Time to go riding. Its supposed to reach 90 degrees here in PA today. It might set a record for this time of year.
Same here as Defy and Canadian...I've never changed the crush washer on a single one of my bikes. But if it makes you feel more confident, then do it. It's not that big a deal to change (obviously) and if it puts your mind at rest then it's worth it.
I didnt on my first change on this bike and it was drippin' in a matter of days...and it wasnt the least bit loose.
I replace mine once it gets paper thin, I figure less change of stripping the oil pan if the washer has some meat to absorb any additional torque

the ones I have are flat on both sides though
Oh Great! Now I wonder if I installed mine [new] either correctly faced or if it had a ridge at all. Oh well, maybe next time.

I'm told that heating the crush washer red hot the dropping it in cold water will expand it again. Any truth to that?
You are making a common mistake. The oil change-crush washer goes in the middle of your oil filter. See here for details:

When I changed my oil last there wasn't even a crush washer there...
I've gone almost 2,000 miles with no problems.
So am I the only one that wires their drain plug for street use? Take an additional 5 minutes every time, negates any potential need for a torque wrench, greatly reduces the tendency to over-torque, and really puts the mind at ease. I probably never would have done it if not for the track, but now I'm just used to it.

I figured it out when I took the bolt off. IF you look closely you will see the smooth side goes against the engine.

Yup, I changed my oil yesterday and the smooth side was definitely the visible side (as opposed to what I posted above).
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I replaced mine with a copper washer, as the aluminium washer needs replacing after reusing it a few times. I took it into a car parts shop and they found a copper washer the same size, and I've never had any leaks since!