Newbie here


Jedi Knight
Jul 25, 2013
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With a solid 2 months riding experience which includes my training and licence exam etc I'm a noob and I know it. I got my FZ6 two days ago and managed to drop it today :(

Stopped at home, kicked out the side stand and like an idiot forgot one of the first things my instructor taught me, make sure it's extended before leaning to the left. By the time I realised what was happening the bike was too far over for me to recover, and down she went with the side stand nicely tucked away under the bike - lesson learned.

Luckily, it came to rest on the foot peg and crash bung, not a scratch anywhere else :) Incidentally, the bike cut out on it's own as soon as it tipped over, I didn't know they do that. Picking it up was easier than I thought, the embarrassment probably gives that extra rush of adrenaline, she was up in a flash.

Once done it's only done once (I hope) :)
:welcome: to the Forum!
The instructors tell you that stuff for a reason....because it happens.
Congrats on the new bike, post often and ride lots:thumbup:
I noticed how light it was when I first dropped it. That was compared to my old GSXF, which is probably the heaviest sport-touring 600 around.

Crash bungs are your friend!