new owner...a couple comments and questions


Aug 29, 2010
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North Charleston, SC
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hey all, ive been lurking here after i recently picked up an 08 fz6-black with 9800 miles on craigslist. the guy was desparate and i walked away with it for $3k. its a great bike and i think i got a great deal on it. it has some scuffs and scratches, but shines up nicely (took a couple hours and some elbow grease to get there!).

some comments...

its very fun to ride and has great response for a 600. i guess fuel injection has done wonders for small engines.

it already had the two headlight low beam mod done and a piug smoke tall windscreen. i just put new all balls racing tapered steering bearings in it. i dont like ball type steering bearings, and i see here its been an issue.

the bike is super comfortable and 'feels' like a larger bike on the road. i think im going to go with a 17/44 sprocket combo to calm the revs down, as i do alot of highway racing and wheelie days are in the past!

some questions...

ive searched, but seem to be getting confliting info. am i correct in saying that the US bikes do not have the chipped keys? i only have one key, and im looking at getting a blank from ebay or the dealer.

also, (and maybe this should go to the tech section) the clutch is not only very stiff, but the friction zone is all the way out at the end of the clutch release. it doesnt slip, but does 'shudder' slightly when starting out in first gear. i lubed the dickens out of the cable, and it improved slightly...SO, is the friction zone moveable, or is there an impending clutch issue? shifting is fine.

thanks, and i look forward to your feedback and zipping this thing around town quite a bit!
:welcome: You will love this forum. Quick replies to your questions: one, no the keys are not chipped. You can use whatever regular key fits at the key cutting place or you can get Yamaha blanks on eBay if you like. I would highly recommend cutting a new key and putting it in a safe place as your first line of business with the bike. If you lose that key, not only would you need a new ignition but a new helmet lock and seat lock! And two: try adjusting the clutch slack. I believe the tip of the clutch lever should have at least an inch or so of free-play. The manual spells it out. Sounds like yours may be too tight.

Enjoy and let me be the first to say:

lol, ill post some pics if i get a chance tonight. im the mechanic for all of my friends and neighbors, so my time gets eaten up quick. in fact, im doing some diagnosing via picture texts as we speak on a friends saturn!

whew! im glad we have regular key! yes sir, im gonna order two. one key for all my bikes/cars goes in the fire proof safe.

as for the clutch lever, i think the owners manual called for 15mm of play? which is what its at. i havent had a cable clutch in forever, but the friction zone being that far out feels strange to me.

thanks for the heads up!

im no stranger to the antics of most mc forums, but this one seems pretty focused and helpful so far...:thumbup:
:welcome: to the forum! You've got an answer on the key.
Funny story. I went to Home Depot and picked out a blank. Homer came over to cut keys and when I gave him my bike key he said,"We don't do motorcycle keys" I told him it wasn't a motorcycle key and he said, "It says Yamaha right there!" I told him it was the key to my electric piano and asked him if he knew Yamaha made musical instruments. Oh yeah...He made my electric piano key. :Flip:

There are two assemblies that make up the clutch cable assembly. If you can't adjust it at the end near the clutch, you may be able to adjust it where the cable assemblies join. That joint is located on the left side of the bike between the frame and the airbox. Lift the tank and look down on the left. The friction zone on the FZ6 is pretty short.

Edit: There's a butt load of info you can search out on the anything FZ6 related and more. Again, Welcome!
cool, thanks gentlemen. any ideas on the stiffness and the initial 1st gear shudder? or is that a charateristic not worthy of concern?

clutch lever pivot point has been lubed btw...
Welcome to the forum!!

It looks like many have answered your questions and pointed you in the right direction for "easing" the stock clutch. I have attached a few links that you may find helpful:

1st: Extending the clutch arm to reduce lever pull

2nd: Hydraulic clutch Kit (Both myself and dnellans have installed this kit and I beleive we would both swear by it at this point)
:welcome: to the forum! You've got an answer on the key.
Funny story. I went to Home Depot and picked out a blank. Homer came over to cut keys and when I gave him my bike key he said,"We don't do motorcycle keys" I told him it wasn't a motorcycle key and he said, "It says Yamaha right there!" I told him it was the key to my electric piano and asked him if he knew Yamaha made musical instruments. Oh yeah...He made my electric piano key. :Flip:

There are two assemblies that make up the clutch cable assembly. If you can't adjust it at the end near the clutch, you may be able to adjust it where the cable assemblies join. That joint is located on the left side of the bike between the frame and the airbox. Lift the tank and look down on the left. The friction zone on the FZ6 is pretty short.

Edit: There's a butt load of info you can search out on the anything FZ6 related and more. Again, Welcome!

Wild about the "electric piano" story! People are funny.
+1 on the narrow clutch friction zone. when I first got my FZ6 I stalled it repeatedly on my block. It took dozens of shifts to get used to it since it really is a different feel than 2 other bikes I had ridden before it.

I never think about it anymore and haven't stalled it since the intial getting used to period.
+1 on the narrow clutch friction zone. when I first got my FZ6 I stalled it repeatedly on my block. It took dozens of shifts to get used to it since it really is a different feel than 2 other bikes I had ridden before it.

I never think about it anymore and haven't stalled it since the intial getting used to period.
Same here, except replace "dozens" with "hundreds"... :rolleyes:
I'd give it a bit of time to get used to first, as that short clutch throw speeds up your shifting quite a bit, til you find yourself not even using it half the time. :thumbup:
i get used to it quickly, but then i jump on my other two hydraulic clutch bikes and it feels like wieghtlifting with feathers!

i just dont like the shudder starting in first, and the friction zone at the end of the clutch travel.