New Mod that increases speed guaranteed!

I totally agree, when I first started riding a motorcycle I was weighing in at 116kg(Don't know how much that is in pounds). My bike at the time(SV650) wasn't quite up to the job and felt sluggish, so something had to be done. Took about a year and a half of thinking about what I eat and a bit of exercise, and now i've been stable at 94-95kg for a long time. :cheer::cheer::cheer:
The new goal is to get under 90kg and closer to 85kg, but that is going to be the tough one.

Point is to find something that motivates you to loose weight.
Seekgod1st wants to look good in leathers, I wanted to get increased performance ;)

FWIW, KG to LB, multiply by 2.24
so in your case around 260 lbs

losing pounds is much easier :D
Probably a good idea to work out an exercise regime to go with your diet.
Diets rarely work on their own for various reasons.
Learning to have a healthier lifestyle on the other hand is a more lasting result, and will help not only your weight but also alot of other things.

Also make sure if you do exercise that your diet takes that into account. Eating slightly healthier (and maybe a bit less) and good exercise will go a long way. It IS more effort than just cutting back on food though. If you can find a sport you love and a team, or other people to do it with that makes it even better.
Ive been 5'11'' -190lbs since highschool...I dont think thats gonna change. MY FZ is fast enough for me... it has the best power/weight ratio of anything I have ever owned.
I totally agree, when I first started riding a motorcycle I was weighing in at 116kg(Don't know how much that is in pounds). My bike at the time(SV650) wasn't quite up to the job and felt sluggish, so something had to be done. Took about a year and a half of thinking about what I eat and a bit of exercise, and now i've been stable at 94-95kg for a long time. :cheer::cheer::cheer:
The new goal is to get under 90kg and closer to 85kg, but that is going to be the tough one.

Point is to find something that motivates you to loose weight.
Seekgod1st wants to look good in leathers, I wanted to get increased performance ;)
Actually I want to look good in leathers and increase the performance of my bike at the same time.
Ive been 5'11'' -190lbs since highschool...I dont think thats gonna change. MY FZ is fast enough for me... it has the best power/weight ratio of anything I have ever owned.
Your height and weight would be a goal for me.

I'm 5'11" but I haven't been 190lbs. for about 15 years.

I'm 230lbs. currently but would be ecstatic at 190lbs. - 200lbs.

I'm on a mission and am finally going to change my lifestyle.

Thinking about it it's happy and sad at the same time, healthier living but I have to really limit my bad eating habits.
Just hit a good milestone for myself this morning. weighed in at 189! Woo hoo! Not were I want to be yet, but getting closer! Looks like my discipline is paying off :D
I just read through all the posts, awesome stuff! I too need to lose weight, I'm about 5'10" and 235lb! I've got some muscle, but way too much fat. Working behind a desk, especially a mentally demanding one, really kills your motivation to exercise after or even before work! I eat pretty good; no soda, no alcohol except socially and only one or two at that, whole wheat bread, brown rice, lean meat, lot's of fruits and veggies, no HFCS, try to eat as much organic food as possible, fat-free milk, all the good stuff. My only vice? Sweets! I'm a certified cookie-monster! Organic or not, it's still unnecessary carbs and sugar. I'm going to slowly wean myself off sweets, I love fruit so much, but something about chocolate and baked goods. :rolleyes:

We need to keep this thread going!
I just read through all the posts, awesome stuff! I too need to lose weight, I'm about 5'10" and 235lb! I've got some muscle, but way too much fat. Working behind a desk, especially a mentally demanding one, really kills your motivation to exercise after or even before work! I eat pretty good; no soda, no alcohol except socially and only one or two at that, whole wheat bread, brown rice, lean meat, lot's of fruits and veggies, no HFCS, try to eat as much organic food as possible, fat-free milk, all the good stuff. My only vice? Sweets! I'm a certified cookie-monster! Organic or not, it's still unnecessary carbs and sugar. I'm going to slowly wean myself off sweets, I love fruit so much, but something about chocolate and baked goods. :rolleyes:

We need to keep this thread going!
I totally agree with keeping this post going.

I've been limiting my portions and eating healthier and I've been using the advice of other guys that took the time to give it.

I really appreciate the help and have lost 2 more lbs.

I know it can't happen overnight so I'm trying to change my lifestyle.

I'm 5'11" and currently 228lbs. but got as heavy as 240lbs. so I'm slowly progressing.

I have only 38lbs. To lose till I reach my goal.
I've lost 27 lbs since April! It's tough and slow. At first I lost 10lbs fast then it went to about a pound a week sometimes 2. For a while I didn't lose anything so I increased my exercising to 2 hours a day. So now I lift weights for 1 hour and do cardio for an hour at least five days a week. My alarm goes off at 4am I stumble to the kitchen take a 5 hour energy shot and I'm usually at the gym, 24 hour fitness, by 4:15 until almost 6:30. This schedule has been really tough but I'm starting to get used to it. It is so worth it! 8 months ago I was in 38" jeans, now 36's are falling off so this weekend I'm going to buy some 34's and maybe I'll be needing 32's for Christmas.

A couple of months back I started doing intervals during my cardio, get your heart rate up as high as you can stand and then back down at 2 min intervals, what a difference that made. Now my resting heart rate is below 60 bpm.

I eat a high protein breakfast and a frozen healthy choice steamer just about every day during the week and keep my energy up with nuts and cheese. I've also (as best as I can) remove all simple carbs from my diet.

Now I'm off to the gym and I'm about an hour late.
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I posted my weight at 221 lbs on 9-22-09.......I just weighed in at 220 lbs!! I lost one pound.... :cheer: hey well it is progress right?? :D
I'm not sure if everyone knows this, but you should always weigh yourself at the same time. Ideally, you want to weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before you've eaten. The reason of course, is because our bodies fluctuate a pound or more throughout the day.

Not to take anything away from you shreveport1, a pound is a pound! :thumbup:
I'm not sure if everyone knows this, but you should always weigh yourself at the same time. Ideally, you want to weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before you've eaten. The reason of course, is because our bodies fluctuate a pound or more throughout the day.

Not to take anything away from you shreveport1, a pound is a pound! :thumbup:
I've been told that you should weigh yourself once a week on the same day, and time.
That will definitely take care of any variance.

edit: Thinking back on it, I still think weighing yourself first thing in the morning, before you've eaten is best. The reason is because if you weigh yourself at let's say 1pm every week on a Monday, there is still going to be too much variance. Like what you ate for breakfast, if you ate breakfast, what you drank, did you snack, how much, etc. Where as if you weigh yourself in the morning, you're stomach is already pretty empty. At least that's how my logic goes. :thumbup:
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I'm actually still working on this mod. I'm on the online weight watchers diet. I've lost 3.5lbs in my first week. I started 245.8lbs. I want to get to 195lbs.