New idea for cars - Let's call it "turn warners"


Frank Zappa the 6th
Oct 28, 2007
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Richmond, VA
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So I had a thought this morning on my way in to work. What if cars had a some sort of device that the operator could activate that indicated that they were about to turn? Wouldn't that be neat?

Maybe it's a red flag on the roof that driver operates with a lever on the ceiling. Or! Oh.. what about a flashing light on the bumper?

Actually, what about blinking lights on the corners of the car? The driver could then choose which side illuminates and blinks based on... (wait for it..) which way they plan on turning. For example: they could activate the ones on the right side of the car when they planned on turning right.

It's novel and maybe a little crazy, but then again, the best ideas often are.

Who wants to help me develop this?
I like the idea.... I wonder if it is possible?

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cool idea, now to start working on developing operators that can activate it !

No, I think drivers are generally smart, responsible and aware of their surroundings. Given a method or device to indicate impending turns, they'll use it. Unless of course their hands are full with a cell phone, cup of coffee, egg mcmuffin. ..oh... and a steering wheel. That's so rare though.. I doubt it will cause a problem.
Even if we do invent something that a driver could use for this purpose, they will just complain that it doesn't automatically turn on when they want to turn.

Can't wait for cages to drive themselves...with no manual overrides. Then, they will all go the speed limit, will always signal their intentions, and won't be able to do things that cause harm to other drivers.

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Honestly though, I wonder why car manufacturers haven't done something more with automatic blinkers. If someone is turning and the car detects the blinker isn't on, it turns it on automatically and off when it detects the turn is finished. All could be overriden manually, but I wouldn't mind to see the guy going 80 and cutting across three lanes have his blinkers flash as he's doing it, cause he sure as hell isn't turning it on. Obviously wouldn't be 100% effective, but better than nothing.
I fear that if this wonderful idea was implemented; there would be a few rebels who just would not take advantage of said device. It would anger the avid users, filling up forums around the world with light hearted humor and fun.
Of course there are also the people who would join a forum similar to this one and share the knowledge of how to disable the automatic turn signals. :spank:

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Oh! I've got it! A stalk, on the left side of the steering wheel. You push it up to activate the right warning indicator, and down to activate the left warning indicator.

Why has no one thought of this before?!?

Honestly though, I wonder why car manufacturers haven't done something more with automatic blinkers. If someone is turning and the car detects the blinker isn't on, it turns it on automatically and off when it detects the turn is finished. All could be overriden manually, but I wouldn't mind to see the guy going 80 and cutting across three lanes have his blinkers flash as he's doing it, cause he sure as hell isn't turning it on. Obviously wouldn't be 100% effective, but better than nothing.

+1 This is a great idea. Like you said, I'd rather know late than not at all. Do what I do, stay away from cars all the time. It ain't the car that'll kill you, it's the driver. They never see motorcycles.
xBox Connect has the ability to track you like a sniper through a scope so you need software that calculates the next "action" before the s-wheel whips and the U-turn commences. . .

Look for body motion coupled with wheel input to dictate direction!

The lights will confuse the hell out of everyone i.e. left blinker on, CAR is Turning Right. It's like a person who says "yes, that's OK" but their body language displays NO as they shake their head side to side.
One of these theoretical devices sure would have helped me out this morning. I was driving down the street (Alasakan, headed towards the ferry, for you Seattleites. I'd just come off Broad and was approaching Pier 66) and noticed a few taxis with passengers getting in.
I immediately went into planning multiple routes of escape for the moment one of them pulled into traffic without any warning.
I was in the right lane. There was a car a safe distance behind me and another in the left lane but far enough back for me to get over. That would be my main route. Should the car behind and to my left be too close by then, I'd have to hit the brakes and hope I didn't hit the taxi or get hit by the guy directly behind me.
Sure enough, one of the taxis jumped right on out (why is it always a Prius?).
In a split second, I double-checked my blind spot and went for the left lane while laying on the horn.
What does this dumbass do? He starts going into the left lane and directly into my path of travel. He doesn't hit the brakes. He doesn't stay in the right lane. He doesn't stop. He just keeps on putting along at a meager pace as I lay on my horn and try to avoid him.
Because I was already facing left, I'd have hit him if I tried to turn into the right lane, so I had to swerve into the oncoming lane.
I hate Seattle taxis so much. Those damn towncars, too. If only he had some sort of "Indication of Intent to Turn into Traffic Light." Then again, those might not have helped; seeing the taxis, planning an excape, and the taxi pulling out all happened in under five seconds.
I wasn't riding my bike, but I've had too many close encounters on two wheels that I've lost track at this point.

Can we develop these for pedestrians, too? That way I don't almost run over a mother and her baby in a stroller when she decides to dart through a crosswalk after their light is red and mine is green?
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Like motorcycle helmets you can't force anyone to use them, it's an infringement on their individuality and freedom. Besides, in this age of NASCAR, if you signaled your intention then someone would surely move up and block for fear they would lose position and maybe a spot on the winners podium at the end of the day.
Besides, in this age of NASCAR, if you signaled your intention then someone would surely move up and block for fear they would lose position and maybe a spot on the winners podium at the end of the day.

I know I got 1st place when I merged on the freeway at 45mph and forced that guy into another car. Won't see them on the podium any time soon. :Flip:
Like motorcycle helmets you can't force anyone to use them, it's an infringement on their individuality and freedom.

Depends on whcih state you're in? Maybe some states will require the use or ticket the driver if they fail to use them. Maybe other states will allow people to not use them if they have had more than 2 years of driving experience, are over 21 years of age, and have no points on their driver's license...or something like that.
What happens when they forget to turn off their turn warning indicator? Oh the havoc that would ensue!

Tried a car last year(Fiesta or Punto can't remember) where after turning right, the force of the self cancellation system, would send the stalk passed neutral and activate the left indicator...

My conclusion is that car manufactures are actively trying to cause havoc.