Need help multiple questions


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Jun 8, 2013
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First question is it normal when I start my bike and start going and give it gas it sounds weird like really deep but it goes away when it's been warmed up and riding for a while is it normal or does it need new spark plugs or is it mechanical it is warm here in Kansas around 89 so didn't think it needs warmed up

Second question is I'm a new rider first bike ever and not sure what Rpms I should be cruising at I've been staying in first gear in city around 7 rpms at 30 mph in first gear is that okay or should I be in second
First - let's get some punctuation in here; just reading this post has made me feel anxious!

First question is it normal when I start my bike and start going and give it gas it sounds weird like really deep but it goes away when it's been warmed up and riding for a while is it normal or does it need new spark plugs or is it mechanical it is warm here in Kansas around 89 so didn't think it needs warmed up

Most engines need to be a bit warm before they run their best, it's pretty normal. On a cold day, if I give mine a light blip on the throttle when I've just turned her on her revs will lug and she won't like it. Wait a few seconds and she'll be more responsive - 5 or so minutes of riding will get the engine up to operating temps (2 bars on my instrument cluster) and that's when she'll really feel good, try to keep the revs down before she's fully warmed up, engines don't like it.

Aside from that, if you haven't yet changed the oil, it's probably a good idea. Who knows what the previous owner did or didn't do to the bike, I'd check/change all of the fluids and your bike will be much happier.

Second question is I'm a new rider first bike ever and not sure what Rpms I should be cruising at I've been staying in first gear in city around 7 rpms at 30 mph in first gear is that okay or should I be in second

Have you taken a BRC (Basic Rider Course), or something similar? The type of riding you are doing will dictate what range of rpms/gear you should be in. If you're just cruising, there's no reason to sit at 7k (unless that cruising is in 6th on the highway at 86 mph). Shifting up and down is a lot of the fun of having/riding a bike, if you sit in one gear all of the time it can be kind of boring!

Since you're new to bikes, I would advise staying out of first as much as possible. One pothole, sneeze or slip and your inexperienced wrist can grab more throttle than you're ready for, throwing you from the bike. If you're in a higher gear the bike won't feel as twitchy and you'll probably feel more comfortable. If I'm just casually riding around I sometimes even shift as early as 3-4k rpms, depending on the situation. Unless I am in a situation where I feel I may need the acceleration of the bike (twisties/racing cagers/making a pass/doing something else dangerous where having a bit more speed is a good thing), once I reach the speed I want to be cruising in, I'll shift up and drop the RPMs down. Makes for a smoother ride, uses less gas, quieter, etc.

TL;DR (but not really because you should probably read this) -
1- Use punctuation
2- This is normal, but give your bike an oil change
3- No, don't cruise at 30 in first gear, your bike has 6 gears, try some of the others out.
The bike will run rich and idle about 1200rpm until warmed up, dropping to about 1000rpm. It is fine to ride during this time.

This is covered in the owner's manual. Recommended shift points are in the manual. Read the owner's manual.

PDFs here: Boneman's FZ6 Site - Mods

Also, if this is your first bike you may wish to stay south of 6k rpm for a while. 6k is about 30hp which is max power for a 250cc twin. Ride safe.
:welcome: to this great forum!

Never push a cold motor hard. Cruising RPM is largely dependent on what power you need from the motor. If you just need a small amount of maintenance throttle in traffic there is no reason to be sitting at 8000 RPM 4-6000 is fine. If you need to scoot then drop a gear or 2 to get your motor in it's power band.

Have fun and ATGATT! :D
Bike only has 4 gears but yeah thank you I know how to ride just didn't know if I was riding it hard since 7 rpms isn't even half way up and doesn't sound to high reving but thanks again
Bike only has 4 gears but yeah thank you I know how to ride just didn't know if I was riding it hard since 7 rpms isn't even half way up and doesn't sound to high reving but thanks again
The bike has 6 gears and 7 RPM is pretty slow considering it idles at ~1200 RPM:BLAA:
Bike only has 4 gears but yeah thank you I know how to ride just didn't know if I was riding it hard since 7 rpms isn't even half way up and doesn't sound to high reving but thanks again

Dude !! There is another 2 !! Keep pulling them..... She will happily do 30mph in 5th gear & save you BUCKET loads of fuel :thumbup:
Okay thanks I was told it only had 4 when I bought it and have only been to 4 gears when I was going 80 so didn't know that