Motorcycle Pile Up

Didn't seem to be all that many bikes that really got involved. Looking at the tape there is a rider on the left of the screen (10 second mark) that endos and I can't figure out what the rider was doing because the rider had some room to play with. It looks like the rider may have panicked and grabbed a handful of sportbike front brake at a really bad time.
everytime I click on that link it makes my computer freeze up
Buy a Mac!!!


Hah!!! I had no problems with it at all but I'm not using active X....
Looks mad, cant tell what happened, but no one else seems too phased about helping anyone or seeing if anyone is hurt.
lol. the rider in front of the filmer just seems to go on through without notice, other than to swerve around whatever is in his/her path.
Well, would you stop in the middle of the road, in the middile of an in-progress accident, or clear the scene, pull off, and walk the 20 feet back?
I believe this happened in Russia. This is only a small clip from a larger video IIRC. Somewhat different cultural norms. The bike event may have been illegal in the first place, thus no stopping to aid the fallen? Sort of like the bike event (Critical Mass) in NYC where the cop assaulted the bicyclist a week or so ago. Just guessing...
+1. I thought that was strange too. Riders are just weaving through the fallen bikes instead of pulling over. :confused:

Not just the fallen bikes but they are weaving past the riders on the ground as well.

The guy in the blue leathers on the floor does not look too healthy.

i am not sure what happened here either. It is difficult to work out. The red bike came in at hell of a speed and cartwheeled so that may have started it all off.
