Car turns infront of a bike.

some people are idiots, and that white car driver should be drug out in the middle of the road in the middle of the night so he can be hit by a bus...
Driver was an idiot, but the biker should have seen that coming and been able to avoid it. They car was moving slowly and had crossed a couple of lanes already.

In fact, I just watched it again and the car was almost completely off the road. No excuse for the rider hitting them. He wasn't even blocked in by a car.
although it was avoidable it is the cars responsibility to make safe lane changes. Cut and dry it is the cars fault.
although it was avoidable it is the cars responsibility to make safe lane changes. Cut and dry it is the cars fault.

You wish...... The driver was simply moving to the right for an unknown reason. The bike rider rear ended the car not the other way around and that rider seemed to not only have time to respond to the cars lane change but didn't even make an attempt to avoid it. I hope the guy on the bike had insurance cause he's going to need it....
That's why you should stay in a fast lane!That was totally avoidable,he didn't even try to swerve! If he was paying attention he would've seen it coming atleast 5 seconds before the impact!
Classic case of target fixation by the rider.

Don't get me wrong, the BDC was at fault, not the rider.

But that was avoidable. The rider was hard on the brakes and looking right at the car (i.e. heading right for it) No brakes and a swerve to the left would have avoided the car entirely.

My opinion is they are both at fault. The rider for not paying attention and he was moving pretty quick.
The car for stopping in the road, and moving across multiple lanes of traffic.

Insurance will see it as rider fault. He hit the back of another vehicle. It doesnt matter what the other vehicle did.

Did you notice his rear wheel was completley off the ground at the end of his braking? It also looks like he was travelling in the breakdown lane and coming back into the traffic lane. It also looks like the front wheel tucked just before impact as well.

Lessons I get from this, Cover your lever. Dont travel faster than you can see or stop.
My opinion is they are both at fault. The rider for not paying attention and he was moving pretty quick.
The car for stopping in the road, and moving across multiple lanes of traffic.

Insurance will see it as rider fault. He hit the back of another vehicle. It doesnt matter what the other vehicle did.

This is not the case in Holland, the car driver has to check that the lane he is moving into is free before doing so. There have been several motorbike accidents in holland that dispite the fact that the motorbike was riding too fast he won the legal battle as the car driver simply didn't check his mirrors

Did you notice his rear wheel was completley off the ground at the end of his braking? It also looks like he was travelling in the breakdown lane and coming back into the traffic lane. It also looks like the front wheel tucked just before impact as well.

Lessons I get from this, Cover your lever. Dont travel faster than you can see or stop.
That's why you should stay in a fast lane!That was totally avoidable,he didn't even try to swerve! If he was paying attention he would've seen it coming atleast 5 seconds before the impact!

Shows you how important it is to choose your line! The accident was avoidable if he was in correct lane. Riders must be more aware of which lanes are safer than others. You will never see me riding in the right lane of the freeway just for that reason, how many times have we seen vehicles trying to exit off the highway at the very last minute from the middle lanes.