May 21st 2011 end of the world!


Dec 19, 2010
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It's the end of the world every day for someone...... I love it when someone has a vision or a world shaking experience. It's a good thing but I think it's a gift that belong to you and maybe some others at specific times. But I don't believe you should start your own church...:rolleyes: Well okay....go ahead, cuz obviously every one else does it and some even go out of their way to destroy the non believers or people that don't understand the vision.

There was this story about a guy who had a vision and it was going to be the end of the world on a specific day at a specific time. He tried to tell everyone but they didn't have the same vision so they just went about their way.
The day came and the guy had built a harness with some big turkey wings which he strapped on. He was ATGATT for the end of the world.:eek:
He climbed a tree and watched the time on his watch for the sure to come, pending doom. At that moment he knew that the world would be gone and he and anyone who had listened would be airborne escaping Armageddon while the rest of world and non visionaries perished into who knows what!:eek:

His watch ticked and just as the moment of fire and brimstone approached he shut his eyes tight and leaped with all his might! :eek: There would be no earth below him to land on. He would soar on his turkey wings till maybe he had another vision that would tell him where to land. Maybe he would land on the turtle's back that held the earth....Maybe the turtle would also be destroyed and he would have to land on what was holding the turtle! Maybe what was holding that would.......:confused:

The earth was there to great him and he broke his arm.......
Man ....I'm never going back to the 60's or dropping acid again!!!! :rof:
Nah it's actually from some book someone I know was reading.

Take care of each other! We don't need any more terrorists...:rolleyes: :D
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When it doesn't happen, as many times as zealots have predicted, and it hasn't. (Well for some it has) What do they say????

"Well our sun dials were off back in the day and today we use the atomic clock at Fort Collins,Co?"

I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feeling :spank: I don't claim to understand what any of this existence is really about but I sure do enjoy all of you and this world! :BLAA:
the way I see it weather the world ends on tomrrow or end 1 billion years from now I'm going to live my life how I want to. People like these can worry all they want to try to save man kind but it won't work. I'm going to go back to my life now when the world comes to an end all I can say is it was fun while it lasted.
They might be right. Better get your riding in now! If they're wrong, some people think the Mayans' predicted it for the end of 2012. They're both great excuses to ride. Like I need any ;)
They might be right. Better get your riding in now! If they're wrong, some people think the Mayans' predicted it for the end of 2012. They're both great excuses to ride. Like I need any ;)

Already tried to use it as an excuse to do all kinds of stuff with the wife, but she was not buying what they are selling. Yes I phrased it that way for a reason, but other stuff like the r1, speed triple, Ducati street fighter are not in the garage either.
Oh ****... The world ended??!!??!! Is this heaven? I knew traffic seemed unusually light today.

The next one is 12-12-12 right?

I'm going to start my bunker soon...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

do you know if its going to be morning or evening
just its me birthday and im havin a booze up!
FFS, i'll be on my second day of a four day tour of the west coast of Scotland........Well pissed off now........gonna have to cancel it now and stay at home - hiding under a table with the wife and kids!:rolleyes:
Yeah I ran into that bs in Hollywood last week..I wonder how someone keep lying to themselves even after they are proven wrong..may 21 will roll by and nothing will happen and the most shocking of all is that this wont impact on their nonsense beliefs
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Doesn't bother me.

My moto is "Live each day like it's your last" (Make every moment count, take the time to smell the roses and thank the creator, live your dreams, love much, regret little and don't dwell on the past.)
[QUOTE Are you serious , im still waiting for the millenium bug to kill me :rof: :BLAA:[/QUOTE]

I Found the little fella back about 11 years ago and put him in a strait jacket:thumbup: