Match your tires....


Speedy recovery
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Ogden, UT
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I was running Pilot Road 2 in the front and BT020 in the rear (got the bike this way).
The rear died first, naturally, and I replaced it with a BT021.
I was riding the mixed set for some time with no noticeable problems. The BT020 was a stone, and the new BT021 was a huge improvement.
I still had no issues riding a more than 1/2 worn front with a new rear.
Shortly after (1 month), the front got pretty close to the wear bars.
I started to feel the front washing a little bit and response was vague, and that was enough for me to go get a new tire. By the way, the Pilot wore at the sides before the middle.
I got the matching BT021 for the front.

Well, I am convinced. Matching sets offer the best performance. Sure, you can get away with a mixed set (of the same category tire, ie. sport/sport or touring/touring), but it's not the best.
Braking has a more modulated feel. Turn-in is crisper and smoother with less snap and more fine-tuning of lean angle. The front is much more planted.
Sure, some of this can be due to the difference between a new tire and an older tire. But it really "feels" like the tires are now working in unison. Linked.

Just a heads-up. If you're running a mixed set, get a matched one. I know you will feel the difference immediately.
Nah.... running mixed tires is no problem.

You will be fine as long as your stickier tire is up front. Ive done it, my dad who rode 20,000 miles a year in the canyons did it......