Mac or PC

Mac or PC?

  • Mac

    Votes: 44 40.4%
  • I own a Mac, but I'd rather have a PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I own a PC, but I'd rather have a Mac

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • PC

    Votes: 64 58.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


It's not over...
Apr 14, 2008
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I know it's a question on the member interviews, but not everyone has been interviewed, and I'd like to see it laid out...

I do a lot of work with graphics in the Adobe creative suite, and I love OSX Leopard and all the programs it comes with, so I'm a Mac man all the way. What about you guys? Mac or PC?

[ame=]YouTube - 15 short Ads Mac vs PC[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - I'M A PC [I am a PC]: Full Ad[/ame]
I own all PC but I have one Vista, one XP, one Linux (main PC) and one Hackintosh that is fun to toy with.
I used to have a PC and I just couldn't take it anymore! I always was running spyware, antivirus, defraggng, restarts, slowness... when I switched to Mac I was able to be productive and it is not hard to use. IN fact the steps just to edit a picture is so much easier with iPhoto and other i apps make a Mac my computer of choice. I will only use PC if im forced to :)
We own both... As of this year this is largely a moot point. You can do most things on either platform.

Most of my graphic design work has been on a PC and I find photoshop easier on a PC, I find video/music editing a LOT easier on a mac.

Macs are way too heavy... PCs are way too unpredictably built (and a terror to service)

Here is an article on the Mac Tax

Basically, they remove the MAC element from the equation and lay out a structure for a regressive tax, that being one that hits the cheapest Mac models hardest. So the stronger the specs on the mac the better the deal you are getting against a PC.

They also acknowledge that this does not include the Mac OS and customer service

They also have a great article about MS capitalizing on the recession by hitting Apple at its price point belt... Of course our countrymen often decide on a purchase with their wallets rather than their minds.

My combo special is a specced up MACBOOK, a modded EEEPC and my IPOD Touch... Best of all worlds... Yeah Im a dork
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I used to have a PC and I just couldn't take it anymore! I always was running spyware, antivirus, defraggng, restarts, slowness... when I switched to Mac I was able to be productive and it is not hard to use. IN fact the steps just to edit a picture is so much easier with iPhoto and other i apps make a Mac my computer of choice. I will only use PC if im forced to :)

The only reason why MAC's dont have the virus and related problems is becuase there is no programmer out there that mean. To have a MAC is bad enough!!!!

PC ALL THE WAY. A PC can do the same things as a MAC and then some. Its all depended on how you build your PC and what programs you enter.

MAC's seem to be for the computer retarded (no offence to MAC owners out there) for people get them because they cant figure out a PC. There was an add for MAC about 3 years ago, and one lady interviewed said that "I love the MAC so much for it is much simpler, I couldnt even figure out how to turn my old PC on." ]
I am sorry, but if you can not even figure out how to press the turn on button, buying a MAC over a PC is not going to help you out one bit.

Plain and simple, a PC will do anything you build it to do, a MAC will only do what the limmited amount of programs will allow you do do.
I have a Windows XP workstation where I work, but all of my real work is done on linux servers. At home I have a dual boot Windows Vista and a Ubuntu Jaunty desktop and a Windows XP laptop.

For me the choice is definitely a PC since I can upgrade specific parts of it whenever I want rather than paying over the top prices to Apple for upgrades. Part of it is also because Apple junkies (and not everyone who owns an Apple is one) piss me off.
Last three guys... understand your point... However and I never fully appreciated this till I got the Google Phone...

You all obviously have extensive knowledge of the ins and out of 0s and 1s, some people don't, some people are resistant to, and some people don't have the time.

I have been tooling around since the TRS 180, I wrote my first line of code on an Atari 800. With my PCs I can figure most things out (with time) for free.

When I've had clients that printed out a memo put it in a copier and then ran the copier with letterhead in the load drawer, there are people that just don't have the time to know. Now that I have a Mac again (freeware and paid) things just work a bit smoother.

The yankee argument doesn't work here, Macs are pricey and have a great uptime... My boys in stripes are pricey and have sucked
Both Mac and Microsoft (Mac is a personal computer ie pc) have high points and low points. For my money Mac makes the laptops hands down. But I will always have a home built windows box for my office computer. And I dual boot my Macbook pro with Windows 7 :).
Manas12 are you living in the 80's and 90's? Apples and "PC's" have been using the same video card, processor, ram, etc for years now. So upgrades are very easy.
Well i have an iMac 24" and love the display.. i'm running parallels with windows xp. I need the xp for my AutoCad and i run my mac for photoshop and basic use. such as Web, Im, Email, Everything.. I actually only use the windows for Autocad
Plain and simple, a PC will do anything you build it to do, a MAC will only do what the limmited amount of programs will allow you do do.

I'll have to disagree with this but only if the Mac is running OS X or later. As of this iteration of the Mac OS, most open source programs can easily be ported and/or compiled under the OS and run. There's more than enough open source support, coupled with commercial programs, that you can do nearly anything on the Mac that the PC can do.

Since the release of OS X, the Mac is now a Unix based OS with a very sleek shell over it. A lot of Linux distros are fast approaching the user-friendly environment that both Vista and Mac offer.

If you ever want to toy with Linux, download PCLinuxOS 2009 LIVE CD and boot from it. Remember that it is running from the CD so you don't get all the features and performance as if it was installed locally. BUT, you get a true taste of a great OS that does it all for free! GIMP Plus rocks!!! Running this LIVE does nothing to your OS, hard drive or data. You can simply reboot without the CD and go back to your original OS.
I'll have to disagree with this but only if the Mac is running OS X or later. As of this iteration of the Mac OS, most open source programs can easily be ported and/or compiled under the OS and run. There's more than enough open source support, coupled with commercial programs, that you can do nearly anything on the Mac that the PC can do.

Since the release of OS X, the Mac is now a Unix based OS with a very sleek shell over it. A lot of Linux distros are fast approaching the user-friendly environment that both Vista and Mac offer.

If you ever want to toy with Linux, download PCLinuxOS 2009 LIVE CD and boot from it. Remember that it is running from the CD so you don't get all the features and performance as if it was installed locally. BUT, you get a true taste of a great OS that does it all for free! GIMP Plus rocks!!! Running this LIVE does nothing to your OS, hard drive or data. You can simply reboot without the CD and go back to your original OS.

Thanks for the Linux tip i am always looking for a new os xp pro is good(compared to other windows OS) and I have tried some of the older linux(almost 2 years ago) but I still want something more stable and without all the extra crap windows throws in their OS
Aren't MAC and PCs basically the same thing in terms of hardware these days? MAC doesn't use IBM processors anymore, nothing is really proprietary to MAC anymore except their OS and packaging, so if we're comparing Operating Systems only, I would say that they're both comparable today.... it might be a bit easier for a noob user to screw up a PC, so I usually advise noobs to buy a MAC... MAC's interface and design are beautiful as well, which is a plus.

Personally, I am and will remain a PC user (I build my own machines from ground up), but I can understand why some ppl would go for a MAC.
Aren't MAC and PCs basically the same thing in terms of hardware these days? MAC doesn't use IBM processors anymore, nothing is really proprietary to MAC anymore except their OS and packaging, so if we're comparing Operating Systems only, I would say that they're both comparable today.... it might be a bit easier for a noob user to screw up a PC, so I usually advise noobs to buy a MAC... MAC's interface and design are beautiful as well, which is a plus.

Personally, I am and will remain a PC user (I build my own machines from ground up), but I can understand why some ppl would go for a MAC.

Yes, to your questions! MAC's are running Intel chips and are capable of running many different Op-systems...Linux, Ubuntu, etc... I have "Boot Camped" my mac to run both PC and OSX, so at my finger tips are the best of both worlds. I believe it's a personal preference now a days, MAC just makes things easier by allowing different operating systems and are virtually virus free.
Aren't MAC and PCs basically the same thing in terms of hardware these days?

Yes and no. When I explain to a client that they need to spend $500-$1000 on a new laptop or more relevantly a desktop and they find netbooks and such for $200-$300 they believe that there is no difference. It goes on the net you can do email, but they also don't realize that they cant have a buttload of windows open and they need to expect slower speeds.

So the difference is that Macs (since the manufacturer/putter togetherer and OS developer are the same) have a more premium base product. I know thats negligible on the cover of the argument, but when you get down to it, bad power supplies and inconsistent construction can leave a wake of annoyances that really level the field.
You can do multiple OS installs on oth platforms, yes. But, the Mac still has a hardware proprietary hook installed called the EFI BIOS. The Mac can run other OS installs rather easily. but to port the Mac OS over (Hackintosh), you need to recreate or fool the OS into thinking you have the EFI BIOS installed. This is done with hacks, cracks, USB hardware keys, etc...

It can be done and has been many times over. But they did make it difficult which is too bad! If they'd simply take out the EFI restraint and start selling the OS on the shelf beside Vista, I'm willing to bet they'd make a killing. I'd love to go buy a "PC" copy of OS X.### and be able to dual-boot my PC without hacking crap. Instead, I had to buy OS X THEN hack it! (Go Google!!!)
MAC just makes things easier by allowing different operating systems and are virtually virus free.

I have dual boot PC at home running Vista and Ubuntu. You can make it so on a PC if you know how to set up dual boot systems.

As for the virus argument, my reply to that almost always is Mac's are that mainstream in the PC market to make it worthwhile to create viruses for it :Flip:
There are a lot of tips on what you can do to make your Windows machine secure.