Mac or PC

Mac or PC?

  • Mac

    Votes: 44 40.4%
  • I own a Mac, but I'd rather have a PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I own a PC, but I'd rather have a Mac

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • PC

    Votes: 64 58.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am a long time PC guy that took the dive into the MAC world last october and I will never go back!

MAC all the way!!!
Macs are for stupid people who don't know how to operate a regular computer and are willing to spend 2-4 times as much money on a trendy piece of crap.
Same goes for ipods/iphones.
I voted PC to tie the score at 17-17, I didn't think it would be so even.

The last Apple product I used was this one :)

Macs are for stupid people who don't know how to operate a regular computer and are willing to spend 2-4 times as much money on a trendy piece of crap.
Same goes for ipods/iphones.

Well if you have the money for it and are not looking to upgrade your PC often or really use the Mac's capabilities, I have no problem with that. But people who buy them just because they look "cool" bug me yes. Keeping that in mind, I wouldn't make blanket statements like that for all Mac or any other Apple product users for that matter.
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Macs are for stupid people who don't know how to operate a regular computer and are willing to spend 2-4 times as much money on a trendy piece of crap.
Same goes for ipods/iphones.

I have owned my 17" PowerBook for 6 years and it is still running flawless with all the original parts, most 'lowest bidder on parts' PC makers like Dell, HP Acer etc, are lucky to get 3-1/2 4 years out of their computers. Who's the stupid one now? I would be on my 2nd PC on my way to buying a 3rd. Now that is just silly. Keep your Windoze PC and suffer.
I have owned my 17" PowerBook for 6 years and it is still running flawless with all the original parts, most 'lowest bidder on parts' PC makers like Dell, HP Acer etc, are lucky to get 3-1/2 4 years out of their computers. Who's the stupid one now? I would be on my 2nd PC on my way to buying a 3rd. Now that is just silly. Keep your Windoze PC and suffer.

Well, you are on the other side of the scale but your post is similarly ignorant. I have been using Windoze (sic) PC's since forever and have been using a Dell PC for the last 3 years. What I like about my computer is I can rip the guts out of it and keep it somewhat updated to current standards and by not having to pay over the top prices to boot.

To each his own, that is the outcome. If you are happy with a product that you purchased 6 years ago, and that is outdated at least for a computer, then I guess, good for you.
Yeah I think we're on the same page... Microsoft only sells the software that goes into a PC, nothing else, so you can't say MAC > MS because Mac's hardware is better :) That's all I was saying.

If you only compare the software between Mac and MS, it comes down to personal preference, so to each his own.

You hit the nail on the head there's not a big deal, it's just personal preference. PC's are great for their own reasons, and so are Mac's.

SovietRobot, I can respect your opinion, but if you want mine; Open your mind
Just like the oil threads, it is a matter of preference. Peanut butters are different!

I go with PC's because they are open sourced, have ton's of software, and are easy to fix. Sometimes you get a squirrelly board or program, but for the most part I have had good luck. And the cost to build your own is low.

People who own Macs love them. It is like the difference between Apple and Cherry pie. No pun intended.
Well, you are on the other side of the scale but your post is similarly ignorant.

If you are happy with a product that you purchased 6 years ago, and that is outdated at least for a computer, then I guess, good for you.

well I was just joking but you state that my computer is so? I am running the latest OS and it runs beautifully. Take a 6 year old computer and try to run Vista on it. Not gonna happen!
well I was just joking but you state that my computer is so? I am running the latest OS and it runs beautifully. Take a 6 year old computer and try to run Vista on it. Not gonna happen!

Yeah with Vista it's not gonna happen. By outdated, I meant hardware-wise not software.
I have Macs at home and both an IBM workstation and a Mac at work. The software on the Mac platform is more consistent in terms of design and UI than windows based software. Many Graphics programs have been ported over to windows, so those applications look and feel consistent, but many others have poor user interfaces.

If you're into tweaking things you can go into the unix command line on the Mac and run things directly, but for most OS X is fine.

I've found that windows is much more complicated when trying to add various hardware and configure it.

For me it's the throughness of the Mac's design that impresses me. The MacBook Pro is beautiful on the outside, meticulously constructed and has attention to the details. The OS is the same. Someone has thought through the look and feel of the entire interface. Attention to the user interface is even evident when adding a hard drive, a PCI card or more RAM.

I haven't run Windows on a Mac, but I know a few people that do. Some of them use Mac hardware exclusively with Windows because of the stability of the system. Others just use software that's OS specific and switch between OS X and Windows.
Here is my opinion on it................

I am not a "computer guy". EVERYBODY uses computers so I use that term meaning I don't build my own stuff, code programs, set up complex stuff that I don't even know what I'm talking about etc. MORE people in the world do what I do. They turn on their computer and USE it. Whether it's surfing the web, writing emails, editing videos/pictures, compiling data, rendering stuff etc.

That is what I do. I know maybe a touch more about them then the average person but I don't know much. My grandparents just got a computer for the first time last year. you know what they got? Some DELL running vista with integrated graphics and 1GB RAM. What?! Even them, computer illiterate, saw that it was running very very slow after awhile. Sweet setup there DELL.

The FZ6 (or any mechanical machine for that matter) - there are people here that know what they are talking about, people that try to know what they are talking about and the people that know they don't know anything and just want to ride.

The latter is what the majority of the market wants and it's what APPLE provides. No fuss, just plug it in and go. Ask it to do something and it does without freezing, have unexpected errors blah blah blah.

I use computers to use them. And ever since I got a G5 iMac and now upgraded to a 2.4ghz aluminum macbook I don't use Windows. I do run it when I "need" it using a virtual machine but thats it.

You wouldn't by a car or a bike that you have to kick, poke and prod to run right. Looking at this from the outside it seem the PC guy's are the ones that like to do just that with their machines. Constantly tweaking them or doing whatever they do to make it the way they want it.

I'm a APPLE guy cause it does what I want from it. But I don't judge PC's. They obviously work for others.
You don't judge PC, but yet it's pretty clear what you think of them! :D

You make a good point though, and I agree that MACs are easier to use, and more difficult to screw up, but I disagree when you criticize PCs or PC manufacturers, or Vista... it's not the hardware (well sometimes it is, but in general), or the software that are the issue, it's the people using them!
If your grandparents' PC was running slow "after a while" it's not because of the PC, or because of DELL, but because your grandparents screwed it up by installing something they shouldn't have, or clicking on something they shouldn't have... the computer did not start to run slow on its own is my point.

So again, if you're a noob and don't want to spend the time understanding a computer and how to use it, I agree MAC is the better option as it will be more difficult for you to tweak something you shouldn't have, but if you're part of the other category of ppl who are a bit more computer-savy (or at least are willing to spend the time understanding what they're doing) a PC is just as stable as a MAC imo.

Bottom line? I agree with you that for the typical lambda user (read noob), a MAC is the better option today.
OK perfect world scenario... We are able to eradicate malware and viruses.

Using computers as they are, for what they are capable of doing...
Change any minds?

For me not so much, I do like the continuity that Macs represent, who made that point? was a good one. That and getting my crap fixed 15 minutes away rather than japan is a huge plus...

By the way I read somewhere that the largest amount of malware is directed at childrens' internet games... not like M.U.D., but like Nickelodeon instead of getting at kids shouldn't there be more a a consumer backlash??
I have only PC's and I do like the Mac. But the cost of the Mac Vs PC is just not justifiable. If you know just how to tweak your PC with the right stuff you will save a bundle. But again to each their own...