Loss of power problem


Junior Member
Apr 16, 2009
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Fountain, CO
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I have a 06 FZ6, if i am at a constant speed or even sometimes when on the throt. i will get a "sputter" and lose power off and on. I just recently bought this bike from a friend and it has a little over 10,000 miles on it. I dont believe that he has ever changed the spark plugs, so im thinking it could be that. Any one have any advice or had the same problem?
I have a hard time believing that the spark plugs would cause that. You can change them, but I think you need to look elsewhere. Loose electrical connector, maybe?


1. Do you lose all power, or does the engine just get weaker?

2. Can you make the problem happen? If so, what are the conditions?

3. Is the bike modified in any way?

Maybe somebody else can chime in about the early FZ6 TPS issues. I know nothing about that problem, so I cannot comment.
if it is not a complete loss of power, and seems like the engine "lags" at a particular part when the engine is either steady or being given fuel, initially it would be a cylinder loosing power and slowing down the rest of the engine. If it is not a constant problem, i would first check and make sure that the spark plug connections are tight. Also, at 10,000 miles, you might as well put in 4 new spark plugs. If that does not solve your problem, it may be a injector starting to clog up. It is a little low in miles for that, but a fuel system cleaner might be a good idea as general too. with those three things checked/done, if you continue to have the problem, you are gonna have to take it in for you are not gonna be able to do much more without more precise diagnosis.

Lets hope it is one of these three and that you can get riding again soon without troubles :D
I would check in this order:
- Airbox (make sure you don't have a cat sleeping in there)
- Fuel Line (kinked?)
- spark plugs
- Fuel pump

Good luck.
Thanks to all of you for you help, I do plan on replacing the spark plugs this weekend, any suggestions on good plugs. I dont mind paying a little more for some good ones.
Thanks to all of you for you help, I do plan on replacing the spark plugs this weekend, any suggestions on good plugs. I dont mind paying a little more for some good ones.

Have you checked the cables connected to the battery? Happened to me a couple of years ago on a different bike, a connector bolt had come loose just a bit but enough. At high speed it kept cutting out and coming back quickly and I think that was any slight bump or rough bits of road would jolt the cables up and down. Scared the s**t out of me but luckily it was easy to put right. ??? worth checking all your cables.
In addition and maybe the 1st thing you might try is disconnecting the battery for a few minutes to reset the computer. Then go for a ride and see if that cured it. It's cheap, fast and easy. If the plugs haven't been change in 10k it might be a good idea to change them.
I don't know if I'm understanding your problem correctly. Is it almost like the engine just gives a little pause then gets back to work? My 07 has done this occasionally ever since I got it (brand new, btw). It seems more pronounced when I start it up on a cold night and take right off - usually happens at the first yield I encounter when I let off the throttle a little then start to go again. It gives me a little jerk. I figured it was just an injection glitch. Giving the engine a minute to warm up before I take off pretty much solves it.
I was also feeling that my bike has less power these days. I will try the suggestions that have been posted. thanks
Thanks to all with the good info. My friend and I tore the bike apart and found out that 3 of the 4 spark plugs were a little tighter than and tight. So we got those fixed and it seemed to help the problem.