Long distance riding on FZ6

Yeah, did it a few weeks ago, helped (in my opinion) to break up the look of the supershield.

I'll get some more soon
not sure about the other motorcycles on your list, but what I really like about the FZ6, other than its performance/comfort, is the center stand. If you plan on doing a lot of your own maintenance, the center stand helps a lot.
D-mac i agree the hodna seat is about the most uncomfortable seat (if you can call it that) i have ever riding on. my dirt bike and moped seats are better.
I'd immediiately leave out the Aprilia. Three reasons: Under-powered, too new for aftermarket mods, and extremely fast depreciation on Aprilia bikes.

I'm biased, thus I'd say FZ6 but if you want all inclusive touring, go with the FJ or Connie. A lot more money but look at what you get for that without having to buy aftermarket stuff?!?

FZ and a tri-Givi setup, you're all set. Saves a lot of money over the two bigs ones I mentioned.

Sorry if I repeated anyone's reply but I didn't read through the thread. I have been wading through over 1100 new posts!!
thats true. but the onlye reason i have ruled out the bigger bikes is becuase of the fact that i am an 18 year old male living in new jersey and i doubt i would be able to pay for any inssurace on anything over 1000cc. Thats why i considered the FZ6 and other bikes i have on the list
thats true. but the onlye reason i have ruled out the bigger bikes is becuase of the fact that i am an 18 year old male living in new jersey and i doubt i would be able to pay for any inssurace on anything over 1000cc. Thats why i considered the FZ6 and other bikes i have on the list

Now you say so! knucklehead! Get the FZ, insurance is DIRT cheap compared to other bikes. I'm 44, married and pay $354 a year. A true sport bike would cost me about $1,000+ a year to insure. I can't imagine the cost for an 18 year old back East.

My suggestion; get the FZ, get some nice GIVI cases, a GPS, nice gear, a few other toys that you like. Save a few bucks by doing so and enjoy your adventure that much more.

I really envy you, I would love to hop on my FZ and take off touring for a few months, it would be GREAT!
If insurance is a factor, you might want to rule out the BMW. You'll likely pay your maximum deductable if you harm it in even the smallest way.

+1 on the centerstand. I'll never own another bike without one.