Lets get some rules going here. LOL

Okay. We now have two candidates who have pulled hall of shamers. How do we go about picking a winner............ We vote......How?

We need to come up with a way to vote on a winner that dosen't involve having to go through all the posts to count them.

Should we put up a poll and have the members vote on the candidates that way and if so, how do we determine how long to leave the poll open to get a winner?

Should we have a starting point, like the first of the mounth, and all the candidates put in their bids for the "UWH" then have to wait until the last day of the mounth to find out who the winner is?

The reason why I'm asking all of this is because I have the "UWH" and I need a definitive way to know who to send it to so as not to start a pissing contest on who got it. The person who does get it will have the same problem as I if we don't come up with some sort of way to vote.

Any ideas for voting?
Okay. We now have two candidates who have pulled hall of shamers. How do we go about picking a winner............ We vote......How?

We need to come up with a way to vote on a winner that dosen't involve having to go through all the posts to count them.

Should we put up a poll and have the members vote on the candidates that way and if so, how do we determine how long to leave the poll open to get a winner?

Should we have a starting point, like the first of the mounth, and all the candidates put in their bids for the "UWH" then have to wait until the last day of the mounth to find out who the winner is?

The reason why I'm asking all of this is because I have the "UWH" and I need a definitive way to know who to send it to so as not to start a pissing contest on who got it. The person who does get it will have the same problem as I if we don't come up with some sort of way to vote.

Any ideas for voting?
I think you suggestion is reasonable. Start at the first of the month with a poll. The winner (if we can call them that) will then be sent UWH on the last day of the month. If there is a close call for second, the second place person can get it next time round. As a forfit I think the winner should also post a pic. "Look where UWH went today" nice piccy of local monument work place strip bar ect?
I think you suggestion is reasonable. Start at the first of the month with a poll. The winner (if we can call them that) will then be sent UWH on the last day of the month. If there is a close call for second, the second place person can get it next time round. As a forfit I think the winner should also post a pic. "Look where UWH went today" nice piccy of local monument work place strip bar ect?
I like that!!!! :rockon:
yamahamahafz6 gets my vote to, poor sod in comparison to my damage he is looking at a virtual re-build. I’m relieved that it was not just a one horse race
(pardon the pun). We got to get this moving any how. I was thinking that maybe the cost of posting the UWH would put some people off of participating. If you could send me a decent picture I could try to source a UK and European equivalent. After all I have a feeling that the kudos and legend of the UWH will grow.
I can see now, hanging out with the guys and someone does something stupid. my response " what the heck is wrong with you you going for the UWH or something" ahh thats priceless!!!:thumbup:
I can see now, hanging out with the guys and someone does something stupid. my response " what the heck is wrong with you you going for the UWH or something" ahh thats priceless!!!:thumbup:
Im happy to be voted on, not quite sure if I want to be remembered in history as the first ever recipient of the UWH. I do think it is a cool idea though.
I think the winner should also post a pic. "Look where UWH went today" nice piccy of local monument work place strip bar ect?
Awsome idea.. I will make a area in the PHOTO ALBUM just for the UWH adventures.... lol
We got to get this moving any how. I was thinking that maybe the cost of posting the UWH would put some people off of participating. If you could send me a decent picture I could try to source a UK and European equivalent. After all I have a feeling that the kudos and legend of the UWH will grow.

That sounds sensible to me if everyone else goes along. Here are some new pics of the "UWH" next to a pack of cigarettes for a size reference.
Yamahamahafz6 has my vote too now. That's awful damage. Sorry about your bike but good to know you're OK other than some bumps and scratches.
That sounds sensible to me if everyone else goes along. Here are some new pics of the "UWH" next to a pack of cigarettes for a size reference.
Jesus, it is ugly or even fugly......So smoking will stunt your growth.
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