Lets get some rules going here. LOL



Post up your ideas.
We will get them organised and agreed upon, and get this party started.
Rule #1 No yelling.(all caps)
Rule #2 No telling someone to use the search feature(I see it all the time elsewhere):Flip:
Rule #3 before you can post you must buy me a beer!!:iconbeer:
Rule #4 Red is faster!!:Sport:
Rule #5 I am KING!
I think any good crash. Dirt, pavement, gravel, hell crash your boat good. Post up some photos and you might win. LOL

Lets see.
How about
We today the start date.

Some months there just wont be any mistakes. So your only "Crash Gordon" for one month.

Whoever has the UWH is responsible for shipping the UWH to the next person.

If you keep the UWH we change you name to Horse Lover. LOL

Anybody else?
Sounds good to me so far.

How about nothing resulting in a fatality?
No glory in getting someone killed:(

I agree this is a fun thread... and not just motorcycles... It can be anything that is worthy of the hall... Embarssing moments ect....:thumbup:
theres a statute of limitations; no entries can be "from the old glory days"
current events only!!!
I'm sorry guys, but rle #4 is a known fact. If anyone disagrees they can pm me and I will gladle show them!:p
Um red huh?
Well anyway.

Back on topic. LOL

Anybody got any other rules for the Hall of Shame?

So far
Current events.
Any bone headed manuver
Some months there just wont be any mistakes. So your only "Crash Gordon" for one month.

Whoever has the UWH is responsible for shipping the UWH to the next person.

If you keep the UWH we change you name to Horse Lover.

Any other rules?
members vote kinda like American Idol, only not gay and much cooler, and unlike Washington the majority actually wins!!!:D
that may be true but, it did take a 400cc advantage to outrun the Red!!!:D
Okay, I guess the ruels are mostly set then? I figure all we have to do now is set and wait. You know the "UWH" is just itchen' to get going. LOL

Actualy, I hope no one has the misfortune of being visited by my old pal here but I'm sure it'll be called upon one day. I just hope not too soon.
Okay, I guess the ruels are mostly set then? I figure all we have to do now is set and wait. You know the "UWH" is just itchen' to get going. LOL

Actualy, I hope no one has the misfortune of being visited by my old pal here but I'm sure it'll be called upon one day. I just hope not too soon.
OK I have had a Brain fart. I will try to post photographic evidence, so that my peers may judge me with all of the facts. I have just been to Ireland for two weeks holiday. Prior to going I was just making sure that my garage was secure ect. I was just walking my bike out of the garage and I caught the hem of my trousers on the pedal of my cycle. I had that awful moment when you over balance and for a brief moment you still think you got it. I didn’t still got it and I dropped my bike. Now this in itself is not such a big thing however, only a few weeks previously I was joking at the expense of some of the other rider’s misfortunes, and posted a reply stating that my bike was still a “minter”. I also manage to land the bike on a set of dumbbells that I cant be arsed to use so I now have a nice dent in the petrol tank.
when you figure out how to get that dent out, let me know. I have one in the tank where my loving father dropped the bike on my lawnmower.
Well perryn, I think you have a good case for becoming the first recipient of a visit from the "UWH". The rules are in full effect so I guess the next thing for you to do is get your pics up with your story and the members need to get together and have a vote to see if your folly is up to our high standards. As you know, we have to take our fun seriously in the "Hall Of Shame". LOL

On a side note, we need to make a thread to house the potential "Hall Of Shame" candidates and another thread for the official 'Hall Of Shame" winners( If we can call them that. LOL). How bout it Steve?

Brain farts are just a fact of life. Although they don't stink, they usually cause more havoc than the real ones. LOL