Land's End to John O groats 2009


Jan 29, 2010
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Newcastle upon Tyne
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Hey Guys thought I'd share one of our rides out last year.

The ‘Long Way Down’’ and the even ‘Longer Way Up’

Paddy, Kaz and one Fazer 1000 packed to the max.
8 Days Holiday and 2,300ish miles later
Firstly I would like to commend Paddy excellent and safe riding. Second the new Fazer awesome!
Wasting no time finished work Friday teatime and we are on the road 30mins later. All the guys think we are heading North ha ha. Devon here we come.
Birmingham – Our digs booked we should arrive in time for a beer or two to celebrate the start of this adventure. Wrong!
Birmingham approaching eyes peeled watching for hotel, nope no sign, a few minutes later I see signs for Gloucester. Oops, I dig Paddy in the ribs for a pull in to services to give him the news. Cheeky bugger dares to ignore me and carries on. When we eventually pull in I get the biggest laugh, it wasn’t a toilet stop I was digging for it was the digs we passed about 50 mile back. We both have a good giggle, spirits high and both happy to crack on further. Exeter about 1.30am try to get our heads down but buzzing to see Andy Bloody Bandy and Wor Rich in the morn.
Devon – Quaint coffee shop. The call to Andy, oh my god so funny, shocked and lots of F in and blinding along the line. 10mins later the new gorgeous Z1000 pulls up and the 3 of us have brekkie. Poor Andy thought he was in for a quiet weekend. We share our plans about Lands End to John O’Groats and of course Andy is up for the bimble to Lands End, unfortunately we can’t get hold of Rich. We drop our luggage off at Andy’s and meet Mrs. Andy Bandy who very kindly offers us madhatters a bed for the night.
Lands End – Not quite as close to Devon as we thought, 130 miles – being from the North East coastline, it seemed strange seeing the coastline to the South West, I felt a bit disorientated. The ride pretty much carriage way until about the last 10 mile into Lands End, then a few nice twisty bends. The place looks like a kind of theme park but without the rides. We arrive at the famous sign post, have our pics taken, chat with some guys cycling to John O’Groats now that’s real hard core. If we had been 10 minutes later the famous sign gets taken down on an evening in case it gets stolen, can you believe that. I’d would have been well peeved if it hadn’t been there on our arrival.
Next stop Plymouth to meet Rich, as we cross the bridge back into Devon a pocket rocket whizzes by, the unmistakeable Richie, Yeah! The four of us together again, sweet! The guys take us to the famous Jaspers for coffee and then around their home turf playground. Very nice too, beautiful scenery, nice roads and we have had brill weather all day.
Following day Morecombe Bay or so we thought – I imagined a pretty coastal bay, that part I guessed right but didn’t like the look or feel of the hotels and pubs along the front. We forgot our gum shields and shin pads so decided safer to proceed a bit further. When in doubt – The Lake District.
Kirby Lonsdale – A good time to get off the motorways and round off those tyres. Lush little village, home of devils bridge famous hang out for bikers and in the summer guys like jumping off the bridge, shame my towel was so well packed. We stayed in the ‘Red Dragon’ a cosy pub, log fire and friendly. We chatted to an older couple also bikers who lived along the road in the most gorgeous house ever. They offered us coffee there the next morning. I love that about bikers it doesn’t matter what your age is or what bike you ride, we are just a friendly leather clad community who love the roads and sharing best routes out there.
Fort William – More mundane motorways until we are north of Glasgow, then I love the further north you go the bigger the mountains get! The weather still glorious, bright sunshine with the occasional fluffy cloud and snow capped mountains. This really is heaven!
Farr Cottage – Corpach 3 miles outside of Fort William. 3 nights turns out to be 4 nights we were just having too much fun to leave.
The cottage is perfect. I am new to this hostel style of accommodation, would I do it again yes without a shadow of a doubt! Dee and Cliff the owners of Farr Cottage are a lovely, friendly, laid back couple who made us feel at home and at ease straight away. We get the guided tour of the dorms, the kitchen and bar. We test the bar, beer also perfect. The toon are playing tonight, taxi straight to Fort William.
A win, further excuse to party!
John O Groats – 200 mile from Farr cottage
We start off with lush weather yet again, we hit the east side of the coast. Pretty bright orange heather exploding up the mountside, some sweet roads. The further we go I am getting fidgety uncomfortable aches and pains. The weather changes to blustery cold stuff, we go over Conon Bridge. A bit of panic sets in I feel like we may just get blown off. How quick would you sink with leather? Damn Quick I reckon!! eek!!
Further north now the place is real desolate. Eventually arrive for the official photograph. Turn around and 200 miles back.
Farr Cottage to Skye
Farr Cottage to Mallaig 40 mile ‘ish, I think this is one of my favourite roads. Twisty heaven, Mallaig has white sand, tropical looking water and palm trees. You would think you had been transported to another country. Awesome!
Mallaig to Armadale
The ferry to Skye takes about 30 mins, off at the other side a new road surface, loose gravel hell. We did stop to ask the workers if it would be finished by June the answer was “Yes” Phew.
Skye is beautiful, the guys for the June ride out are gonna love it. We loop around and arrive in Portree, then back over the bridge which is just jaw dropping to the Kyle of Lochalsh. 150 miles in and I am beginning to moan and twitchy sitting on the back, oh me butt cheeks. Paddy kindly pulls in, we stretch our legs climbing up some mountainside watching for deer. Next thing I am up to my knees in muddy sludge, what a clutz! Not disheartened we stroll on and find secluded waterfall with the clearest lagoon pool. All I am gonna say is the pebbles are harsh on the feet and by the look of Paddy it was extremely cold, if you know what I mean, Ha ha! The photos will go to the smallest bidder oops stay focused I mean highest bidder. Oh God not quite as secluded as first thought two wagons go hurtling by, I cringe waiting to hear the screeching of brakes and the sound of crashing. What a hoot, back on the bike and home to Farr Cottage.
Homeward bound Mark 1
Last day of the most amazing road trip we’ve done so far. The weather has changed like our mood, gloomy. Over breakfast we are quiet lost in our thoughts not yet ready for home. Set off to lashings of rain. 70 mile in we see an appealing looking country hotel at Lochearnhead, we stop to dry off and have lunch. The hotel name was familiar to us ‘Big Kat’ had recommended it. The bar serves great lunch and a nice atmosphere, we see this as a sign to stretch the holiday for 1 more night. Both back in the holiday zone, the evening was a blast, more good food, drink and good crack with other intrepid travellers!
Homeward bound mark 2
A lazy morning, we missed breakfast. The weather had eased a little but it was still a long, slow hung over 200 miles back home.
Home – The up side
We get to do it all again in June, 5 weeks time but who’s counting!

Karen and the Paddy

2500 miles of pure bliss
Holy crap, I have to READ all of that??? ;) Any photos???

