It's freaking HOT!!!

I really need to spend some time down under. I have a friend of mine that in his younger days went down there for a month strait out of High School. He ended up not coming back for 3 year's . As for the weather up here in the greatnorthwest it's been 70's and 80's for a month strait and it could not be better

There is always room for anybody who wants to visit Oz :thumbup: So " Where the bloody hell are ya?? " :D
OK Aussie's, choose your season wording carefully...If you don't have snow/sleet/ice storms/below zero wind chill, you can not call it winter, your season has been officially changed to "other"

We have winter dont you worry , currently -6 & snowing at Charlotte Pass :eek:.... Like Kazza said , we just live in the warmer parts :D... Keep in mind we have minus temps most mornings at my house , only averaging about -1.5 this year but I have ridden in -7 temps a few times :eek: :eek:
Ah yes, but then you factor in the HUMIDITY, which is what the south is known for. 95 degrees with the humidity factored in? Heat index says 109 degrees! Now THAT is friggin HOT!!!

I do not even check the temperatures anymore. I know is going to be HOT, furthermore it is very likely that it'd rain in the afternoon.

I've been traveling (due to work) and there is A LOT of outdoors work. It is brutal!!!!!!! We keep on drinking water and Gatorade constantly and we do not go to the restroom. And course, it only takes a couple of minutes to get soaked!!!!!
You know, that's a seriously interesting theory! I wonder if there's any actual medical research that would back that up??? I mean, it makes total sense to me but I'm no doctor (and I've never played one on TV). ;)

If for some reason my theory goes Nobel in the future y'all just remember you heard it here first! :rockon:
right now its 95 out where i am.. just got done washing and waxing the bike.. way to hot for me to get all leathered up and go for a ride.. but maybe later tonight once the sun goes down a bit more..