It's freaking HOT!!!


Kentucky Wildcat Fanatic
Feb 21, 2007
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Lexington, KY
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Well, the doldrums of August in the south (of the U.S. obviously) have finally set in. I just checked and it's 95 degrees, which doesn't sound too bad, right? I mean, that's hot but heck, that's not insanely hot.

Ah yes, but then you factor in the HUMIDITY, which is what the south is known for. 95 degrees with the humidity factored in? Heat index says 109 degrees! Now THAT is friggin HOT!!!

Needless to say, there's not much riding or working outside going on right now. And I know you guys in the southwest will chime in and say "oh, but it's 120 degrees right now!!!" Whatever! Your relative humidity is about 20% so your 120 feels like 90! :rolleyes:

And then I'm sure you Aussies will chime in..."but it gets so much hotter than that here in the summer!!!" Whatever! It's winter there right now so :Flip:

I'm just messing with everyone, of course! Just wanted to vent (no pun intended) about the stupid-hot weather here at the moment!

Well at least you don't have salt on the road! :D

It's pretty much in the 60s everyday here right now. Our summer starts later this month through the end of will peak in the 70s, maybe even a fes 80s in September. :) no humidity. I fully appreciate and take advantage of it, having only lived here 2 years and growing up in much less desireable places.

Now if I were to ride 15 miles inland...I could easily see 90+ humidity though so it's totally tolerable and you can escape the heat in the shade...shade does much less when humid.

i was just in that is hot and humid...OMG. I don't think I'd ever own a bike there since the weather is consistently sticky all year long. ugh
I'm sitting on LBI for a couple weeks and am enjoying the ocean weather. It about 10-15 degrees cooler here than at home.
As I was reading the initial post (while sitting in the office), my reaciton was "oh, it's not that bad!"... now i'm sitting in the damn Metro North train to CT, and A/C isn't working. Somehow, I have a different point of view. UGH.
All I can think of is that I'm flying to San Francisco on Friday. I hope it's going to be nice there.
Its currently a cool 13.4c (mid 50's F) here in Sunny Queensland & warming up to a pleasant 23c (low 70's)...... I love an Aussie winter :BLAA: Hardly what i'd call hot ;)
Look at Humperdinkel rubbing it in. Can we switch weather?

What also sucks about this hot weather is the late afternoon thunderstorms that roll through which prevents me from going on joy rides after work.
Not just Humpy rubbing it in.

Temperature here today - low of 5'C (41'F) and high of 23'C (73'F)

Oh how I love winter in Australia :)

Big ride planned for the weekend - :cheer: :cheer:
It was 103 yesterday, with a heat index of 117 (due to 85% humidity). Mmm, mmm, mmm...toasty! :BLAA:
I really need to spend some time down under. I have a friend of mine that in his younger days went down there for a month strait out of High School. He ended up not coming back for 3 year's . As for the weather up here in the greatnorthwest it's been 70's and 80's for a month strait and it could not be better
It amazes me that Missouri goes from 110 to 5-6 ft snow. When snow hits I'm taking the bike apart again to clean the engine. She's got like 28,000 miles.
What is this "Celsius" of which you speak?? :confused:
It's a balmy 79 deg. FAHRENHEIT in the mountains right now but in the heat of the day today it was 95. The problem, as I see it, is that when the heat index approaches or exceeds your body temp there's no relief no matter how fast you go! I tried today. I really did.
Oh- one more thing as long as I'm expounding. Just talking about winter :ban: makes me cringe. Puhleeze! No more winter talk. Especially if your winter doesn't include snow...or ice...or shoveling....or no riding!
Damn, I need to experience the seasons Down Under, don't I.
The problem, as I see it, is that when the heat index approaches or exceeds your body temp there's no relief no matter how fast you go!

You know, that's a seriously interesting theory! I wonder if there's any actual medical research that would back that up??? I mean, it makes total sense to me but I'm no doctor (and I've never played one on TV). ;)
Its currently a cool 13.4c (mid 50's F) here in Sunny Queensland & warming up to a pleasant 23c (low 70's)...... I love an Aussie winter :BLAA: Hardly what i'd call hot ;)

Not just Humpy rubbing it in.

Temperature here today - low of 5'C (41'F) and high of 23'C (73'F)

Oh how I love winter in Australia :)

Big ride planned for the weekend - :cheer: :cheer:

Damn Aussies!!! :spank: :BLAA:
OK Aussie's, choose your season wording carefully...If you don't have snow/sleet/ice storms/below zero wind chill, you can not call it winter, your season has been officially changed to "other"

Winter is a heartless cruel season we must endure to get to our "30 minute" riding season, no joy or happiness is allowed during winter, depression is the only state of mind achievable, (walks off to get razor blade)...

OK, I'm back from my flashback of last "winter" sorry about that, no go enjoy your "other" riding season, I will continue to sweat my@ss off and enjoy it knowing what's coming!!:BLAA:
OK Aussie's, choose your season wording carefully...If you don't have snow/sleet/ice storms/below zero wind chill, you can not call it winter, your season has been officially changed to "other"

Winter is a heartless cruel season we must endure to get to our "30 minute" riding season, no joy or happiness is allowed during winter, depression is the only state of mind achievable, (walks off to get razor blade)...

OK, I'm back from my flashback of last "winter" sorry about that, no go enjoy your "other" riding season, I will continue to sweat my@ss off and enjoy it knowing what's coming!!:BLAA:

We do get snow. We have great ski resorts - Threadbo, Perisher, Mt Buller - to name a few. Ski season is on right now.

Humpy and myself are lucky to live in the warmer part of the country.

Hey, it was 1'C the other morning - that's winter ;)
I hope most of you don't have to work out in this heat. Temps approached or reached 100 today again. Having to work outside, hydration is key. It is kinda fun to get home and see how much water weight I've dropped. 4 to 5 pounds seems to be the norm these days.

It always feels coolest to me on the bike after I stop and sweat at the gas pumps :) Down right chilly! haha