Is it too noob? (helmet)


Nerd Extraordinaire
Elite Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Springfield, MO
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So I'm getting my bike tomorrow and I start shopping for helmets. I find one I like the looks of, and it fits (which is rare, I have a huge noggin). It's also the right price. Then the guy shows me that it has flashing lights on the back!

Is that noobtastic or what? lol
What kind is it?

Again with the who gives a rats butt what people think.

98% of the people on the road know nothing about bikes and are either scared of them or hate them irrationally some just could care less. The other 2% like bikes, some of them are jerks or status people, but most just love to ride and could care less.

If it keeps you from getting rear ended, great.
If it fits your head, and you can afford it thats the helmet for you.
I don't remember the brand. It is DOT approved. The salesman said something like "The only reason it's not SNELL is because they wanted to get it to the market fast and didn't take the time to go through the approval process". Maybe sales mumbo-jumbo, but as long as it's DOT I'm happy, I suppose.
I don't remember the brand. It is DOT approved. The salesman said something like "The only reason it's not SNELL is because they wanted to get it to the market fast and didn't take the time to go through the approval process". Maybe sales mumbo-jumbo, but as long as it's DOT I'm happy, I suppose.

depending on you outlook that may be a GOOD thing. If you pm wrightme, search his threads, or he chimes in on his own, he has a link to a study where snell standards are not a very good measurement of helmet safety. If you like it get it.
It does fit very well; better than the helmet I've been using on my quad for the past 3 years. :)

I haven't been able to find another helmet in town that fits me, so even if I didn't like it it would probably win by default :)

Thanks for all the input!
Now, if you get a pair of running shoes with flashing leds... then you're all set... :D

I like Shoei and Scorpion helmets... they are both high quality and fit big heads well...

I just bought a helmet with flashing lights on the back. I considered it a safety feature and got kind of excited about it. It's one of the reasons I bought the helmet......that and the fact that it made me all nostalgic for the 3rd grade, when my reeboks had lights and a pump.....I was so cool back then.
Now, if you get a pair of running shoes with flashing leds... then you're all set... :D

I like Shoei and Scorpion helmets... they are both high quality and fit big heads well...


I liked the Scorpions, but I'd need a 3x (seriously, huge noggin, it's like an orange on a toothpick) and nobody keeps them in stock.

I just bought a helmet with flashing lights on the back. I considered it a safety feature and got kind of excited about it. It's one of the reasons I bought the helmet......that and the fact that it made me all nostalgic for the 3rd grade, when my reeboks had lights and a pump.....I was so cool back then.

lol, totally.
I just bought a helmet with flashing lights on the back. I considered it a safety feature and got kind of excited about it. It's one of the reasons I bought the helmet......that and the fact that it made me all nostalgic for the 3rd grade, when my reeboks had lights and a pump.....I was so cool back then.

So what make is it??

We all want to know.

As well as being DOT it would help if you could try it on the bike to see what wind noise it creates.

Some helmets greate a hell of a lot of noise which cannot be rectified by wearing ear plugs.

I personally do not find the light a good idea, it is kinda like flashing brake lights and bumper stickers the idiots will pay too much attention and rear end you anyway becuase they are mezmarized