I'm getting married this weekend!!


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Apr 27, 2009
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The time has finally come. after being together for 7 years and being engaged for 2 years the wedding day is almost here. :thumbup: we've been planning it for quite a while now... actually I say we but we all know I mean she has been planning it for quite a while now!! We're getting married Saturday afternoon and leaving for Hawaii on Monday Morning. :thumbup::thumbup:

So here's what I'm asking of you... Pray for good weather for us on saturday, your best advice on a happy marriage, and best of all, the best places to go/see on Oahu.
The time has finally come. after being together for 7 years and being engaged for 2 years the wedding day is almost here. :thumbup: we've been planning it for quite a while now... actually I say we but we all know I mean she has been planning it for quite a while now!! We're getting married Saturday afternoon and leaving for Hawaii on Monday Morning. :thumbup::thumbup:

So here's what I'm asking of you... Pray for good weather for us on saturday, your best advice on a happy marriage, and best of all, the best places to go/see on Oahu.

Congratulations, and good luck. It'll be a day to remember for the rest of your lives. One order for good weather is sent your way! :cheer:

Btw: I'm getting married next weekend after five years and two kids. :thumbup:
If you like big waves, head out to pipeline beach!! I had a blast there. The Arizona memorial is a very humbling experince, but also very nice to take the water tour. My wife and I had a blast renting scooters and bombing around on them for a day. I would say the hawian cultural center is up there also.

HAve fun hang loose and enjoy

Congrats on getting hitched.
Are you sure your not rushing into this;) Congrats.

Be sure to go to the Arizona Memorial and if you have time the USS Missouri is there too. The Zoo at the south end of Waikiki Beach is nice and snorkeling at Hanauma Bay is fun too. We also attended a Luau on the west side of the Island, great for the sunset and the party. The Polynesian Center on the North side of the Island has a Luau but no alcohol so you have a choice.
It's all good over there so you will have a ball!
Congratulations!!! Since I haven't been to Hawaii yet (but it's on my list) I will be anxiously awaiting your full report (with pics) on what to do! :thumbup:
Congrats and good luck!!!

I was just at a wedding last weekend and I can tell you that you can start on the right note by not getting too drunk at the reception! :rof:

The groom was HAMMERED! He kept yanking the mic out of singer's hands and going into these long toasts.. and every few minutes he'd look up really seriously and go "HEY, SHUT THE HELL UP!!! Shhhhhhhh.... " :rof: :rof:

Needless to say the bride was not entertained.. she looked like she was ready to divorce him right there and then. I, on the other hand, was VERY entertained :rof: .. bad person, I know, but really it was hilarious!

The last wedding I went to didn't have alcohol, or dancing, so there wasn't any fool making -- or entertainment -- to be had.
Congratulations!! Here's another order for good weather.

3 pieces of advise...

Laughter is necessary for a good marriage. Yo can ALWAYS find something to laugh about - just make sure it's not about here!!

Have one person in charge of the finances. This doesn't mean leave the other out, both people need to know whats going on and have input on what needs to be done, but one need to be in charge.

The best lesson I learned from my dad (he explains it better then I) - when it comes to decision making, try not to argue. If one want's to do something more then the other doesn't want to do it, they do it. If one doesn't want to do something more then the other wants to, they don't. This has served me well, hopefully it will serve you well also.

Boy, advice is tough. I've been married almost 6 years now and still haven't figured this crazy thing out yet. The one thing I've learned is to remember you're on the same team. You're signing up to be each others' best friend/confidant/partner in crime for the rest of your lives, in good times and in stressful times, no matter what.
:cheer: Congratulations :cheer:
I hope you have a long & happy marriage , the secret to it is to let her know she is always right :eek: ;)
congratulations. i'm only 22 and have never been married...... so sorry no advice. i'm sure everything will work everything out if problems arise. after all there is a reason you've been together for 7 years.
The time has finally come. after being together for 7 years and being engaged for 2 years the wedding day is almost here. :thumbup: we've been planning it for quite a while now... actually I say we but we all know I mean she has been planning it for quite a while now!! We're getting married Saturday afternoon and leaving for Hawaii on Monday Morning. :thumbup::thumbup:

So here's what I'm asking of you... Pray for good weather for us on saturday, your best advice on a happy marriage, and best of all, the best places to go/see on Oahu.
Good luck mate,
I hope you have a brilliant day. My wedding day was the first most happiest day in my life.
We had a riot.
All the best for many years of happy cohabitation.

Nelly and family
Thanks all for the well wishes. We are really looking forward to it. Everyone keeps asking us if we are nervous but we both keep saying that it doesn't feel like it will be too much different. I'm mostly looking forward to the two weeks vacation:thumbup: I'll post plenty of pics when I get back. We are staying right on Waikiki beach and plan to go see the memorials and rent a motorcycle or something.
I know i'm late but hey i work 2nd shift! :spank:

Big congrats!!! Also +1 on Hump's comment...not married but i've learned thats how you keep your woman happy :thumbup:

Hope you have the best weather possible and a great wedding, and as Erci said, Don't get too drunk too quick! That's what the honeymoon is for!!! ;)