I went down this morning


Electronic Repair Genius
Dec 22, 2010
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Houston, TX
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And I learned that if you're going to go down, on a military base is probably the best place to do so. The police and ambulance were there and I was off to the ER in under 5 minutes. That and almost everyone that saw actually stopped to help and give witness.

As to what happened: I was on base less than a mile from work and I was on this little 2 lane back road that they switch to one way in the morning. I was in the left hand lane when I hung just back from this bus that was in the right hand lane. Since he was going less than 15 and the speed limit was 30mph and he had not indicated he was going to turn, I decided to pass him. When I was about midway past the bus, he suddenly turned left FROM THE RIGHT HAND LANE!!

Well, I was probably going 35 or so and had no room to stop. Darting to the left was blocked with a curb and trees, and the entrance he was taking was full up with his bus.

Somehow I wound up in the parking lot, and my bike wound up under the bus. I'm good for a few scrapes, it managed to eat through my gear and give me a few spots of road rash.

So, the bike is probably totaled. The radiator is busted, handlebars are bent, the entire front section is trashed, I think the forks might be bent, and it was leaking fuel from somewhere along with the antifreeze.

Anyway, the base is liable for the damage as it was said 100% his fault by the base police. I don't know if I'm excited about that or not. The Navy doesn't have insurance per se, but I did contact my insurance so they can help with the claim. I guess I just wait and see if Uncle Sam pays me hush money or tries to screw me.
Sorry no pics. I'll get them up when I can. It might be a few days though. Imagine a combination of left side slide and hitting a brick wall on the right side.
Glad your safe, thats a close call with such a big vehicle but you came out alright! Which base where you on? Sub Base Kings Bay by the looks of your location. I guess the only thing you can do now is have some faith in your fed govt!
Wow there is a new one of these every other day it seems. Im glad your ok at least. Curious, what gear were you wearing that it tore through?
WOW your Lucky I was waiting on my back porch for my brother in the Summer of 06 to pick me up for work when a school bus passed by soon followed by a Guy my brother knew on a GSXR600 hauling Butt!! He went to pass the Bus on the left and the driver turned left in front of him to go into a neighborhood and caught him midway and ran over him and his bike with the rear wheels crushing his pelvis and destroying his Man parts........ He will have a Urine bag for the rest of his life!! He was only in his early 20s at the time.... I'm SUPER Glad to hear you are okay!! It could have ended Horribly bad.... :eek:
I was at NAS Jacksonville. Near the airfield actually.

I was wearing a tourmaster mesh jacket and it tore through the left arm and my alpinestars leather gloves and it tore through the palms. I wasn't wearing my pants since I just had my uniform on. The uniform boots and pants didn't wear through though. The Icon vest held up better than the jacket did honestly. Everywhere that was covered by the vest looks fine on my jacket. And you can't tell the vest was in an accident.
WOW your Lucky I was waiting on my back porch for my brother in the Summer of 06 to pick me up for work when a school bus passed by soon followed by a Guy my brother knew on a GSXR600 hauling Butt!! He went to pass the Bus on the left and the driver turned left in front of him to go into a neighborhood and caught him midway and ran over him and his bike with the rear wheels crushing his pelvis and destroying his Man parts........ He will have a Urine bag for the rest of his life!! He was only in his early 20s at the time.... I'm SUPER Glad to hear you are okay!! It could have ended Horribly bad.... :eek:

Yeah, I honestly think I n00b squeezed the brake when I realized what was going to happen and locked up my front wheel. So I think I was thrown to the left and out of the way because of that.

Whatever it was, I am grateful. The bike was underneath the bus. They almost had to lift the bus to get my bike out but one of the guys there looked like a professional body builder and finally pulled it out.
And I should say, we use those smaller buses on base. The ones you see for old folks homes and such. So bigger than a F350 but not a school bus. And it just barely had enough clearance to squeeze my bike under.
Yeah, I honestly think I n00b squeezed the brake when I realized what was going to happen and locked up my front wheel. So I think I was thrown to the left and out of the way because of that.

Whatever it was, I am grateful. The bike was underneath the bus. They almost had to lift the bus to get my bike out but one of the guys there looked like a professional body builder and finally pulled it out.
You were working your Gaurdian Angels Pretty hard this morning Man!! Whew what a close call..... could have went so bad!!! You are Blessed!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
Main thing is you're okay! Glad you can share it with us! Get back on ASAP..:D
Yeah, me too man.

The insurance hasn't said for sure yet, but I'm thinking that they're going to total it. I'm wondering what bike I should go to. The FZ6 is getting hard to come by down here. I know that Progressive said they'd cover my accessories and my gear so that's good. But with retail at $4800 down here for "excellent" condition and my bike having been down before... I don't have tons to play with, whenever I do finally get it.

I'm not sure I've been riding long enough (2 years) to feel good about a liter bike yet. I'm not a huge fan of the FZ8. The FZ6R is meh, and as much as I ride I'm not sure I want an R6
Main thing is you're okay! Glad you can share it with us! Get back on ASAP..:D

Will do. My bike was my main transportation, so since I needed a way to get on base to go to work, my buddy is letting me ride his Suzuki GS500 until the insurance is sorted.

So I'll be riding again tomorrow. :cheer:
Sorry no pics. I'll get them up when I can. It might be a few days though. Imagine a combination of left side slide and hitting a brick wall on the right side.
Glad your ok mate,
It's a pity the old horn didn't do the business for you. Heal up soon.

Sorry to hear that, but glad you are ok. Be careful what you admit to, big brother is always watching:sinister:
Glad to hear your ok man. Welcome to the "I have tasted asphalt, and it tastes bitter" club. I have been a member since March (Progressive took care of me too).