I need help...


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Hillsborough, NH
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I need help, my 1 year wedding anniversary is coming up next week and i need some ideas, I am on a budget and so is she. I am not really all that sure what is appropriate to get/do for her, but would lie to do something seeing as it is the first anniversary and all.

1 year is paper so:

Get a news paper made up about your wedding day (lots of sites do them)

Get a photo of the church (or where ever you got married) framed

Get a certificate made up and framed

do a search of google mate.....just remember, PAPER!!!
Having been married 36 years this June let me give you something that has worked for me. The best anniversary a man can give to the woman he loves is to start some form of tradition. It should be special to both of you, but it must also be flexible. Flexibility will allow for whatever life throws your way. It should be something that can be modified every year and that way you don't have to rack your brain as to what to give or do. This alone seems to be the agony for many a married man. Basic things like flowers and a card that is written in your own hand also seem to get good mileage. The most important thing is the act of caring. Women like to know they are special. Anybody can buy something off the shelf. It's that personal touch that continually rings the bell....

Good luck and congratulations....

A paper anniversary so take HavBlue's idea and make her some paper flowers with something written on each one. That might do it......
keep em coming, great ideas, i knew it was the paper anniversary but have/had no idea what to do with paper.... I was thinking of having stationary made up but these ideas are already better that what i had...
A paper anniversary so take HavBlue's idea and make her some paper flowers with something written on each one. That might do it......

Excellent Idea and you may think of all the highlights in this first year. Each of the flowers petals could remind her of those highlights.
Excellent Idea and you may think of all the highlights in this first year. Each of the flowers petals could remind her of those highlights.

i wonder if she would mind "Got a new FZ6", and "Found FZ6-Forum.com" as highlights from this past year?
thats what i figured...

Hey, I'll give ya an (A) for effort....

Bikes and cars/trucks make awesome girl friends but they will never take the place of the misses. Don't get me wrong, there have been times in the last 36 years I have really had to think about that one but it never gets too serious....

I will however admit they can be just as satisfying.... Don't tell momma I said that....
I need help, my 1 year wedding anniversary is coming up next week and i need some ideas, I am on a budget and so is she. I am not really all that sure what is appropriate to get/do for her, but would lie to do something seeing as it is the first anniversary and all.

How about a snap fish calander. You can put your wedding pics in there. Do nice reminders for your birthday ect.
I got one for my wife she loves it. It had pictures of our first born as well.
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be careful...if you do this romantic stuff now she will expect it forever! With that said can we expect you to ask us once a year what to get for the second, third, fourth, and so on? good luck!
be careful...if you do this romantic stuff now she will expect it forever! With that said can we expect you to ask us once a year what to get for the second, third, fourth, and so on? good luck!

i am hoping that i won't be on such a budget in the upcoming years so the ideas i have would be easier to afford. But in the mean time... yeah, i will be probably asking for ideas along the road. B-days and such are easy since i can get her something for her bike, but for anniversaries it might not fly.
If the 1st one is paper, how about a package of 1500 napkins from CostCo? They are only about $8.50. :thumbup:
She might be pleased with a new iron, surely after a year the original is due for a replacement.

I have bought these as anniversary gifts in the past and the other half was so pleased she was speechless, in fact it bought tears to her eyes and her face went really red with happiness, she even made sure I got peace and quiet for the rest of the day (week) by not talking to me.

Probem solved and next year you can get her a nice new ironing board.
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She might be pleased with a new iron, surely after a year the original is due for a replacement.

I have bought these as anniversary gifts in the past and the other half was so pleased she was speechless, in fact it bought tears to her eyes and her face went really red with happiness, she even made sure I got peace and quiet for the rest of the day (week) by not talking to me.

Probem solved and next year you can get her a nice new ironing board.

Mop and bucket soon to follow???