I had to rely on my gear tonight

Hey VR-
So glad you are ok and the bike lives to ride again. Let me parrot what you and others have said about AGATT. It's been a hot summer in these parts and so many people, mostly riders have reminded me how hot I must be wearing a jacket, like DUH. Thank you again for the reminder to be safe and wear gear because after all any rider can go down no matter how much experience.

I have just 5,000 miles of experience and sure my confidence is going up but hey, I try to remind myself each ride to stay within my abilities.

I guess I will cross the Pilot Pure tires off my list!
Glad to hear you came out of it so well. How did you manage to hold on to the bike? LOL

The scary thing is that it does happen so fast that your brain doesn't even register at first.

Thanks for the reminder ATGATT. :thumbup:
It turned out the the rain brings all the oils grease out of the pavement and brings it to the top (oil floats ;))

This is exactly right. They say that the roads are most dangerous/slippery during the first major rain in a while as it brings the oil up out of the asphalt. I think this holds true for quite a while even after the rain stops. Just be careful out there guys.
Glad your OK:thumbup: just shows that it can happen to the best of us and a reminder to never let your guard down, the streets are out to get us:eek:
Had almost the same thing happen not 2 blocks from my house, came down the same street that I've been riding on for 20 years, stopped at the stop sign and made my left turn to go to my street and the rear end was going out from under me, just luck that I got my left foot down dirt style and made the turn with out landing on my butt. Went back later to see what the he11 happened and it turned out someone had spilled a bunch of sand on the concrete area of the street and it blended right in(same color). So just shows you that you can never tell what will jump up and bite you on the you know what.

Good to see you made it through. Even those of us that don't push it need to wear the gear. thanks for the pics.
Glad to hear you and the bike are ok. I don't think it was your frame sliders that protected your bike, I think it was you! :D Hopefully you'll be up and on the saddle in no time!
You mentioned the rain in an earlier post. I remember a few years back when I went to Aruba for vacation we had rented a jeep for a few days. It rained pretty good overnight and had stopped by morning. We went out to the car that morning and started off. The parking lot and roads were so slippery we thought we were back in the winter here in Maine (for a very brief moment thank god). It turned out that the rain brings all the oils and grease out of the pavement and brings it to the top (oil floats ;))

I don't know if that could be the cause in your case or in Las Vegas in general but it would certainly explain things down in Aruba.

Man I need to go back there :D :D

Get well soon :thumbup: :thumbup:

This is exactly right. They say that the roads are most dangerous/slippery during the first major rain in a while as it brings the oil up out of the asphalt. I think this holds true for quite a while even after the rain stops. Just be careful out there guys.

Thanks everyone for all your generous replies. LOL..the first thing that popped into my mind when I got up (after I checked that I'm in one piece) and said to myself "I Got To Post This On The Forum Immediately"

Common sense kicked in later saying to myself to get this elbow cleaned up and get checked out by the medical professionals.

I'm well aware that the roads are very slick when they are wet during the initial rainfall after a long dry spell. But not knowing how much it rained, I think this is the case. The rain has brought all the oil and dirt to the surface, and it didn't rain enough to wash it away so it just settled up at the top of the surface, without having a chance to get imbedded back into the pavement. Even though the surface appeared to be fine, it actually wasn't I've gone around this corner thousands of time with inferior tires, this has to be the case.

After looking at the skid marks again. I think the outer markings are consistent of the rear tire as I never let off the throttle. The inner ziz zag marking must have been from my frame sliders. I was riding on my frame sliders thinking that I was still riding.:spank:
yep, if it hasent rained in a while and it didnt rain long enough to wash the oils away, they will sit right there and wait for ya.. and i imagine it is worse for you, as at least we get rain often enough that it dont take too long to rinse away what is there, where you would get way more build up to try and wash off.

glad your ok, and the bike survied amazingly.. keep keeping safe...
So glad that you're pretty much 100%. Same thing happend to me after a slight rain. Hit the corner and went sliding.

Take care and keep that injury clean.

Glad to see the bike didn't take much damage either.
Glad to hear that you are OK! Sorry that you went for a slide on your bike - at least it was a lowside and not a highside... Thanks for the ATGATT reminder.
I hope ya heal up quickly!
Kudos Kenny for ATGATT! Sorry it happened but so glad to know the outcome was minor!

My recent low-speed high-side was quite uneventful too and the gear did a great job with the impact points. I didn't slide, just rolled so the gear didn't suffer any rash.

Glad you were able to jump back on and ride away. That is what I'd call a GREAT accident! :thumbup:
Kenny, that just blows! I'm happy to read that you are relatively uninjured, you know it could have been much worse (oncoming traffic, etc.)

The outer tire slide shows an interrupted pattern at the beginning and a solid dark streak at the end, from my perspective. It really appears that the slide started much further up the road. I am sure that you ran over a patch of oil or antifreeze that started the whole process.

Be sure to save your damaged riding gear to show your students at the MSF course. It will really drive home the message of being prepared for a crash no matter how well trained you are.
Indeed, the right gear helps so much....

Now, reading this you realize that it can happen to anyone at anytime!!!!

I'm glad you only had minor injuries and your bike was not hurt too much
The Pilot Power Pures are new, about two weeks old, but I already got over 4000 miles on them. Already broken in.

4k miles in two weeks? You probably crashed from not taking a break to sleep or eat once in a while ;-)

Totally kidding. Very glad to hear you're mostly OK, and a great lesson to me on so many levels.
There is a CRASH ANALYSIS forum that is dedicated to analyzing crashes in an effort to learn from them. You might consider posting your incident there to see if they come up with anything you have not considered. Can't hurt. In any event, good reading.