How my FZ6 ate my thumb.

Thanks for the pics and bumping this to the top, hopefully some of the newer riders will see this and learn from your hard mistake.

On the positive side you could probably get a job as a hand model for video game thumb.

I was going to give you the :thumbup: sign but then I thought it might be rude :ban:
Hey everyone, back to show you all some sweet pics of the thumb recovery (which is great, and I'm back to riding again every day now).

Picture one is when I first took the bandage off (bout a month ago?) And picture two was taken 2 minutes ago. Happy riding everyone.

***And on a side note, to those select few who responded earlier with comments of "How can common sense not take over? How could anyone put their hand near a moving chain?".... I'd ask you kindly to pull your head out of your ass and look around you at all the insanely idiotic and life threatening things you do daily, and please take my story into consideration and be careful out there! Everyone fu**s up, it's just a wonder we all are somehow saved by this sort of thing daily! .... Cheers!!!

Thanks for having the courage to share your experience with us. I agree we can have the knowledge of knowing what the safety protocol is but take chances in going around it.
Sorry if any of us hurt your feelings in being judgemental or less than sensitive and I bet most don't mean any harm.

I caught my finger between one of the rear sprocket mounting nuts and the swingarm. I was cleaning the rear hub area right near the edge and my finger got caught while I was turning the wheel by hand. Even by hand it was a horrible experience so I can almost relate. I ran into the house and got ice on it and rolled on the floor. I wouldn't make a peep cuz I didn't want my wonderful wife to see any negative experience related to me with that bike.

Someone a left handed guitarist at home? I see a cutaway for a lefty on the wall.

Nope it's not a lefty, the camera must have inverted it. And no feelings hurt, just wanted to point out that those that think they are above making stupid mistakes will learn one day that they are not... Listening and learning is better than judging. :thumbup:
I see you have a left-handed guitar so the injury won't hurt your picking hand!!! lol
Sorry If somebody else already caught this!!
So glad to see your progress, Byron! I am glad you are healing well, and are back to riding again!!! :cheer:
You are a brave soul for putting yourself out there for us to learn from, never mind the critics,they might be missing something more valuable than their thumbs. Many people learn from others mistakes, you are cool enough to post it and hope others learn from yours.
Now that we all know what not to do, anyone have a method that is working well for them? I put up my center stand and lay an old towel or rag on the floor under the rear sprocket, then spray the chain lube with left hand and turn wheel with the right. I do this sitting behind the bike on the floor or a toolbox. This does take some practice if you are right handed but so does learning to ride.
gotta give ya the thumbs up, it's a good thing...:thumbup: