How my FZ6 ate my thumb.

Sorry they weren't able to save your thumb bro. Unfortunately, they can only really save limbs if the cut is extremely clean (ie: paper cutter removed the thumb). The good thing is that the cut is above the last joint, so you won't loose too much function.
I notice SirByron had 4 posts when he posted this sad tale.

This topic has been raised on here hundreds of times..DO NOT clean your chain with the engine running.

The lesson to be learnt is before working on your bike have a quick search on here to see what the other guys say about the job. It can make the job much easier because we have all made the mistakes before you.

Sirbyron I hope you recover soon.

Thank you for the post, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Next time we get a n00b on here who claims to do this regularly and thinks we're all being too careful, I'm sure one of us can and will post a link to this sobering thread.
Ugh so sorry man. I saw the pics from the guy on SBN that did this far before I had a bike with a chain so I've luckily avoided this. Hope you heal up soon and retain usage.
I feel bad for the original poster and hope he heals quickly but.........

Why would anyone need to be told not to service a chain with the engine running and the bike in gear??????

Why does common sense not take over for people?

Sorry if this is too harsh but I just don't get it.
On a more positive note; You had the nerve to stand up and let others know of your mistake and misfortune that others might learn.

Kudos for that.
I feel bad for the original poster and hope he heals quickly but.........

Why would anyone need to be told not to service a chain with the engine running and the bike in gear??????

Why does common sense not take over for people?

Sorry if this is too harsh but I just don't get it.


Common sense isn't as 'common' as we all think it is. It's why we now have to have "CAUTION: HOT BEVERAGE" on all coffee cups..... :rolleyes:

Again, not trying to be harsh on the guy as he did loose a chunk of his thumb from this, but seriously, how could one ever think that putting your hands near a moving chain and sproket is a good idea??? I guess some just have to learn things the hard way.
All the warnings out there are BECAUSE someone did the wrong thing.

I want to know who ate the silica packets in the electronics shipment though! ;)

Common sense isn't as 'common' as we all think it is. It's why we now have to have "CAUTION: HOT BEVERAGE" on all coffee cups..... :rolleyes:

Again, not trying to be harsh on the guy as he did loose a chunk of his thumb from this, but seriously, how could one ever think that putting your hands near a moving chain and sproket is a good idea??? I guess some just have to learn things the hard way.

It's really simple actually....people just plan on being careful while they do it.
I have to agree that I'd NEVER even consider doing something like this, but consider the fact that we've all done SOMETHING potentially dumb without thinking about it (think about all the times we use power tools/fire/yard machines carefully and I'll bet most of us have done something potentially unsafe - do you always wear safety glasses when sawing/grinding/hammering anything? What about a respirator when you paint?).

If you think your safety record is perfect, WATCH OUT!

On a related (?) rant, what's with all the crazy safety caps on gas cans these days!? I drove all over town trying to find one without a million springs/vents/valves/spouts sticking permanently out of the top and had no luck. Apparently the safety police in Michigan have decided we need a bunch of crap sticking out the top of the cap so we don't hurt ourselves or allow our kids to drink gasoline. Not so good if you actually drop the can and break off the cap, or one of the fancy safety lids breaks and gas starts pouring out!
Yep, common sense, I usually have it. I guess it's just one of those times that we think we're invincible and, "of course i'm not going to get hurt doing this, this is easy". Everyones got a little bit of stupid in them! I am glad to hear at least a couple people have worked on a moving chain before, because now hopefully they won't! If only someone had said to me at some point "man i knew this guy who lost a finger working on a moving chain"... i'm sure i'd still have my thumb today! So just tell people about it, everyone has their stupid moments, and it makes a good story right? just trying to make sure that my stupid mistake wasn't for nothing is all. And the doc said i should be good to start riding again in a month or so. :thumbup:
Have to admit, I do run the engine and let the rear wheel spin in 1st when spraying on the lube only, but for all the cleaning, scrubbing and wiping down the key is in my pocket.

Good luck to the OP and I hope you heal up well.
SirByron, It sounds like you have a very positive attitude about your accident. That can make the healing process go faster sometimes. Thank your lucky stars you didn't lose the whole thing, and will still have that opposeable digit to help you get through your life. GOOD LUCK with your recovery. :thumbup: My grade school bud got his thumb caught in a real heavy school closet door and lost the tip to the first knuckle, kinda like you just did and he got along fine, so try not to worry that you'll be helpless after you recover.
Yep I am guilty of letting it idle on the center stand while I sprayed lube on....I guess it just came down to laziness. I will however heed your unfortunate experience and never work on the bike again while running .....other than to sync the t- bodies or something that makes it necessary.
Don't be too hard on the guy. We all ride bikes and kid ourselves that we're being extra careful so won't kill ourselves when we all know deep down somewhere that its a silly thing to do.

*waits for lynch mob to show up*
Hey everyone, back to show you all some sweet pics of the thumb recovery (which is great, and I'm back to riding again every day now).

Picture one is when I first took the bandage off (bout a month ago?) And picture two was taken 2 minutes ago. Happy riding everyone.

***And on a side note, to those select few who responded earlier with comments of "How can common sense not take over? How could anyone put their hand near a moving chain?".... I'd ask you kindly to pull your head out of your ass and look around you at all the insanely idiotic and life threatening things you do daily, and please take my story into consideration and be careful out there! Everyone fu**s up, it's just a wonder we all are somehow saved by this sort of thing daily! .... Cheers!!!