How many bottles of Beer?

Sep 21, 2007
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The most beer you have consumed in one night/day. (In a party, Beer drinking contest, outing and etc) :iconbeer:

I have consumed 24 bottles of San Miguel Beer (330ml/bottle) last week only:banghead:

The most beer you have consumed in one night/day. (In a party, Beer drinking contest, outing and etc) :iconbeer:

I have consumed 24 bottles of San Miguel Beer (330ml/bottle) last week only:banghead:
10 pints of Stella Artois (aka wife beater / Tyson juice) 8 hour session. England were playing Brazil in the world cup semi- final. I got hit by a car on the way home and only realised when I woke up. (NOT BIG, NOT CLEVER. 70% of the sh1t I deal with is alcohol related)
Still its a fair going, I had to take 2 or three tactical chucks mid way. The session started right after a 11 hour ER night shift at 06.00am no break or food.
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The most beer you have consumed in one night/day. (In a party, Beer drinking contest, outing and etc) :iconbeer:

I have consumed 24 bottles of San Miguel Beer (330ml/bottle) last week only:banghead:
Time frame please my freiend, not to see who has the biggest pee pee but, to guage the feat of endurance.

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Sorry dude but I'm an expert on massive drinking sessions. Not quite so bad now I have kids but occasionally have my moments. We (me, my brother and a few hardened boozers) used to have Leo Sayers (all dayers) where we would go to a place on the choo choo (Chester, Manchester, wherever) and start at lunch and drink all day. Ever heard of the Macc Lads? We were they in real life.

The worst hangover I had was waking up in the afternoon after me and our kid had had a sess to discover 4 columns of empty cans stacke up from floor to ceiling in my front room.

Chucked up loads, had a fry up and felt no better. 2 day hangovers are ****e.
And to reassure Neil - I have never done anything under the influence to warrant any outside "assistance" from the police or NHS!!!!!!!
Top player, lugs we need your expert guidence on how to do it properly and avoid above mentioned emergency services lol.
well i would say that the MOST alcohol that i have consumed in a night was a night in college.

I started drinking at about 9pm and started with a 1.75 liter of bacardi limon, a 750 ML of rasberry pucker, and some lemonade mix. By the end of the night it was all gone (sorry i don't quite remember much of what time it was when i got home.... please forgive me... But my roommate found me in the shower with no clothes or towel in sight.... they were community shower down the hall from my room in a co-ed dorm..... Oops...
well i would say that the MOST alcohol that i have consumed in a night was a night in college.

I started drinking at about 9pm and started with a 1.75 liter of bacardi limon, a 750 ML of rasberry pucker, and some lemonade mix. By the end of the night it was all gone (sorry i don't quite remember much of what time it was when i got home.... please forgive me... But my roommate found me in the shower with no clothes or towel in sight.... they were community shower down the hall from my room in a co-ed dorm..... Oops...
Mate we all need a Kodak moment
OK dude's we have a reputation fight on our hands. When I was at Uni (Oxford Brookes 1992-5) we were all invited to a black tie ball in May. In the first year me and a mate thought we would have a couple of drinks beforehand. Started at 7pm (bearing in mind these events go on til the next day and the pubs open at 7am for a Guiness breakfast). We played poker for small change and shared 2 bottles of whisky. By 9pm both bottles had been drunk, all money had been lost and my mate was on the floor, asleep. I too drifted off for a while until I came to at 10pm. A flatmate who had had taken far too long to do her makeup shovelled me into her car and I carried on drinking until mid-day the next day. One contact lens was lost at approx 11pm so I spent the entire time with one eye shut so I could see
Mate we all need a Kodak moment

Dude, are you hitting on me? I know you came out of the broom cupboard (Closet) earlier, but now you want to see me naked?

Actually that was the first night i met my wife, although neither of us remember that night, but we danced on a table together for apparently the whole night... We met again in a class a year or so later...
Man, this thread has me rolling! What's a "fry up", for us ignerent US types?

10 pints of Stella Artois (aka wife beater / Tyson juice)
The last night I had on one trip to England me and a buddy drank seven pints apiece. He was staying a couple more days but I had to catch a train from Chatham/Gillingham to London the next morning for a flight back home.
Now, I wasn't terribly drunk, but the English ale I had did a number on my, uh, intestinal gas production the next morning. Dayam, I was peeling paint off the walls. Awful!!
Anyway, I got on the train, was the only one in the car, until we stopped at the next town. Seven more people got on, and I could tell they weren't too happy. The next stop, all seven of them got off, and got into other cars! :eek: :eek: :eek: I've never stunk that bad since (thank goodness).
Most in one night.....

let's see....

We'll preface this with this is what I remember:

In college freshman year: 6 shots of bacardi 151 followed by a 30-rack of bud light. Who knows what I drank that others told me to drink. I do know that I went to bed at one point and my boddy picked me up and dragged me out to the kitchen for :just one more" that turned into 5 or 6......
I do not get sick or hungover easily. I blackout before any of that happens. I have drank a fifth of jagermiester and then gone out afterwards (but do not remember leaving the house party)... only to drink more liquor drinks (all from 9pm until 6am in Spain). People told me I had a good time... I do not remember though.
I used to drink a solid 1.5 to 2 5ths of Old Bushmills Irish a day, plus beers, plus smoke copious quanities of the jar weed. (it was so skunky you had to keep it in a ziplock in a mason jar)
I have funneled a pint of tequilla.
In Scotland I started drinking when the pubs opened, I have no earthly idea when that is but it was early. I drank all day, went into a liqour store and bought scotch (which is horrible by the way) drank that. Went back to the pubs. Later (again no idea what time) I tried to go to sleep on a wall. My friends said you cant do that and half carried me to a inn. The lady let me stay. I went to sleep and woke up a few? hours later and went to another club. I met a nice drunk girl and made a new friend. We drank untill they closed, I somehow explained to someone driving a taxi that I wanted to go back to base. They took me back. I came very close to falling down the hatch, my chief was still up worried about me, I remember him yelling and then nothing untill next day, which is still kinda bleary.
I know I have drank more than 2 5ths in 24 hours. I dont know how much more though.

Obviously I dont drink anymore.
When I was in school at Colorado (Wasted) State, they had a long weekend, school sponsored mind you, called Collage Daze. We made card that hung on a lanyard that hund around our necks. From the lanyard hung a small placard with the digits 1 to 100. From Thursday at 5:00 pm, until Monday 8:00 am, the goal was to drink 100, 12oz beers. There were guys who made it to 110! The furthest I got was somewhere in the 50's!

I only weighted 145 lbs then, so I has a disadvantage. There was a guy from Texas that we called "Tiny". Tiny weighted about 325 lbs. He usually won.

Part of the weekend was a series of bands. One year the Red Hot Chilli Peppers played, this was about 1984 or 1985 or so. The crowd rioted, over turned cars and lit them on fire! It was freaking GREAT!
Man, this thread has me rolling! What's a "fry up", for us ignerent US types?

The last night I had on one trip to England me and a buddy drank seven pints apiece. He was staying a couple more days but I had to catch a train from Chatham/Gillingham to London the next morning for a flight back home.
Now, I wasn't terribly drunk, but the English ale I had did a number on my, uh, intestinal gas production the next morning. Dayam, I was peeling paint off the walls. Awful!!
Anyway, I got on the train, was the only one in the car, until we stopped at the next town. Seven more people got on, and I could tell they weren't too happy. The next stop, all seven of them got off, and got into other cars! :eek: :eek: :eek: I've never stunk that bad since (thank goodness).

LOL! That is freakin' GREAT! :rockon:
but we danced on a table together for apparently the whole night..

OK, was she naked???? Tell the truth now......

As to how many beers in one night, that would be 14 Corona at almost 9,000 feet in elevation. Drunk? Yeah but the lack of air dang near took my head off and the next day was not pretty....
OK, was she naked???? Tell the truth now......

Pretty close, but not quite. It was "heaven and hell" night, so I was wearing leather pants and a leather halter tpo, but not really covering much....

Looking back definitely appropriate at 19, but not so much at 25....
Pretty close, but not quite. It was "heaven and hell" night, so I was wearing leather pants and a leather halter tpo, but not really covering much....

Looking back definitely appropriate at 19, but not so much at 25....

Damn... wish i rembered more... want to re-live it tonight?