How hot is hot?


Meat Popsickle
Jun 19, 2007
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My new FZ is running about 205 C and the pipes down by my calves are hot enough that it keeps my warm on cool night rides. This seesm a bit warm to me, anyone else running that warm?
205 at night? Where are you?
I am in KY at night mine stays around 165 during the day riding its 180-190 sometimes up to 205-210 at a long stop.

The engine does put off heat. Its not hidden behind fairings so it is more noticeable.
205 at night? Where are you?
I am in KY at night mine stays around 165 during the day riding its 180-190 sometimes up to 205-210 at a long stop.

The engine does put off heat. Its not hidden behind fairings so it is more noticeable.

Same here. Even in 90 degree or above weather mine only gets to about 215 and thats in heavy traffic with no brezze. 165 to 170 at night here also.
Celcius? I dont think so.

I usually run about 90* no matter what. This was when I was revving hard after noon to charge the battery after it drained. Farenheit, of course.
Forgot to check how hot I'm runnin....all I can say is that it got real toasty this afternoon, 107 degrees, got to love that heat rising from that hot black ashpalt along with the heat from that hard working enigine, while stopped at a red light, baking in that scorching sun. Suppse to get hotter tomorrow.

Forgot to check how hot I'm runnin....all I can say is that it got real toasty this afternoon, 107 degrees, got to love that heat rising from that hot black ashpalt along with the heat from that hard working enigine, while stopped at a red light, baking in that scorching sun. Suppse to get hotter tomorrow.


Have you though about using one of these? Techniche Cooling Vests -Palmflex 1-800-856-4817 Its the same as the cycle places have but half the price.
Thanks for the tip, I have to do something......I have a mesh jacket with armor but that's getting to be unbearable. I really don't want to get rid of Pat Hahn's 3rd degree of separation, and like he mentioned. If it's too hot to wear, it's too hot to ride but I have no choice, my bike is the only mode of transport for the moment.
I hear you.
I just soak my shirt down, but if your riding to work, you might need to keep a change of cloths at work, and have some for riding you can soak down.
after looking at the response si ma sure its degrees F, still its awfully toasty about the shins.

Seems to be a common thing though.
I take it the 07s actually tell you the coolant temp. no bar graph huh?
cooling vest

Techniche Cooling Vests -Palmflex 1-800-856-4817

I took Wrightme43's advice and got me one of those cooling vest. I live here in Las Vegas where the temperture is 110 and climbing and I still where a protective jacket so I tried it out. It really works! Not only does it work in this heat, it actually is cold. It's kind of heavy since it retains water like a shammy, and I wore it over a t-shirt so my shirt got a bit wet, but my shirt has been much wetter from my sweat without wearing the vest. I paid about $35 for it at cycle gear.

I would get it checked out if you are running hotter than 200 at night. Even when it is 100 degrees here in south texas we have 90% humidity most of the time. We may have 100 dgrees on the temp gauge outside but it feels like 120 with all the moisture in the air. When im in traffic i have to either deal with it or not get into traffic..:thumbup: Not really too much to do. When your riding try to hover your legs about an inch away from the tank on either side it will allow the air to pass through and cool you off some.

Good luck cooling off.....I feel your pain.

What is the comfort level on something like the vest and does it take up a lot of room with the water in it. How long does it last. I ride about 15,000 to 20,000 miles a year. Most of those are trips to san antonio and austin. I live about 5 hours from both, will it last for that long or will i have to stop and reload it?

Any info would be greatly appreciated....Be safe and have fun!
Actually the vest is kind of thin, but once you soak it in water, it gets kind of heavy. It last several hours, you can always resoak it in water to revitalize the vest. It actually works, and even in this 100 plus heat, after putting on a mesh riding jacket, I'm actually cold underneath. For $35, it's worth it.
my bike used to run hot all the time.. i took out the cat and the stock exhaust. and now its runs a lot cooler... and sounds better