How do you feel about certain tech in cars/bikes?


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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I was reading this short article in this months issue of motorcyclist View attachment 45409 and I came across one line in particular that got me thinking View attachment 45410

Its about collision avoidance and reads "or even activate the wayward cars brakes" once I read that I was instantly reminded of a article I read in car and driver about 5 years ago where some college students hacked into a gm car using drive by wire tech accompanied by onstar. When I say hacked into they actually were able to take control of the cars main systems while moving at highway speeds, they were able to slam on brakes, go WOT, shut off the engine all through the onstar system and the fact that the car was "drive by wire" through a laptop and even a cell phone, and this was maybe 5 years ago. Now if they were able to do this 5 years ago I'm sure it's easier today. I think these collision avoidance systems and systems like onstar are great stuff and has been proven time and time again to save lives. What kinda gets me thinking is the thought of someone being able to take control of a car like that though, and even more so a machine like that test bike that BMW made that can't actually make logical decisions. What if that car that is turning left is doing so to avoid someone who fell in the road and the car can't be stopped in time not to hit them, or any other situation like that? Like I said I think systems like collision avoidance are great but I think they should think about possibilities like those college students who "hacked" the car. If the cars/bikes were not drive by wire I think the operator could still take control if someone or something "hacked" it. I think someone doing that in real life would be a long shot but I'm just curious to see what y'all think.

Do you like drive by wire systems or rather have direct control wether it be through cables and levers or anything else?
Do you like systems like onstar?
Do you like other Internet based systems that are primarily for entertainment and nav?

Me personally I would rather keep my cables and levers, my previous silverado was "drive by wire" and the throttle had a "lag" to it and I generally felt disconnected to it vs my other vehicles. I loved the onstar but personally don't think other web based "info-tainment" systems belong in a vehicle, to me they seem like just another distraction and serve no purpose. A "regular" navigation system seems just fine.
I guess I don't have an informed opinion on "drive-by-wire".

I do not think a touchscreen for automotive functions is a good idea, however. If I have to turn up the heat, or turn down the radio, currently my hand goes to a general "position" on the dashboard, and I can grab the correct knob by feel; my eyes barely leave the road. That won't happen with a touchscreen, and I've had enough morons walk into me with their attention focused on their damn phone, please don't put them behind the wheel!!!

My 2 cents... :disapprove:
Do you like drive by wire systems or rather have direct control wether it be through cables and levers or anything else?
Do you like systems like onstar?
Do you like other Internet based systems that are primarily for entertainment and nav?

Me personally I would rather keep my cables and levers

+1000! All these techie things are getting better and better, but I prefer simplicity and direct feel. As thoroughly tested as these systems are, I don't trust them to be perfect. A wire is a wire.. maintain it and it'll work every time.

Computer-controlled actuation of any given control? I have to trust chips, electrical system AND whoever put the code together to make it all work right in all conditions.

I don't like that we're giving up more and more control (and necessity to think / have skills / be responsible) with all these *improvements*.

One ad really gets under my skin.. the Mercedes with automatic braking system! .. the one where there's a bunch of people who SHOULD have been paying attention to the road, but for one reason or another did not evaluate the situation and the car ended up saving their lives by stopping for them. Learn to friggin drive properly!! Pay attention!!

(rant over).
+1000! All these techie things are getting better and better, but I prefer simplicity and direct feel. As thoroughly tested as these systems are, I don't trust them to be perfect. A wire is a wire.. maintain it and it'll work every time.

Computer-controlled actuation of any given control? I have to trust chips, electrical system AND whoever put the code together to make it all work right in all conditions.

I don't like that we're giving up more and more control (and necessity to think / have skills / be responsible) with all these *improvements*.

One ad really gets under my skin.. the Mercedes with automatic braking system! .. the one where there's a bunch of people who SHOULD have been paying attention to the road, but for one reason or another did not evaluate the situation and the car ended up saving their lives by stopping for them. Learn to friggin drive properly!! Pay attention!!

(rant over).

To me that's another big issue with the collision avoidance stuff, people like in those commercials are going to end up relying on their tech to brake and not worry about paying attention. It's a great idea but for the lady who already is putting on her makeup while talking on her phone it's a recipe for disaster because sooner or later she's gonna say F it my car will stop for me...
The market sells what the majority buys!!!

Technology moves faster than a society can react, correct and/or adjust.
Unfortunately I see it like it is easier and more feasible to have completely automated cars in the near future than to reeducate people to pay attention to their driving and doing so correctly. To many people if the car can drive for them then the commute time could be used for something else, which many at trying to do either way.

I personally don't like a car (or even worse a hacker) that would take over my actions as a driver, I do appreciate technology advancements into giving the driver more warnings.
I believe any advancement into helping the driver keep the hands on the wheel and paying attention to the road at all times is much better, for example voice-commands for navigation, phone calls, etc.

I do see the positive part of adding automated warnings to a car and/or motorcycle in case of "danger" or close calls but I don't agree to have automated actions taken on a car to avoid a possible accident.
Sadly, because of the market, the majority might just push towards this direction, for example, how many cars can we find that offer stick shift in the USA? The majority buys automatic transmission cars so the manual ones tend to disappear!!!!

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I HATE the drive by wire just is no where near as safe as a cable and a spring....if your accelerator cable snaps,,,theres a spring to snap the throttle body brakes go directly to a master cylinder....not to some modulator....the toyota recall a few years ago just made my little rant seem a whole lot more sane lol
Last year i had to pick up a hire car for my boss as his was in for a service.When they came round the corner with a BMW m3 i could not wait to take it on the road.Boy was i disappointed with it what a boring car!!Just too much tech even the seats were electric.Dont get me wrong it drove like any other luxury car. What a shame as BM's used to be drivers cars.I kid you not ford make a car now that even does a reverse park!!!!:eek:
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I'm currently working on a 70s Datsun and I am intrigued at how everything is mechanical! Direct control over everything! I can even change the accelerator springs for a different feel. I can't do that with a computer.

When I watch the Mercedes commercials about all the assists, I have to think that soon people will rely on that technology too much. They will have to think even less while driving.

So I'm in the mechanical boat.
Not a fan of too much technology in a car. Can't wait for a "park assist" car to hit someone and have the driver claim it's not their fault. another thing that scares me, driverless cars.
I don't like the way most drive-by-wire systems feel (although in my '07 Hyundai Sonata I4 it is seemless, the V6s are mush more abrupt. I do, however, understand why they're using it. It's cheaper to manufacture, dodn't have to have separate cruise control actuator, makes it possible to add stability control systems, easier to integrate traction/launch control. That being said, I think simpler is better & would rather give up the technology & have a simpler setup that gives control back to the driver.
In a car:

power steering
and a toggled TCS

On a bike:

disc brakes
adjustable suspension
sticky tires

as far as GPS or entertainment go i like the personal gps units like garmin but the ones that come with the cars suck and cost 5x as much so whats the point. im not a fan of dvd players unless they're in the back seat of a minivan. and bluetooth is pretty awesome except nobody really uses it, its easier to pick up your phone most of the time.
Definutly technology is good but also bad too. Case in point. I meet up with a buddy and his wife for a couple beers a few weeks ago. We were outdoors enjoying the nice evening when I noticed there cars lights were still on. It's a Toyota Prius. Well come to find out the car was still on two hours later. He had forgotten to turn it off. Some one could have just driven off with it. It's impossible to hear a hybrid car. LMAO! I still give him a bad time about that one. Too Funny. :spank: