How did you meet your spouse/gf/bf?



I know there are funny stories of how you and yours met.

Here's mine and Danny's:
So there I was, 17 years old, senior in high school. My cousin (2 weeks older than me) had this friend named Dylan, well, she would call Dylan practically everyday, but she didn't always get the phone number right and always called this other number asking for Dylan (which was not Dylan's number). This went on everyday for about a month and this "guy", that she keep calling by accident, started to ask her questions like, "what do you look like", what are your measurements." So she tells me one day, "hey, call this guy, he is a total dirt bag, he will ask your measurements." So, I decide to call this dirt bag and when he answers the phone I say, "hi, is Dylan there." and he says, "hey Melissa (my cousin) Dylan's number is XXXXXXX." I started laughing and told him that I wasn't her (we sound the same on the phone). It took him a while for him to believe it.....I asked him if he had been sleeping and he said yes and I told him,"oh, sorry...I will let you go." He says, "no, wait.........what are your measurements?" I just started laughing. So I told him my measurements and he says," you sound HOT!" He tells me his name is Danny (yes, Danny that we all know) we talked on the phone for about 3 hours and when I got off the phone I knew I was in love. I wasn't sure how my mom would react, being that she was a cop and I was 17 and he was 24. We talked on the phone for about a month and then we finally met at his house (which was just around the corner from me), he told me that if he took me to Del Taco for dinner, that meant that he didn't like me......he didn't take me anywhere ;) ;) and we have been together ever since. I still laugh to this day about how we met. I moved in with him 3 months later and then got married 2 months after I moved in. :Flash:
I know there are funny stories of how you and yours met.

Here's mine and Danny's:
So there I was, 17 years old, senior in high school. My cousin (2 weeks older than me) had this friend named Dylan, well, she would call Dylan practically everyday, but she didn't always get the phone number right and always called this other number asking for Dylan (which was not Dylan's number). This went on everyday for about a month and this "guy", that she keep calling by accident, started to ask her questions like, "what do you look like", what are your measurements." So she tells me one day, "hey, call this guy, he is a total dirt bag, he will ask your measurements." So, I decide to call this dirt bag and when he answers the phone I say, "hi, is Dylan there." and he says, "hey Melissa (my cousin) Dylan's number is XXXXXXX." I started laughing and told him that I wasn't her (we sound the same on the phone). It took him a while for him to believe it.....I asked him if he had been sleeping and he said yes and I told him,"oh, sorry...I will let you go." He says, "no, wait.........what are your measurements?" I just started laughing. So I told him my measurements and he says," you sound HOT!" He tells me his name is Danny (yes, Danny that we all know) we talked on the phone for about 3 hours and when I got off the phone I knew I was in love. I wasn't sure how my mom would react, being that she was a cop and I was 17 and he was 24. We talked on the phone for about a month and then we finally met at his house (which was just around the corner from me), he told me that if he took me to Del Taco for dinner, that meant that he didn't like me......he didn't take me anywhere ;) ;) and we have been together ever since. I still laugh to this day about how we met. I moved in with him 3 months later and then got married 2 months after I moved in. :Flash:

LOL thats great. I met a girl prank calling me when I was in high school. Unlike you guys, she turned out to be BatShiat Crazy. Maybe I only attract crazy women.
LOL thats great. I met a girl prank calling me when I was in high school. Unlike you guys, she turned out to be BatShiat Crazy. Maybe I only attract crazy women.

LOL.....maybe you were just meant to be single!!!! :thumbup:
Wouldn't expect anything less from Danny. So you never finished the story............What are your measurements?
Took orders for Japan and went home from North Carolina to Newport Beach California. While on leave (20 days) met momma. Nine days into that leave got hitched in Vegas. Eleven days after flew out of Orange County airport for Travis Air Force base in Northern California (WestPac staging area). Left Travis and landed in Japan 24 hours later. Orders got changed and next stop was Subic Bay in the PI. Gear got transfered from a 141 to a 130 and next stop was Bien Hoa Air Force base in the Republic of South Vietnam. Got held up for a while due to incoming and later headed north to Da Nang. had a relationship via US Mail for the next 13 months and returned home to start making babies. 2008 will mark our 36th anniversary and we have 2 children; 1X and 1Y which brought 6 grandkids of 4X and 2Y......

Anybody want to give odds on this having worked...... We were 19

The first time, we were both ****faced at a party at my brother's apartment in college. I was a freshman, so my buddies were all looking out for me. Rob was a friend of a friend, and played rugby at the time, so I was warned that he was a jock and to stay away from him. He was told that I was in high school (I was actually a freshman) and to stay away from me. We heeded the advice.

Then, just over a year later, he showed up in one of my classes. It was a horrible class, really hard, and the teacher recommended we get study-buddies for the midterm. I remembered that this cute guy lived in my building, so I asked if he would be my study-buddy. He responded with a few grunts and some drool and we've been communicating like that ever since.
I met my wife in the 6th grade, we lived in the same town. We didn't really have any attraction to each other until high school, which was strange because we went to different high schools. I had tried to fix her up with a friend of mine, but it didn't work out. I would bump into her wherever I would go. When learning to drive, my road lesson started with driving her home, I would go to my neighbors house, there she was, etc. We finally figured we weren't going to avoid this and started dating. We've been happilly married for 17 years now
How I met the EX:

At Colorado State Univeristy in '84 I was drinking, go figure, with my best buddy. I was 18 he was 17. :eek: He had way too much Everclear and cool aid and I was steering him back to his room. We lived in a 12 story dorm and were in the elevator. The elevator stopped and the doors opened and two girls were standing there. I say, "NO! Don't get in, he's going to get sick!" Doors shut. Well a few days later my EX's friend, says "Hey those two guys were kind of cute, let's find out where they live." And the rest they say is history.


Former employee who I meet with for career development from time to time. We finish talking about where she wants to go in the Company what she is interested in doing. Well she metions, "I'm working on getting my house ready." (She owns three rental homes). I said, "Are you no longer with XXX?" Nope, it didn't work out. So I asked, "Well how the heck does someone in their 40's meet anyone?" She replies, "I spend too much time at home drinking wine." So we agree to go do stuff together to help each other meet other people. (Well that idea lasted about 2 hours) We've been out 4 times and on the second date, dinner at my place she askes, "So, uh, are we're not going to help each other meet anyone else are we?" Uh, no... "So when did were you first interested in me? I reply, "The day I interviewed you three years ago." So I asked her, "So can I ask you the same question?" She replied with, "The day you interviewed me three years ago."

We will see what happens. :D
How I met the EX:

At Colorado State Univeristy in '84 I was drinking, go figure, with my best buddy. I was 18 he was 17. :eek: He had way too much Everclear and cool aid and I was steering him back to his room. We lived in a 12 story dorm and were in the elevator. The elevator stopped and the doors opened and two girls were standing there. I say, "NO! Don't get in, he's going to get sick!" Doors shut. Well a few days later my EX's friend, says "Hey those two guys were kind of cute, let's find out where they live." And the rest they say is history.


Former employee who I meet with for career development from time to time. We finish talking about where she wants to go in the Company what she is interested in doing. Well she metions, "I'm working on getting my house ready." (She owns three rental homes). I said, "Are you no longer with XXX?" Nope, it didn't work out. So I asked, "Well how the heck does someone in their 40's meet anyone?" She replies, "I spend too much time at home drinking wine." So we agree to go do stuff together to help each other meet other people. (Well that idea lasted about 2 hours) We've been out 4 times and on the second date, dinner at my place she askes, "So, uh, are we're not going to help each other meet anyone else are we?" Uh, no... "So when did were you first interested in me? I reply, "The day I interviewed you three years ago." So I asked her, "So can I ask you the same question?" She replied with, "The day you interviewed me three years ago."

We will see what happens. :D
Best news today mate.
Thanks Neil, I feel very lucky right now, she's a wonderful person. Who knows where this might end up??? I do have a good feeling about it. :Flash:
I met Ref number: 00B1GT1TS00 On a lovely site called Thai bride.
We have been togeather for eight years 3 lovely children under three and still some freedom to ride my bike.

Actually some of that is not true. Avril and I met on a head injury and spinal ward at work. I gave her the Perry charm (nagged at her relentlessly) until she finally gave in and went for a drink with me after work.
Well one drink lead to another, the Rohypnol worked a treat. I got house keys cut moved in and married 4 years latter. She is a great girl and i am a lucky man.

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I met Ref number: 00B1GT1TS00 On a lovely site called Thai bride.
We have been togeather for eight years 3 lovely children under three and still some freedom to ride my bike.

Actually some of that is not true. Avril and I met on a head injury and spinal ward at work. I gave here the Perry charm (nagged at her relentlessly) until she finally gave in and went for a drink with me after work.
Well one drink lead to another, the Rohypnol worked a treat. I got house keys cut moved in and married 4 years latter. She is a great girl and i am a lucky man.


LOL! :Sport: