
Well, I'm starting to get paranoid.

I have a vine on the north side of the house that I can't kill, keep pulling it down. This summer it grew up the downspout and up on the gutter, finally pulled it all down this morning.
And then saw this just under it:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Definitely an active hornet's nest, but for whatever reason they were cool this morning, no stings.
Think I might just stay indoors in the A/C until November now...
Well, I'm starting to get paranoid.

I have a vine on the north side of the house that I can't kill, keep pulling it down. This summer it grew up the downspout and up on the gutter, finally pulled it all down this morning.
And then saw this just under it:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Definitely an active hornet's nest, but for whatever reason they were cool this morning, no stings.
Think I might just stay indoors in the A/C until November now...

Go to home depot get hornet spray, gear up in full leathers and full face helmet with blanket scarf and gauntlet gloves..........Then spray and run!!
Was riding to lunch yesterday, about 45 mph, and I saw him about 50 feet ahead, quite high in the air. He swooped down and hit me in the throat, and managed to sting me right behind the jugular before he bounced off; I didn't even have time to flinch.
OUCH! Damn it hurt! I got to my favorite Thai restaurant and my favorite waitress asked, "Wow, how did you get that welt on your neck?!" It hurt to swallow my food, but it kind've quit hurting by the time I got back to work.
Didn't really notice it the rest of the day, but its hurting pretty good again this morning; just glad I didn't have an allergic reaction or anything.

Holy crap I bet that sucked, glad you did not wreck! I would have flipped out lol.
Go to home depot get hornet spray, gear up in full leathers and full face helmet with blanket scarf and gauntlet gloves..........Then spray and run!!

If you have to do that. Wait till it's completely dark out and all the hornets are on the nest. If you spray the nest during the day the return hornets will be pissed and stinging everyone. Shine a flash light at the nest from a different location than you will be at. If you're holding the flashlight you won't believe how fast they are coming after you as soon as you start spraying. If they're not bothering anybody you could just let them finish out their nesting and when the cold weather comes (If you have a winter) take it down. Also don't stand down wind from the spray. A respirator is a good idea.
In some cultures the nest is good luck for the home.
If you have to do that. Wait till it's completely dark out and all the hornets are on the nest. If you spray the nest during the day the return hornets will be pissed and stinging everyone. Shine a flash light at the nest from a different location than you will be at. If you're holding the flashlight you won't believe how fast they are coming after you as soon as you start spraying. If they're not bothering anybody you could just let them finish out their nesting and when the cold weather comes (If you have a winter) take it down. Also don't stand down wind from the spray. A respirator is a good idea.
In some cultures the nest is good luck for the home.

+1 Dusk is a great time too, as they're all returning, and they get a little lethargic once they settle in.

Last year when I was still living in San Jose, I had a never ending battle with yellow-jackets(small wasps). I probably sprayed 30+ nests-in-progress that summer! Seemed like I would spray and knock down three or more, then three or more would pop up the next day! Ugh, I hate yellow jackets! Half the time I just walk by one minding my own business, and it begins pursuit! Meanwhile hordes of people can walk by the same wasp or wasp nest, with no issue whatsoever. Maybe they can sense fear, and fear angers them? Who knows. All I know is that they're overly aggressive evil little bastards. lol
I hit a bird one day, or rather it hit me. It bounced off my helmet died in my lap (I think). I didn't know it was there for like 1000 feet while going 40 mph. I looked down and saw some bird crap on my pants and caught a glimpse of feather between my tank and my thigh. Scared the S#!t outta me. I grabbed it and tossed it off me and kept going.
We had to stop after a while because my buddy couldn't stop laughing. The poor thing crapped all over my leather too. The going joke with my buddies is that I've become the wildlife terminator, I've been racking up a body count since last year.
Louder pipes might not save my life but it may save bambi's.
been down that road, hurt like hell!! and to add insult to injury the little guy didnt fall off....took all my might to keep control when I saw it climbing up the inside of my shield.
i had my face shield open at about 35-40 when a wasp flew in and hit me right in the cheek... hurt like a sumbitch.... but luckily it dazed the hell outta him too... so i was able to turn my head and the wind pulled him right back out thankfully before he started stinging the hell outta me... lucked up but still got me a little spooked thought i was going to wreck if he started going to town with his dagger tail on my face...
I creamed a bee about a week ago, right between the eyes on the face shield. What a mess. When touring I keep a wet cloth in my tank bag to clean off bugs while I'm riding...glad I had it that time.