

Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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Was riding to lunch yesterday, about 45 mph, and I saw him about 50 feet ahead, quite high in the air. He swooped down and hit me in the throat, and managed to sting me right behind the jugular before he bounced off; I didn't even have time to flinch.
OUCH! Damn it hurt! I got to my favorite Thai restaurant and my favorite waitress asked, "Wow, how did you get that welt on your neck?!" It hurt to swallow my food, but it kind've quit hurting by the time I got back to work.
Didn't really notice it the rest of the day, but its hurting pretty good again this morning; just glad I didn't have an allergic reaction or anything.
OUCH! Well.. I suppose that's better than getting stung in your man berries.
Took a bumble bee to throat at 65mph. WELT!

They look about the size of ping pong ball coming at you and make a good splat on the jacket too!

Did I mention birds? Birds love the FZ..... No strikes tho...
I had a wasp fly into my helmet two days ago (up through the base near my neck); while I had my mum on the back for the first time. It was sitting on the bridge of the helmet near my nose, so I had to calmly open the visor and brush it away so that she didn't sh1t her pants!
dang i bet that hurt...i had a similar experience with a yellow jacket the first day i got my fz but i was wearing gloves and a jacket both ziped up and somehow it managed to fly halfway up my right sleve and sting the bajezeus outta me
I'm like a bee magnet sometimes. I got stung 4 times on one ride one day with my son. My son thought I was kidding him every time I got stung after the first time. At first he wouldn't believe but after seeing the stings he asked if I wanted to go home and I said no cuz it was the first time we got to ride together. You would laugh your a55 off if you saw me two days later. I swell up like something out of a science fiction movie. Got stung again last year and the same thing. Bad swelling! Although the sting hurts I like to keep riding but now I have to check and get any remains of the stinger out as soon as possible.
Hornets are bad. This is also a big year for Cicadas, and i'm seeing more cicada killers than usual, and they seem to be more aggressive. I've been chased a couple of times around my yard. (Eastern cicada killer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) They have a terrible sting, and the females are enormous. I only mention it because it's big enough that it would be easy to see from far away, and they are a lot more likely to be high in the air than a hornet. And their sting is really amazingly painful. Could be what got you. Cicada killers nest near pavement edges, so they're always where we are. But hornets are a lot more aggressive, being social and therefore individually expendable. Anyway, because this is the year for one of the long-term cicada hatchings, the cicada killers are everywhere, at least in the Southeast. Be on the lookout.
Took a bumble bee to throat at 65mph. WELT!

They look about the size of ping pong ball coming at you and make a good splat on the jacket too!

Did I mention birds? Birds love the FZ..... No strikes tho...

I might have told this one before.....:hijack:

My commute in OR took me from Rainier, to Hillsboro.

I'd ride Hwy 30 through Scappoose, then take Rock Point Road up on to Skyline. Rocky Point is a good place to pull the trigger, as it's a clear road, with good sightlines, and nowhere for officer friendly to lie in wait. It's a pretty serious uphill, probably more than 600' elevation change in a mile and a half or so. A few tight sweepers at the top, so you punch it up to around 100, then coast back down to ~70 for the first turn in.

So there I am, zipping up hill one fine spring day, and off in the distance I see the (truly) unmistakable sight of a young lady with a blonde pony tail jogging down hill. Shorts and a halter top. Thank you, spring time.:BLAA:

At that point I was splitting my attention without any conscious decision.... left, jiggle jiggle, road, left, road, left, road.....and I see a blue jay drop out of a tree right in front of me. :spank:

Half a second later, I'm past the jogger, looking in the rear view at a cloud of blue feathers.... Not a mark on the bike.:tard:

<thinking to self> 'Just ride the bike, stupid.'
I thought i was the only one with this kind of bad luck lol. :BLAA:

My second day riding on the street on a 250 rebel. I had helmet, gauntlet gloves, pants, and riding boots. I got stung in the neck by something as soon as i pulled out onto the street. I nearly crashed the pain was so ridiculous. I dont even know what it was but my entire neck burned like heck for a whole day and the welt stayed for three days. I dont think i got the stinger out completely.

Funny part was riding with my gf and trying to signal her to pull over so i can check out my neck. She thought i was waving for a good mile LOL. We need chatterboxes... :rockon:
As an added note. Bees have barbed stingers Wasps and hornet don't. When a bee stings you it leaves it's stinger in you with a venom gland attached and still pumping in the venom. The wasp or hornet can go at you like a sewing machine creating multiple stings. The bees are the ones that seem to get me swelling really bad. Important to get that stinger and gland out as soon as possible. The doctor also said to me that you can get infection from the sting.
Although I hate getting stung I have to respect the nature of these creatures and how their instincts work.
Stings have been used for a long time to release endorphins that help alleviate pain in people with arthritis.
Maybe that's why when I walk in the door I start laughing and when asked why I'm laughing I say, "I got stung by bees!. Then my son says, "No dad, yer just stupid!" :rolleyes:
It stinks on my Versys, if A bug hits me in my chest, my seating position plus the wind screen funnels bugs up into my helmet every now and again, i have to flip my helmet visor up rq to get rid of it before it gets places unfriendly...eyes mouth etc.. i think it probably has something to do with the little mesh chin flap thats on my Vega FF...either way bee's in or near the helmet suck...I almost took an owl to the helmet the other night lol....
<thinking to self> 'Just ride the bike, stupid.'

I've said that to myself a few times... When i get out of work at 10:30 AM theres a pretty cute girl watering flowers in the town circle... almost ran into a cop car once... since then i told myself 90% on the road 10% on the girl rather than the other way around :D.....now she gets a wave every morning and i get one back and then back the the open road lol
Hornets are bad. This is also a big year for Cicadas, and i'm seeing more cicada killers than usual, and they seem to be more aggressive. I've been chased a couple of times around my yard. (Eastern cicada killer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) They have a terrible sting, and the females are enormous. I only mention it because it's big enough that it would be easy to see from far away, and they are a lot more likely to be high in the air than a hornet. And their sting is really amazingly painful. Could be what got you. Cicada killers nest near pavement edges, so they're always where we are. But hornets are a lot more aggressive, being social and therefore individually expendable. Anyway, because this is the year for one of the long-term cicada hatchings, the cicada killers are everywhere, at least in the Southeast. Be on the lookout.

I was wondering why ive been seeing a lot more of the killers here lately...ive never been stung by one myself but ive herd that it is one of the single most painfull insect stings there is so when i see them i try to keep my distance