hope this isnt in the wrong place

Women rock, most of the time. Some of them are wack jobs, but so are some men. What can you do? LOL
We are just different, I dont want a woman to be my boss, I dont want to boss a woman. Oddly enough, I dont think most women want to boss their men, or to be bossed by thier men, I just think some men are wimps, and some women dont think they can do any better so they end up together, both unhappy, knowing something is wrong.
We are supposed to share life together, not run the others life.

I guess that's a nicer version of my post. :thumbup:
2 years my best bud got himself an SV650...at the time I wanted the FZ6 (license first of course), but my wife said "NO". Two years later I started itching
again for the FZ6, she said you can only get the license. Her mistake, LOL. This summer I got my license through MSF/Riders Ed, my '07 Blue FZ6 and of course extra life insurance, LOL just in case........ something happens to her my bike and I will be alright, hehe :) Just kidding about the last part of course.http://www.600riders.com/forum/images/smilies/sport12.gif
It's one thing to quit smoking for a woman, but give up the bike - yikes...

Buy her that really nice (expensive) pair of shoes (or fridge, her own bike)... let her get something she thinks is really cool too!

Mutual respect for each other and each other's toys :thumbup:
if u let ur woman walk all over you she will cheat on you for excitement but use you for a roof over her head and legitimacy

hunter, you did well. you have earned the stamp of approval of the UCM (Universal Conglomerate of Males)

P.S. i am not sexist, women have the upper hand in life and rightfully so they are amazing specimens of humanity. but you have to grab your balls and assert your rights a man. some guys forget to do that.
...Just remember to use that option sparingly or it will lose it's effect, ie: don't say "their ain't no way I'm going shopping with you, the game is on tv". Just go shopping.

+1 When I was growing up, my mom always told me, "pick your battles". It was great advice and its worked for me all my life.
Man am I ever walking this same path.......Wife is terrified of bikes. Started on a Monday with me mentioning what a good deal a buddy was offering. Immediate response was "not no but ^%$# NO"....Brought it up again the next night, just got a glare. On Wed. the response was "I'm just worried about you getting hurt"....I figured that was as good as a go. Knowing she didn't support the decision, I didn't want to "drag" her in to sign papers in support of something she was against so I went to the bank and got the note on my own credit....BAD MISTAKE...Now I'm "sneaking around hiding things and WHAT else am I hiding"..BIG trust issues. She wants nothing to do with the bike but she's afraid I'll snatch up someone who does. Not a chance of that happening but I can't walk that path with her and even though I've told her I'll be waiting on the other side, only she can walk this path and deal with her own insecurities.... It's really more of a control issue than anything else. I love her more today than I did when we got married 16+ years ago and I would love it if she could share this part of my life but that's a decision only she can make.....I will remain convinced that if I can ever get her on that back seat, leave it in first, find a nice smooth stretch of road with no traffic and run it up to say....8500 RPMS....The vibrations alone will have her hooked LOL.
Well Hubby normal buy what he wants most the time and ditto for me. Big items we talk about but otherwise have at it. I would never stop him from doing what he truely wants, as proved by the two and a half week trip he just return from. He spent it traveling to Spain ( from Slovakia) and then riding in the mountains there. Dream trip and I just said have a good time, be safe and take lots of photos!
