Hi, I'm Meagan.


New Member
Aug 20, 2020
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Valparaiso, Florida
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I live in Florida and I'm getting my bikes ready for my favorite riding season - the one that doesn't give me heat stroke.

I've been riding since 2004 and was an MSF rider coach for a few years. I'm very safety conscious and a total gear whore. ATGATT. I had to stop riding for a few years due to health concerns, but I'm good now and ready to get back on 2 wheels.

I've ridden a lot of bikes, but here's what's in the garage now:

2005 Ninja ex250r. It's a great bike and I'll probably be buried with it. The ninja250.org website has been super useful for learning about maintenance for her and tips for comfort mods.

I have been looking for a similar club-forum resource for my other bike, a 2007 FZ6. It's also a great ride, but my husband has been in charge of its maintenence for a few years and he just doesn't. He's good at other things, lol. He uses it as a commuter when it's not too hot. I'm taking the FZ6 maintenance back over so he doesn't die and so I can feel comfortable riding it again.

I love curvy roads and not crashing. I'm short. What else is there to know?

Looking forward to reading through the forums.
Welcome to our great forum! There's are many threads with great info on here regarding maintenance and trouble shooting. Always search and feel free to ask our great community for ideas and experience on FZ6 related questions.
I agree ATGATT!
Welcome. This forum is all about maintaining the FZ6 effectively and economically. And having a good time doing it. It also tends to attract the more mature riders. There isn't a lot of bragging about doing stupid stuff on public roads - but we do discuss safety.
Welcome. This forum is all about maintaining the FZ6 effectively and economically. And having a good time doing it. It also tends to attract the more mature riders. There isn't a lot of bragging about doing stupid stuff on public roads - but we do discuss safety.
Y'all watch this!
Here, hold m’beer

Every good story starts with a bad decision

I definitely have
In the Yamaha world, blue is fastest. Red is nice though, I guess.

I'm sorry. We follow the laws of physics here, which clearly show red vehicles are always fastest. ;)

My other bike is blue, though.