hi, good day to practice.


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Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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I went out for a very relaxing 90 mi run on my (red) faster FZ6. Actually, if you look, red is closer to white and has a faster frequency just sitting still than blue, which is getting to the ultraviolet spectrum and thats loads and loads of slow frequencies. Anyway, I digress.... (Clears throat). After a good run around on the freeways, I went to Cherokee park which has loads of fine twisties to play with. Sensible speeds, there were also joggers and bicyclists too. But the training has begun, that felt really good, so I went to the end of a buisness road turnstyle, and practiced tight turns left and right. After I did 40 of each way, I started off straight staying in 1st gear, I went to 20 mpg, then I grabbed the brake really hard. I am trying really hard to be able to do an endo. If thats the right word, it means hopefully I will learn to stop my bike on its front tire. I also found right after I brake, i try to accelerate smoothly back to 20 mph, then lay on the breaks again. When you can get that in rhythem you can stop damn hard then take off again quick and keep balance. One note that was funny to me, and pretty seriously could have messed me up, I leaned into a right turn going 35 mpg, I braked into it, then down accidently to 1st gear, that locked the back tire in the turn, but alas it was no prob, I instinctively pulled the clutch and went 2nd which unlocked the back tire. I felt clever, but scared to death. Locking tires in a turn BAD!!!!
Ok, see you gents and ladies later.
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Good to see ur practicing in a safe environment... need to do more of that myself ...

Be safe and good luck ;)

Far be it from me to give anyone advice, but as you change down do you 'Blip' the throttle? That is, give the bike a handful of revs as between downshifts, this will reduce the tendancy for the wheel to lock. :Flash:
I am still working on that. I practice the 2 fingers on the brake, and palm on the throttle. When I am slowing down, I brake and downshift with some palm on the throttle so I keep the rpm up a tad in case I need to take the heck off. Oh, to make my palm work on the throttle well, I bought this little plastic do dad that wedges itself to the throttle and you only need palm pressure to accellerate. Dont need to grip it, cuts down on the numbness in my hand when I am on the freeway a LOT!
I use the crampbuster too.
Hey if you get a chance run by Barnes and Noble and pick up either
Total Control Lee Parks
Ride Hard Ride Smart Pat Hahn
Sport Riding Techniques by Nick Ienatsch
Profiecent Motorcycling I and II by David Hough.
They all have helped my immensley I think you will get a great benifit from them as well.
I am still working on that. I practice the 2 fingers on the brake, and palm on the throttle. When I am slowing down, I brake and downshift with some palm on the throttle so I keep the rpm up a tad in case I need to take the heck off. Oh, to make my palm work on the throttle well, I bought this little plastic do dad that wedges itself to the throttle and you only need palm pressure to accellerate. Dont need to grip it, cuts down on the numbness in my hand when I am on the freeway a LOT!

Make sure that your throttle freeplay is set to the minimum. This helps a lot, saves trying to wind the slop out of the system while trying to brake at the same time.
good advice

thanks guys, wright i will check out the books, the rate i am gobbling any and all info i can find on the internet, i dont think it would take long for me to go through your suggested reading material. bliping the throttle sounds good, but when your going to fast for 1st gear, i am afraid of damaging the tranny. clutch and 2nd seemed safer. hell i dont know bikes that well, perhaps you can tear them trannys up no prob.
The worry is not damaging the trans. The worry is locking the rear tire, and having a good old fashioned high side with mutiple broken bones and a ruint bike if you lucky, unlucky is run over by a big truck after landing from 15ft up in the air, as the bike lands on top of you. Its going the same way you are see?
Make SURE you match RPMS or slowly slip that clutch.