Help wanted to buy 2001 R6


Junior Member
Oct 6, 2008
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British Columbia, Canada
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Can any of you knowledgeable guys or gals out there in BC Canada give me an idea how much a used 2001 R6 would be? :confused:

Approx 29000ks good all round condition, not dropped, and standard equipment, new rear tire, guy is asking $4700 is this fair or is there room for movement? Any help appreciated, thanks.:thumbup:
By Calgary standards, that's a decent deal. Little high on the Kms though. Have you considered an R1? I've heard you can find them cheaper than the R6s due to demand...
Thanks for the input, yes maybe I should have bought one in the States when the dollar was taking a hit:spank: but I missed that boat, anyhow bought a very nice clean 2000 R6 with a few mods, new tires,chain and sprockets, Carbon exhaust,frame sliders, 29000ks runs like a top...$3500.cdn:Flash:
to bad your not around. last i knew there was a guy around the corner from me selling an R1 for 3k i beleive it is an 00-01 not sure on the miles though
Sounds good, you can get R1s in the US for amazing prices, I have had a look but we still have to pay the tax/import duty on it coming back to Canada,(so much for free trade!!!) and now the US Dollar has clawed it's way out of the poop it's not that good a deal for us poor Canadians.

What we need is for more of you US guys and gals coming up here on your bikes and spending a heap load of US Dollars, thus ensuring Canada's healthy future, then we can buy more stuff from the US, credit crunch fixed and no charge:thumbup::thumbup: