Heated gear


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Feb 4, 2008
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I am looking for a heated liner and gloves and wanted to know if any of the guys on here have used them, or are using some that they would reccommend?

I use First Gear (or Warm and Safe). I have gloves, jacket (with sleeves) -- both from Warm and Safe. I also have First Gear heated socks.

On the bikes, I have a Warm and Safe single controller on the FZ6 and dual controller on my Vstar. With Warm and Safe, you can plug the gloves into the jacket and heat as a unit or have two separate plugs for dual controller.

The jacket/gloves I use late Fall through Winter and early Spring.

The heated socks I used twice and washed them and never used them again. My feet don't get cold anymore due to better boots/socks. When I wore them, I got warm feet and it felt good.

My heated jacket started to fail after 2 years (i.e., the sleeves started to not heat); the company let me upgrade to the next generation jacket for something like $80. One of the gloves failed after 1.5 years and they sent me a new pair -- no shipping, no charge (maybe with that generation, there might have been a known issue).

I'd definitely look at Warm and Safe/First Gear but I'd love to try out the micro wire stuff too (and if you don't yet have heated gear, take a look at it). Heated gear is quite expensive but really extends the riding season and makes it comfortable. Definitely buy quality vs. quantity. When stuff fails, you are cold and it feels like Superman lost his super powers.

Whatever brand you go with, look into the lower wattage models because our FZ6 has a hard time pushing out watts. Plus, get a voltmeter to ensure you're not draining your battery when using your heated gear.

Gerbing jacket, gloves and socks here. I use the Gerbing heat controller and keep it on medium; have never had any battery problems even on all day rides. Highly recommended.
Go with Gerbings, you might have to watch power consumption at lower speeds. In town at a stop light I take my foot off the brake to save a little power. I belive the liner draws about 77 watts so there isn't much to spare. But it's really nice to go for a ride and feel heat.


I have heated grips on my baby, they are awesome when they work but my partner fitted them and the wiring is a little temperamental shall we say. It's an ongoing ribbing for him haha

I was thinking of getting some heated grips but i wouldn't know how to wire them up, I'm not very good at stuff like that. How long do you think a dealer would take, to give me an idea of cost for them to do it.?

I'm also not sure where to fit the control unit for them if i bought some.

Are there any recommendations of Heated grips to buy ?? and any photo's of the controllers fitted ?
I can give you an idea of what it's like to have the Tourmaster heated full-sleeve vest and gloves.

They do a good job trying to make the thing cling to you, by having elastic panels along the sides. I'm a skinny little bastard so it still lets in some air, but that's my fault really, not theirs - anyone over 140lbs will be fine, it will cling to you. The controller is easy to use, with big buttons and a belt/pocket clip. I ran a fused lead off the battery then under the gas tank to pop out right on the left side of the base of the tank where the seat hits it, by my left thigh. It tucks in nicely when not in use and is invisible. The heat is really, really hot on my arms, because the arms of my jacket are tighter than the body. That said, I almost NEVER use more than the Low setting. It's hot as hell. Maybe Medium for 2 miles, then Low or Off for the rest of the trip. That part's not perfect, but at least it works.

They're not much fun to plug in, at all. I find myself avoiding them in all but the nastiest weather because of it. It's a lot of work. And once you do, they don't heat as well as the vest. They are about 1/2 as warm as it is... it's not subtle, it's noticeable. So the vest will be broiling you on Low, while the gloves are slightly warmer than normal gloves. But the blood going down your forearms is so hot from the vest that it heats your hands well anyway, so a lot of times I go with medium or even light gloves and the vest on low or medium. It works.

Overall it wasn't money wasted, but the vest is better than those gloves.
Mine are oxford ones, not sure about cost can't imagine it would cost much to get them fitted. The switch is neat just sits tidy on the handle bars. I get them cranked up to 100% wickedly hot!!


i have had two sets of these now and both sets, the controler has died :eek: just before winter both times. so had to suffer with cold hands for the last two years, they are awesome when they work tho :) i am considering some more but i dont know, will see how i feel after summer time :)