Has your bike ever hit the ground?

Has your bike ever touched pavement?

  • No, my bike has never been dropped, or layed down. It's still a minter.

    Votes: 393 36.6%
  • Yes, the side of my bike has touched pavement.

    Votes: 681 63.4%

  • Total voters
Any group of riders where 61% have had the bike on its side shows a bunch of a) newbies, or b) klutzes. The FZ6 is so easy to handle when in motion, and when maneurvering around the garage it is supremely easy, that dropping the bike doesn't even enter my mind. Amazing. Maybe I'm just lucky but with 34 years of experience I've never dropped a bike.
"damn it damn it damn it" 3 years 21000 km (not exactly easy ones if you know what i mean) and not a scratch. not a scratch.

Then my dad calls me up and says "hey are you using your bike tonight?" um....no.... ahh... why? "I would like to take it out to the cottage and back"
ummm.... well....ok...I guess.

My dads last bike was a 1978 wing fully loaded. and has not ridden a bike in 20 years. I knew that by letting him take my bike there was a very good chance he was going to mess it up. I had faith that he would not crash but had a feeling he would dump it.

Well he did. on the GRASS at the cottage. (why was he on the grass? who knows?) anyways, scratched my engine, bar end and bent the passenger peg and bracket and SUBFRAME "ugh"

I know I know my fault for lending it... I am glad he did'nt go down hard and get hurt though I still feel like kicking him square in the junk.
Good News AND Bad News

Bad News First
-I have dropped my bike.

Good News
-It was my Buell Blast NOT my FZ6...Thank God!

I was riding my Buell into work at night and I had only been riding for about a month at the time (I was dumb) I never should have taken her out for that kind of trip that early. I had to hit 270, a 4 lane hi-way(6 lane with the 2 local lanes), and the Belt way 495. Like I said I shouldn't have done it.

Funny enough, I did fine on the main Hi-way. Sure I couldn't get out of my own way with that single cylinder pumping it's heart out, but I made it.

It was when I was on a back road, 1/4 of a mile away from work, that I introduced my Buells left side to the ground. The speed limit is 35 and it is a hard left turn with two lanes. I was in the right lane in the turn and there was a car in the left lane making the turn pretty fast and hard. He was leaking over into my lane pretty fast so I let up on the turn a little and tried to ride the outside of it. That is when I hit the gravel. My tires started to slide right, I hit the curb and then the next thing I knew I was on the ground.

I got up real quick, not wanting someone to run me over, and picked up the bike. From there I just check myself over felt everything hurting and jumped back on and went to work and cleaned myself up. All I had was some pulled muscles in my left shoulder and foot and some road rash here and there. (I had Full Gear on)...Good times

Oh, I would like to point out that 4 cars drove around me before someone stopped.
Yep, less than 24 hours after getting it home. Went for a 2-hour "training" ride with some friends with no incidents. Get back to the house and start to put it in the garage. Son comes running out of the garage and distracts me. Hit the front brake with the front tire turned slightly to the right and down I went. Was able to get out of the way, but left some blue on the asphalt and scrapes on the blinkers.
Nope My baby is mint! but I did drop my FZ1 slowing down at a stop. went too hard on the front brake while riding VERY slowly and when it stopped didn't put my food down properly, wasn't ready for the weight and put it down on the road. To make things worse I was very close to home and one of myu neighbours was right behind me at the stop sign. :eek:
Who was watching you and how did that happen? That is hilarious!

Yeah hilarious :BLAA: That's actually from my surveillance camera. I was trying to park my old bike, the Ninja 500. I thought I put the kickstand down, but it must have went back up. Once it passed that angle, I couldn't fight it, too much weight.

You know what's really funny though? Same day I went to the dealer and traded it in for my current bike, 2009 FZ6. Even though there was nothing wrong with the bike (I had extended frame sliders), I just didn't feel comfortable riding the bike that was dropped. What's even more funny, as some of you know, an SUV hit my FZ6 just over a month ago. I actually have a video of that crash captured on my helmet cam. If I get enough requests I may post that up. Again minimal damage thanks to extended frame sliders. Comfortable or not, I can't afford to trade in for a new bike.
I have been riding for almost 15 years with a couple of years brake somewhere in between, I had about 7 accidents of which 2 involved cars, 2 pedestrians (hit one of them) 1 wheelie failure, 1 oil spil and 1 black ice, never dropped it on while on a standstill or low speeds.

The FZ6 never has touched the ground.

I purchased a new 2007 Suzuki GS500 a few years back. As soon as I got home I let my girl friend take it for a spin. She tipped it over on the driveway 20 minutes after buying it. There was only a small crack in the fairing - the bike belongs to her now.
I voted yes even though it wasn't pavement. I parked on a street with an extreme crown and it wanted to fall over so as it fell, I held the left grip (I was already off the bike) and gently set it in the grass. No damage, not even a scuff.
Dropped mine 3 weeks after i got it. I tried to over take 1 too many cars the front one turned right in front of me replaced a heap of parts they include.
right side peg
rotor stator and cover
timing chain cover
back plastic cover
get frame painted
But did learn from this i dont ride like i am the only one on the road anymore and the bike is now insured!!!
yup - zero miles an hour moving it around in the driveway while standing beside it and it got away from me on the right so no kickstand to save me. lesson learned - drive it around best, sit on it second best, push while standing opposite the kickstand third and what I did last on the list. Luckily got away with a few minor scratches on underside edge of the side pod, the bar end and frame slider.
mine landed on grass so I cant really vote yes, I was bringing it around the house to park it on the back porch, aparently 3MPH isnt fas enough to climb an ant pile while your going up hill, engine died and it tried to catch it with my short legs but stepped in a hole... I hate being so short, lol.
I have to say that If i was a tad bit taller I could handle the FZ better when at a stand still or stoping. at times you make mistakes when stoping bieng short does not help. I have come across areas were the pavement dips down at light stops and such, my feet rest completly on the ground and you feel really confident on the bikes balance.
Yes, I feel stupid for doing it but I pulled the bike out of the shed in the backyard and was pushing around front. As I pushed it through the snow, I slipped and down went the bike. Bike is ok. I guess even though snow is slick, it also pads the fall. But new mental note, no matter how much I wanna pull it out, if there is snow on the grass, wait...