Has your bike ever hit the ground?

Has your bike ever touched pavement?

  • No, my bike has never been dropped, or layed down. It's still a minter.

    Votes: 393 36.6%
  • Yes, the side of my bike has touched pavement.

    Votes: 681 63.4%

  • Total voters
dropped mine today pulling out of the garage, heard some cats going at it behind me so i turned real quick and down we went

the frame slider took the damage, the bike was comepletely fine! my ankle on the other hand(foot).... it hurts to walk
I dropped mine for the first time 2 weeks ago. I had just returned from shopping with the missus. started the bike up, we both got on, and pulled away. Trouble is I forgot the disc lock was on the bike (only had the lock for 3 days)
The front locked up, and the rest is history. Bike ended up on top of me.
I spent nearly 2 weeks in hospital, with a broken Femur, and hip.
I feel very stupid, but glad I took the weight of the bike, and the missus didnt get hurt. I will never be using a disc lock again.
So now I have to guess what damage has been done to the bike, as I struggle to get to the bathroom, so cant even get out to look at the bike.:(

Sounds like a nasty fall, what with the weight of the bike, you and the misses :(

Hope you have a speedy recovery . . . :D

"disc locks" :rolleyes: I guess that could be a whole thread on it's own . . . .
Mine has hit the dirt about 3 times, first i was sitting on it and forgot about the dip on my right side and the grass was wet, but it was a slow decent.

Pulling out of the shed and slipped on wet grass and again on the right side, had to di out compacted dirt in the frame slider.

Worse one was makin a right hand on my way to work (worked for Yamaha go figure) put puttin around rear the curb around 2 mph and didnt pay attention to how close i was to the curb because of traffic and hit the curb and slid about a foot or 2. Scuffed up the outer edge of the brake rotor, tore the first layer of radiator hose, scratched the engine case, center stand, and the header pipe. But I still made it to my track day the next day and passed tech inspection even with a rigged radiator hose. :thumbup:
Thanks for the kind words. Its been a week or so, since I got out of the hospital, and at least I can get out of the bedroom now. Still hurts like mad, but I guess thats to be expected. I managed to get out and have a look at the bike yesterday. Looks like the only damage is the clutch lever has bent in on itself, and has hit the tank. So the tank has a small, but nasty looking crease in it. Not too sure where and how much that will cost to get sorted.
While im getting the sympathy from the missus, I have ordered quite a few things for the bike, including Titex levers, a Puig screen, adjustable rearsets, and other cosmetic bits. Have to make the most out of the situation :D
Right - had my third :eek: yes, third the other day. Everyone's probably seen the thread for that already so I won't repeat the whole story. Suffice it to say "front flat" and that should about sum it up.

Time before that some wanker knocked my bike over at work. No ideal how long it had been on its side with the alarm going off, but the battery wasn't dead by the time I made it out so it couldn't have been too long. I was PISSED off as you can imagine.

First time was in the middle of the roundabout in Trafalgar Square - one of the largest tourist places in London. A taxi driver ran a red light and we came about 1cm (1/2 an inch) from hitting each other. Unfortunately, I'd never done a stoppie before and managed to ditch the bike when I came down. No serious damage (to the bike anyway, can't say the same for the taxi windshield ;))
just had my first FZ drop tonight. I pulled into my driveway, which is a hill with my shed at the bottom, thought I angled the bike right put it in neutral and down on the kickstand. Got off the bike to open the shed doors and as I turn around I watch it slink forward off the stand and go down on the left side. I only have bar ends no frame sliders yet so small scuffs on front fairing corner and below the grab rail, the clutch lever is curl inward (any suggestions for a new one) and the engine is scratched up on the bottom about the size of a nickel. grrrr I can't believe I did that :banghead:
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Well I knew it, not a couple of weeks after I voted my bike never being down, it happened tonight. Was leaving a meeting and while showing my bike to another enthusiast, one of the guys leaving the parking lot hit the gas instead of the brakes while backing up towards my bike. His bumper hit my rear tire knocking it forward off the center stand. Unfortunately it stated falling away from me and although I made a valiant effort to catch it, smashing my shin in the process, down it went. Thank goodness I had installed T-Rex sliders the week I got it and they saved the day. :cheer: Only damage is one slider, a scuffed bar end, a couple of scratches on the right side mirror and the egg size knot on my shin bone.
So..how do I change my vote? :(
That's one of the benefits of riding a Ninja 250 before getting my FZ. I got my education using that bike.
Well I knew it, not a couple of weeks after I voted my bike never being down, it happened tonight. Was leaving a meeting and while showing my bike to another enthusiast, one of the guys leaving the parking lot hit the gas instead of the brakes while backing up towards my bike. His bumper hit my rear tire knocking it forward off the center stand. Unfortunately it stated falling away from me and although I made a valiant effort to catch it, smashing my shin in the process, down it went. Thank goodness I had installed T-Rex sliders the week I got it and they saved the day. :cheer: Only damage is one slider, a scuffed bar end, a couple of scratches on the right side mirror and the egg size knot on my shin bone.
So..how do I change my vote? :(

Wonder how many members I have jinxed!
Dropped mine today, caught the center stand and the sidestand at the same time and got my foot caught up, by that point i was falling over and even though it felt like forever i didn't have enough time to get my foot down. Scratched signal light, frame slider, some on side of engine case,a couple little ones on the top case, bar end, and one small one on the fairing. There is a first time for everything i guess. I am fine though so thats all that matters.
I saw this earlier and didn't vote or read it. When I was leaving my parents house tonight, I went to turn around in their driveway which is kind of steep. Stupidly, I went to put my right foot down which was the downhill side. I'm short as it is, so the weight of the bike plus the extra few inches caused me to drop it. It hurt my ego more than the bike.

I marked up the mirror and broke the bracket inside the fairing that holds the turn signal on. Gotta fix that tomorrow.
As opened the door when leaving for work last week, chills went down my spine as I discovered my bike on its side. It had hit a 20 cm high stone ledge with the front parts so the metal rod holding the whole front fairings and instruments was bent. Now my bike looks like a curious dog with its head slightly to the side. The plastic fairings also shattered. Some drunk dimwit had obviously gotten on it and fiddled about until he tipped it over during the night. I could tell be cause he (most likely a he) had shifted up a couple of times and pushed some buttons as well.

Part prizes are soaring here (Norway), so I'd appreciate if someone would point me in the direction of cheap parts. I got hold of a service manual, but it says nothing about the front parts. An exploded view of the front would help me out a lot. I don't even know what all of the part are called in English so searching eBay has left me no relevant results... Some assistance is very welcome!
I've found bikebandit to be one of the easier sites to look at exploded diagrams on. I like the layout on that site the most, though you can find sites that have the same parts for cheaper. That might point you in the right direction.
During my hiatus from frequenting the boards (you all encourage me to spend money! plus the weather blew and didn't ride much) I tipped my FZ over in my new outbuilding. I was tired and went to put her on the center after dismounting...lost my balance and she started to go away from me. I could tell right away I couldn't hold her, so I did my best to ease the impact and ended up on top. My frameslider and bar end did their jobs. Everything was fine except for my Givi bag. Once the rear wheel left the floor it caused the bag to slide across the floor. The nailheads that weren't flush caused 2 deep-ish scratches on the side.

I do my best to always lean her towards me now and make sure the stand is already touching the floor before I start to right her.
Yes, I rounded a left hander too fast on my VFR800 and slid into a soybean field. Mucho embarrassing when a truck behind me stopped to help. Severely dinged up my plastic and cost me many diniros to replace it :shakehead:
Unfortunately twice. 1st time I had been riding for about 2 months last summer and I was pulling into a parking space with a downhill grade. Before I new it the bike was tilting over and I couldn't get off the seat quick enough. Luckily nothing happened to it, but a few scrapes on the bar ends.

2nd time was about a 2 months ago. I was pullling up behind my buddy at a stop light turning right. We slowed up, I thought he was going on, he didn't, grabbed the front brake hard to keep from hitting him, hit gravel, and dropped it. I yeah, I forgot I slammed my junk into the tank, so brain activity came to hault! Broke the right turn signal, cracked the fairing only slightly if you know where to look, and scratched the engine casing up pretty good. But nothing major fortunately. It sucked too because it was on my birthday and we had been riding hard all day on the Dragon and Cherahola Skyway in East TN. But I'll drop a bike doing 2mph vs. 80mph any day!
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